Chapter 6

Ma Xudong rushed to the meeting room of the party committee, and there were four or five people sitting in it. Except for the warden Li Changxiong, the other prison leaders were all present with him, their faces very heavy.

The secretary of the Prison Discipline Inspection Commission said: "Director Gu, this is Ma Xudong." Then he said to Ma Xudong, "This is Director Gu of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Gu Hongcheng said: "Sit down, we will ask you to verify one thing."

A staff member of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection handed him a copy. He picked it up and saw that it was a list of prison coordination and local relations. It stated the name of the person who needed the gift, the amount and who was responsible for the gift. The last two items were 50 each. Yuan, with his name written on it impressively, was given to the local village party secretary and village director.In Ma Xudong’s memory, this happened at the old base before the prison was relocated. It’s been four or five years now. What’s the big deal? Isn’t it just a matter of 100 or [-]? Woolen cloth?He looked at the secretary of the Prison Disciplinary Committee and other leaders in astonishment. Perhaps because the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee also participated in the gift money, his complexion was even worse.

"Is it true that you gave 50 yuan each to the village secretary and village director?" Gu Hongcheng asked.

He nodded and said, "There is such a thing."

"Can you recall the situation at that time?" Gu Hongcheng asked again.

"At that that time...oh, I remember, at that time the leaders felt that 50 yuan was too much to give, and they were unwilling to give it away. I just asked the warden for instructions and asked the village chief to help find some temporary workers. The warden Let me take it with me. Leader, what a big deal, isn’t it only 50 yuan? This matter is going to be spread, isn’t it a joke?” Ma Xudong said.

Gu Hongcheng said seriously: "Is the party discipline and state law a joke? When I got this report material, I didn't think it was ridiculous, but my heart was heavy. On the contrary, 50 yuan is also charged. Doesn't it explain something?"

Ma Xudong smacked his nose, and smiled teasingly, noticing that everyone had solemn expressions on their faces, he quickly suppressed their smiles, and sat there solemnly.

"Notify everyone on the list to come to Qingshui Prison immediately!" Gu Hongcheng said.

The staff responded and picked up their mobile phone to call the Secretary of the Qingjiang County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Li Changxiong hurried back from the bureau. As soon as he entered the gate of the prison, the director of the office was waiting there, and said hurriedly: "Jian Li, someone reported to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection that our prison gave some local leaders New Year's greetings five years ago. Director, they are waiting for you in the meeting room."

"Five years ago? New Year's greetings?" Li Changxiong asked as he walked, a little puzzled, he couldn't remember clearly.

"It's just a New Year's greeting for the deputy county magistrate in charge of coal and the director of the coal management bureau..." the office director followed up to explain.

Li Changxiong still can't remember, which unit didn't have such a thing?Why did they come to investigate us specifically?He quickly ran to the party committee meeting room on the second floor, and was about to open the door to enter when he heard a person throwing a temper tantrum: "You are all cadres trained by the party for many years, you are policemen, law enforcers, and you actually set up a party committee to study how to send Gift money is simply a big joke in the world. This is indeed a joke. The point of this joke is not the lack of money, but the stupid thing done by the first-level party committee! If this gets out, what will happen to our people? I am studying how to bribe, is our country and our society really corrupt to this extent?"

Li Changxiong's scalp was numb. With that said, he, the secretary of the party committee, can still get away with it?Standing at the door at a loss, whether to go in or not, he really didn't have the courage to push the door open.

"Where's your warden? Why haven't you come back yet? Call to remind me." It was the same voice just now.

Li Changxiong knew he had to go in, so he opened the door and went in.

Everyone in Qingshui Prison was silent and expressionless.

The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission stood up and introduced: "Jian Li, this is Director Gu of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Li Changxiong went over and reached out to shake his hand, but Gu Hongcheng glanced at him and pointed to the empty seat.He had no choice but to back away, make a detour and sit down.As soon as he sat down, a comrade from the Disciplinary Committee gave him a copy. He looked at other people in the prison, and everyone in the prison had a copy in front of them, so he picked it up to read.

At this time, the staff member of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection who called just now said to Gu Hongcheng: "The secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection called and said that Wu Youming, the deputy county magistrate who was in charge of coal, is now the secretary of the county Party Committee of the county, and said that he would go to the Provincial Development and Reform Commission to handle important matters. For the matter, please ask if you can send the county magistrate over here."

Gu Hongcheng got angry and asked: "What do you think? He is the person involved, why did you send the county magistrate here? Tell him to come here immediately, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Li Changxiong thought, the person who heard losing his temper outside the door just now must be Director Gu.

Gu Hongcheng went on to say: "You don't need to ask me to know. When most of you got this material, did you talk to this..." He pointed to Ma Xudong.

Li Changxiong hurriedly said, "His name is Ma Xudong, the head of the first prison district."

"Comrade Ma Xudong thinks the same? What a big deal, isn't it just a matter of tens of dollars? Then I ask, is it really just a matter of tens of dollars or hundreds of dollars? That's because you stand in the social atmosphere This is the original standpoint to view this issue. Comrades in the prison, comrades in the leadership of the prison, have you ever thought about it? It is very dangerous to regard your violation of discipline as nothing more than normal! You are law enforcement Or, even you think so, let me ask you, how can you reform criminals? If today’s incidents have not given you a warning, then I will say bluntly, this person has a problem with the world outlook and outlook on life, and he is not worthy of it. leading cadres."

Li Changxiong said sincerely: "Director Gu's words are like a slap in the face. This incident is enough to show that many of us regard violating discipline and law as a habitual work. We have also developed a habitual thinking invisibly. It is a matter of world outlook, I will review it, and please rest assured Director Gu, our team will hold a democratic life meeting to carry out in-depth criticism and self-criticism."

Gu Hongcheng nodded: "Director Li, do you know where this material came from?"

"This one……"

"It was copied from your financial certificate!" Gu Hongcheng said.

Li Changxiong waited for you to look at me, and I looked at you, with a look of bewilderment and surprise.

"Let me tell you the truth. When this matter was brought to the table, the members of your team at the time couldn't get away with it. It might be very serious to deal with it. However, your new Director Wen pleaded with Secretary Bingsong, saying that the prison It has its specific situation, and it is different from the place. The longer the prison, the more complex and complex the problems left over from history. Therefore, Secretary Bingsong instructed to discuss the matter as it stands, not to expand, and to sound the alarm for you. It is enough to achieve the effect. Now, as for how to deal with it, it’s up to your Disciplinary Committee to come up with opinions.” Gu Hongcheng finally asked, “What’s your opinion?”

Everyone knew that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection let them go. They all said in one go, thank Secretary Bingsong, thank Director Gu, we must strengthen our study, strengthen our party spirit, and never make such low-level mistakes again.Others said that the Bureau of Cultural Affairs deserves to be a leader who once served as the secretary of the county party committee. He sees the problem to the point and understands the prison situation. It seems that there is hope for the prison system in our province.and so on.

Gu Hongcheng smiled and said, "I want to visit a criminal detained here. I wonder if it is legally allowed? What legal procedures do I need to go through?"

Li Changxiong hurriedly said: "If you visit a prisoner, it is a support for our work. Why can't you? What's more, the leaders of the higher authorities come to inspect the prison and talk to a criminal. What's wrong? I don't know which criminal Director Gu wants to see. ?”

"Thank you Tianming."

Li Changxiong was startled, and other team members exchanged glances.

"What's the matter? No?"

"Yes, yes, Xie Tianming will be reformed in the prison area of ​​the head of the horse prison." Li Changxiong said quickly.

"Then, let's go and have a look now?" Gu Hongcheng stood up after finishing speaking, and then told other staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, "If they come, tell them to wait first."

Ma Xudong deliberately stepped forward, and immediately called the hospital duty room.

The policeman on duty said: "Xie Tianming had breakfast and is now asleep."

Only then did he feel relieved, in fact, he had already known in his heart that the method used by Erpi was nothing more than force-feeding, just like a child who does not take medicine, tore a piece of bread, forced it into Xie Tianming's mouth, and then poured milk .As long as there are no accidents, the goal will be achieved.In fact, this method is also a method commonly used by the police. You can't just watch those criminals abuse themselves. If something happens and effective measures are not taken, you may have to bear legal responsibility.

However, since the detention of duty prisoners, this method has been strongly resisted by them. Last year, several criminals kept writing reports to higher authorities, and prisons have no right to inspect letters written by criminals to higher authorities. As a result, the Disciplinary Committee of the Department of Justice sent someone to investigate.Although there were no consequences in the end, I was always upset when I was summoned by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Procuratorate to talk. I was originally thinking of these criminals, but in the end I was criticized, which was thankless.Especially when dealing with criminals like Xie Tianming, he had to be more cautious.Of course, if I don't intervene and let other criminals do this, even if the higher authorities investigate, it will be easier to excuse me.

A group of people accompanied Gu Hongcheng to the hospital. The policeman on duty said that Xie Tianming had just had breakfast and fell asleep. I went to wake him up.

Gu Hongcheng waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let him rest."

Through the iron gate, he looked at Xie Tianming's face. In his memory, Xie Tianming didn't look old at all. In his 40s, he looked like he was in his thirties. Shrewd and capable, is this person in front of him?Thin, wrinkled skin was carved like a knife and axe, and the outline was so clear that it made people tremble, and the gray hair showed that he was already an old man in his twilight years.

"Alas..." Gu Hongcheng sighed involuntarily, shook his head, turned around and left.

Li Changxiong followed behind, saw that he was solemn and did not speak, so he said cautiously: "Director Gu, we haven't done a good job...we are taking measures..."

Gu Hongcheng stopped in his tracks: "The criminal's physical condition is worrying. Is their food provided according to the standard?"

"Absolutely! Let's be honest, our prison is a window unit, and the prison also subsidizes each prisoner with an additional 20 yuan of living expenses every month." Li Changxiong said.

"Then how did Xie Tianming become like this? Is he a human or a ghost?"

"This..." Li Changxiong couldn't answer for a while.

Ma Xudong said from behind: "Director Gu, I have an opinion."

"Oh?" Gu Hongcheng looked at him.

"After Xie Tianming came in, no matter how much he educated and guided him, even though he pleaded guilty, he did not repent. One month later, he was listed as a serious criminal, and the same happened in the third year. He was listed as a stubborn criminal by the prison and was on high alert. He He is the person I have personally taught and transformed in the past few years. I assured Chairman Mao that I put more energy into him than my child, but it didn’t work. No, last year, everything in my prison was in prison. Before that, the prison party committee canceled the rewards of our four-good team because he hadn't been transformed." Ma Xudong said aggrievedly.

"Well, I believe what you said." Gu Hongcheng patted him on the shoulder.

Ma Xudong was encouraged, and boldly said: "There is a saying that it is forgiven to ask the sky to do evil, but you cannot live if you do evil yourself. Xie Tianming is really like this. He is smelly and hard. I mobilized all the police resources in the prison area, but it was useless. I I can't help it."

"I believe you will find a way to transform him." Gu Hongcheng said gratifiedly, "Secretary Bing Song said well, arresting a person is easy, but reforming a person is more meaningful and has a greater impact on the warning of serving party members and cadres." , which is more practical for our fight against corruption.”

Gu Hongcheng visited the first prison area, then went to the labor reformation site of the criminals, and then returned to the party committee meeting room.Except for Wu Youming, secretary of the county party committee, who did not come, all other parties involved came.

Li Changxiong looked at the time and asked for instructions: "Director Gu, it's almost twelve o'clock, do you want to eat first?"

"You prepare a lunch box for those present, we will eat it after we finish our work." Gu Hongcheng said, "No waiting, let's start."

He glanced at the parties involved: "Send them a copy and let them read it for themselves."

Several people understood what was going on at a glance. They looked at each other with uncertain expressions on their faces, and they all sat hunched over with a look of fear and sincerity.

"I'll just say one word, return the money to the prison, and return it now!" Gu Hongcheng said coldly, with no expression on his face.

The village party secretary poked the village director and said in a low voice, "It's only 50 yuan, let's get it back."

The village head nodded again and again, and took out 50 yuan with the branch secretary and asked, "Leader, where do you hand it over?"

The head of the coal management bureau, the mayor, the secretary of the town party committee, and the deputy mayor of Qingjiang County bowed their heads and returned the money.

At this time, Wu Youming walked in, scanned the audience first, and then said, "Which one is the leader of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

A staff member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection said: "This is Director Gu."

Wu Youming hurried over and said respectfully, "Director Gu..."

Gu Hongcheng's face darkened: "Look for a seat, what time is it? It takes two hours to walk from your place to here? As the secretary of the county party committee, is there no one to supervise you?"

Wu Youming didn't expect that Gu Hongcheng would not leave any room for him, he was stunned for a moment, and took a deep breath. It seemed that no one had spoken to him like this for a long time. I tried my best to suppress my anger, forced a smile and said: "Director Gu, how dare I, no, I rushed over when I received your call, but the mayor called me again on the way..."

The staff also sent him a copy.

Gu Hongcheng interrupted him: "Let's gossip, and look at the document in front of you."

Wu Youming glanced at it, his face turned pale, he quickly grabbed it and looked at it carefully, after looking again and again, then his hands trembled slightly.

"You don't need to look at it, you will understand it in your heart when you look at it, the same sentence, refund the money, refund now!" Gu Hongcheng said with a sneer.

Wu Youming raised his head and said, "Director Gu, did this start?"

Gu Hongcheng's move was no less than a clear slap in the face.

Li Changxiong and others couldn't be more clear in their hearts. Asking a county party secretary to refund the three hundred yuan in public is a trivial matter, but if it is spread out, it will become a joke. Even ordinary people value face, let alone leading cadres?Maybe his political future will be ruined as a result.

"I won't tell you so much nonsense, you don't have to admit it, how about I find a hotel for you to remember vividly?" Gu Hongcheng said.

Wu Youming's face turned pale, and he stammered, "Leader, you can't be partial to... Forget it, I'll quit..."

Wu Youming took out a stack of bills, counted three, and threw it to the director of the Coal Management Bureau next to him, which meant that you handed it over for me.

The director of the Coal Management Bureau quickly picked up the money and stood up.

Gu Hongcheng smiled and said, "Secretary Wu, what about your attitude? Do you want me to report to Secretary Bingsong immediately?"

Wu Youming reprimanded the director of the Coal Management Bureau: "What are you doing standing up?!" Then he smiled awkwardly at Gu Hongcheng, "Director Gu, I didn't mean that, this stupid soldier has a lot of trouble..."

He paid the money himself and signed it.

"Okay, I don't know if you're hungry, but I'm croaking hungry anyway, Warden Li, let's have dinner." Then, Gu Hongcheng looked at the people present, and said insinuatingly, "Everyone, Qingshui Prison has prepared lunch boxes for us." , The food in the prison is not good, if you want to eat, eat with me, if you don't want to, you can leave."

Wu Youming's expression was still uncertain, and he said flatteringly: "We follow the leader closely. Where Director Gu points out, we will call there. If we are told to eat prison meals, we will eat prison meals."

Gu Hongcheng smiled: "Secretary Wu's words are over, I'm too flattering Gu, I didn't tell you to eat prison meals, man, if I try to create conditions for eating prison meals, then I can't help it, can I?"

Everyone forced a smile and stopped talking.

Before leaving, Gu Hongcheng took the initiative to stretch out his hands, tightly grasped the hands of Wu Youming and Li Changxiong, and said: "Old Wu, Lao Li, I refused to shake hands with you this morning. Now, I apologize now, please understand. As for this matter, let’s stop here. I sincerely hope that the alarm bell will work this time. To be honest, when officials do what you do, they do things for the party and the people based on their conscience. If you fall into the abyss, you will never recover, those people detained here are living examples, and you have to be a warning."

Li Changxiong and Wu Youming nodded and held his hand tightly.

After Wen Shouwei presided over the first party committee after taking office, he went to various rooms and walked around.

see meet.After a hasty lunch, I said hello to Hong Wenling. I didn't bring the driver, but I took the office director Ma Xingyu and hurried on the road.He plans to visit at least six prisons within this week. The first stop is Pingxi Prison in the remote north, and then he will go southeast to visit several prisons in the central part that are being relocated. He will return on Sunday to Qingshui Prison.Ma Xingyu felt some of his style. He neither called the prison nor told the other directors in charge, including the deputy director in charge of supervision and law enforcement, He Kaihua, who called or texted him to ask the director's whereabouts. He said no. Dare to ask, I don't know where he is going.

However, the news of the director's arrival at the grassroots level was quickly revealed. Prisons across the province took action, cleaning inside and out, washing the ground over and over again, asking the police to wear spring and autumn small suits, and increasing the punishment for late arrivals and early departures. The special police team was sent to patrol around the prison continuously, and the inspector team patrolled 24 hours a day without interruption, stopped vacations, required the prison area to strengthen the training of police reports, and required the police to strengthen the training of criminals' code of conduct, and team members should also suspend business trips Business trips, etc., are just like keeping things safe and secure during the "two sessions", being on high alert to welcome the unexpected director.

Even Li Changxiong received many calls from the warden, asking about the situation of the new director and asking about his movements.

Along the way, Ma Xingyu's cell phone kept ringing, which prevented him from driving. He said with a smile, "The bureau is tracking your whereabouts. Can I turn off the phone? It will affect my driving."

"Shut it off." Wen Shouwei said, "I'll sleep for a while, you are tired from driving, just say, I will drive."

"You can sleep peacefully, I will drive slowly." Ma Xingyu said so, thinking in his heart, how can I let the chief drive, no matter how tired I am, I have to endure.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the thick night seemed to fall suddenly, covering the mountains tightly. Ma Xingyu turned on the headlights, stared fiercely at the road ahead, and muttered, "This dark is it?" It’s getting dark? It’s scary.”

Guard Wen smiled: "Mountains are different from cities. Especially in winter, the sky gets dark quickly and the city is brightly lit, so I don't think much of it. It seems that you have never driven a mountain road, so let me do it."

It is true that Ma Xingyu did not drive across the gravel road in the mountainous area. He was already sweating from nervousness, so he had no choice but to let the chief drive.

Wen Shouwei drove on the road very skillfully, and the car was not as bumpy as before.

Ma Xingyu said sincerely: "Wenju, it seems that you used to run on mountain roads a lot."

"Yes, if you are an official, if you don't go deep into the masses, you are blind. Maybe what you see is an individual phenomenon, which cannot be used as the basis for decision-making, but it will leave you with an indelible memory, so that you can learn in future work. Think about the problem more comprehensively and deeply, so that we will make fewer mistakes in our decision-making." Wen Shouwei said.

Ma Xingyu said thoughtfully: "I hope that the leading cadres of our prison system can learn your work style, then the work of our system will be upgraded to a higher level."

"Have you never been in prison before?" Wen Shouwei asked strangely.

Ma Xingyu said with a sigh: "I have been there, but most of them go back on the same day, and there are a large group of people, at least two cars are needed. Inform the prison in advance, and the prison will prepare everything, report materials, food and drink." Yes, welcoming and seeing off, how can it be like you?"

Taking a sharp turn, the three figures swayed within the range of the headlights before disappearing into the darkness.

"It seems that two of them are prisoners!" Ma Xingyu exclaimed in surprise.

As dusk approached, Wen Ziping came outside Jindi Hotel, stood on the street not far away, looked around, searched among the flood of people, and finally saw Xie Xiaowan hurrying over the bridge.Wen Ziping waved and ran over to stop her, Xie Xiaowan was taken aback and looked at him.

Wen Ziping smiled: "Why, you don't know me?"

"You still want to drink?" Xie Xiaowan also smiled, looking him over.

Wen Ziping waved his hands repeatedly, and shook his head like a rattle, saying, "No more, no more." He took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills and handed them to her, "Here."

Xie Xiaowan took the money and said, "You still remember, I thought..."

"Think I slipped away, huh? Hey, what's your name?"

Xie Xiaowan asked back, "Then what's your name?"

"Wen Ziping."

Xie Xiaowan stared at him with wide eyes, her face was full of astonishment, surprise, and helplessness. Suddenly, her tears fell down.

Wen Ziping was taken aback, a little at a loss: "You?"

Xie Xiaowan turned her head and ran, wiping tears while running.

"What?!" Guard Wen slammed on the brakes.

"Three people, two men and one woman, those two men seem to be prisoners. Bureau Wen, I'll go down and have a look, you're in the car." Ma Xingyu said, took out his pistol and loaded the bullet.

Wen Shouwei said: "Let's go together!"

Three black shadows walked over, Ma Xingyu suddenly turned on the bright flashlight to shine on them, and shouted: "Who are they?!"

While the three of them were in a daze, Ma Xingyu had already rushed in front of them. He saw that there was a bald man wearing a gray prison uniform. "Squat down!" Ma Xingyu roared, pointing his gun at them.

A prisoner reacted and ran away.

"Bang!" Ma Xingyu fired his gun and shouted, "Stop, I'll shoot again!"

The gunshot frightened the fleeing criminals, who collapsed on the ground.

Ma Xingyu said: "Wenju, look at these two people, I will drag him here."

He ran over, grabbed the prisoner and half dragged him over.He asked Wen Shouwei to take a gun and a bright flashlight, and he took off the belts of the two criminals, tied their hands, and searched them. One criminal had more than 1300 yuan and the other had more than 1600 yuan.

The woman squatted on the ground, trembling with fright.

The prisoner who didn't run away was very calm and said: "You two heroes, the money is yours. If you think highly of this woman, it's yours too. Let us go."

"Shut up! We are from the Provincial Prison Administration Bureau. Tell me, who are you?" Ma Xingyu asked sharply.

The prisoner who spoke just now was squatting on the ground, but he stood up when he heard it.

"Squat down!" Ma Xingyu kicked him.

The criminal had no choice but to squat down again, and said happily, "Is it from the Prison Administration Bureau? Okay, okay, it's all right, it's all right..."

Wen Shouwei thumped in his heart: "Could it be wrong? That would be troublesome."

Ma Xingyu scolded: "You dead dog, what do you mean?"

"Report to the police officer. We are criminals in Pingxi Prison. I am a sleep-out prisoner. He is a foreign laborer. I thought he was robbed just now." Squat down and speak out loud.

It was only then that Wen Shouwei discovered that the sleep-out prisoner had a bald head, and the foreign labor prisoner had a crew cut and was not wearing a prison uniform.

"Who is this woman?" Ma Xingyu continued to ask.

"He brought it back from outside, it's a young lady." The bald head glanced at the flat head.

Ma Xingyu shouted: "Nonsense, the prison allows you to bring the lady in?!"

The bald head said: "Of course the prison is not allowed, but I am a live-out prisoner and live outside, so I can sleep there."

"Where did the money come from?" Wen Shouwei asked.

"Report to the police officer, my family brought more than 600 yuan, and his money is the foreign labor money that the cadres asked him to collect." The bald head said.

"Benju, what should we do?" Ma Xingyu tentatively asked, as a subordinate, he knew how to measure.

Wen Shouwei said: "I will drive, and you will guard them."

In less than 10 minutes, they came to the gate of the prison.

Ma Xingyu said to the old policeman guarding the gate: "We have caught two prisoners."

The old policeman immediately came out to have a look.

The bald man shouted, "Officer Wang, it's me."

The old policeman scolded: "You bastard, wandering outside again?" Then he untied the belts of the two criminals, "Hurry up and climb back for me."

The two criminals run towards the prison, tying their belts as they go.

Wen Shouwei and Ma Xingyu looked at each other.

The old policeman looked at them and complained, "How do you face each other? Are you from the Public Security Bureau? Oh, why arrest them? They can't run away."

Just as Ma Xingyu was about to have a fit, Guard Wen quickly waved his hand and said to the old policeman, "Brother, why is it still so cold here? Get some water to drink and warm yourself up."

"Come on, come on." The old policeman took them to the duty room and poured them a glass of boiling water.

Wen Shou sat down and asked: "Brother, those two criminals just now really can't run?"

"No, these two children have been released for more than a year, and nothing happened. Think about it, it's better to be outside than inside. In addition, the remaining sentence is very short, and they can go home in a year or so at most. What are you running for?"

"Then you're not afraid that they will go out and cause trouble?"

At this time, the lady in the car came over and asked cautiously, "Can I go?"

"Let's go." The old policeman said, "Girl, go west and turn a corner, there is a guest house."

The lady said thank you and disappeared into the night.

Ma Xingyu didn't say anything when he saw that Guard Wen didn't stop him.

"Create trouble? How can you not be afraid, after all, you are still a criminal, but you can't do anything about it." The old policeman continued, "You police don't understand prisons, and you think that there are unpaid labor in prisons to make money. How do you know the hardships of our prisons. Salary, salary Not all, no bonus, how much salary do you get?" The old policeman asked Wen Shouwei while talking.

"I'm a little over 1500." Wen Shouwei said.

"I have 32 years of service and only 1400 yuan, and I only got 80% of it in the past three months."

"Oh? Can't prisons make money?"

"Yeah, the prison can make money, the key is you can earn it. We produce graphite and rare earths here, and we have long lost money and dare not produce them. The top only allocates 70%, what should we do? The prison has to let the prisoners out to do something It is said that it is not enough for foreign workers to earn some money. I am not sure if it is enough, but the leaders say it is not enough.” said the old policeman.

Guard Wen fell silent.

Ma Xingyu said: "We searched the bodies of two criminals. One had 1312 yuan and the other had 1623 yuan. To whom?"

"Ah?" The old policeman was a little surprised, thought for a while and said, "The warden is on duty today, so I'll call him."

After a while, the warden Xu Changli came. Seeing Ma Xingyu and then guard Wen, he opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

Gu Hongcheng returned to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported the situation to Deputy Secretary Wang Bingsong, and then returned to the office, thinking that he should inform Wen Shouwei about the situation, but he couldn't get through the phone.It's approaching the end of get off work time, but still can't get through.He felt something was wrong, so he called Hong Wenling, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Prison Administration Bureau.Hong Wenling said that he went to a grass-roots prison for investigation, but he did not say which prison he went to.At [-] o'clock in the evening, the mobile phone still couldn't be connected. He knew that the style of this college classmate must have gone to the most remote and difficult prison. Those places are usually high mountains and dangerous roads. Yes, the land is not working.

Thinking of this, he became worried, and called Hong Wenling again to express his worries.Hong Wenling also felt that things were not good, so he hurriedly summoned several deputies and the deputy director of the office to the office to discuss.

The new director has just been in office for less than a day, and lost contact for eight hours on the way to the grassroots prison. Everyone thinks it is a problem, not afraid of [-], just in case, I suggest that all the prisons in the province be called Call to find the whereabouts of Wen Shouwei.

However, I called all the prisons and said that the director did not come.Now Hong Wenling was in a hurry, everyone was in a hurry, there really was a car accident or something, how to explain to the hall?How to explain to the provincial party committee?We all recommend reporting to the director.

So Hong Wenling called the director.

The head of the department felt that the situation was serious, and immediately reported it to the leader of the provincial party committee in charge, so the secretary of the provincial party committee knew about it, and the provincial government also knew about it.

At this time, Hong Wenling received a report from Xu Changli, the warden of Pingxi Prison, that Wen Shou had just arrived at their prison.Hong Wenling immediately reported to the hall that he knew about the prison. Up to now, there was only one outside telephone, and the old-fashioned hand-cranked telephone was used inside the prison. The mobile phone was just a decoration there. Locals, they may be given to children as cheap toys to play with.Then he dialed the phone to talk to Wen Shouwei. After a while, Wen Shouwei came.

Hong Wenling complained: "Secretary, where are you going in the future, you can tell me, right?"

Wen Shouwei said apologetically, "Lao Hong, I was wrong and made you worry."

"Don't say anything, I just have a request, where are you going, tell me before you go, and call me when you arrive, isn't my request too much?" Hong Wenling said.

"Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement." Wen Shouwei smiled, feeling warm in his heart.

Hong Wenling became angry: "Secretary, squad leader, your words are full of emotions. It's hard to find someone. Next time, I'll let you find me again!"

Wen Shouwei hurriedly said: "Lao Hong, I'm just joking, don't take it to heart, ah! I will definitely pay attention in the future."

After a while, the director called again, and then He Kaihua and others also called.

Wen Shouwei looked at everyone and shook his head. When he was helpless, the phone rang again.He then said to Xu Changli: "Just pick it up and say I'm resting."

Xu Changli picked up the microphone and repeated his words, then held the microphone tightly with his right hand, and said, "The other party said his name is Gu Hongcheng, so tell me to call you."

Wen Shouwei smiled: "This call has to be answered."

Gu Hongcheng said: "You kid is famous again, congratulations, or should I worry about you?"

"How to say?" Wen Shouwei asked puzzled.

"Hong Wenling reported to the director, and the director reported to the leader in charge of the provincial party committee. I guess the secretary of the provincial party committee knew about it. According to insiders, when I received your accurate information, the general office of the provincial party committee had drafted The large-scale search of Wen Shouwei's action orders will be sent to various cities and states soon." Gu Hongcheng said.

Wen Shouwei said: "Dude, don't be kidding."

"Have I joked with you about work for a long time?"

"This... this is troublesome..." Wen Shouwei said worriedly.

"It's not too much of a hassle, it's nothing more than a thank you when I meet these leaders in the future, okay, let's get down to business, according to your request, I gathered all the members of their team in Qingshui Prison, and witnessed the whole process of the parties returning the key money , There is also a county party secretary, what should be said, and what should be reminded, I think they should have been warned and educated." Gu Hongcheng said.

"How to deal with them? Does Secretary Bingsong have any instructions?"

"When I reported to Secretary Bingsong, I suggested that since the amount was really not large, it was just that the party committee held a meeting to study the seriousness of the problem. However, if the prison has a specific situation in the prison, it is up to your bureau's discipline inspection committee to propose handling opinions. After the bureau's party committee studies it, it can be reported. Secretary Bingsong agreed to my suggestion." Gu Hongcheng said.

Wen Shouwei said gratefully: "Old Gu, thank you."

"It's also my job, let me say a few more words, that Xie Tianming... yes, that's him. I think I'm still in the fourth supervision room. I sponsored his case. Since I went to Qingshui Prison, let's take a look at it." Look at him. Alas, man, this man is out of shape now. We are classmates, and he is your classmate. It seems that I have some relationship with me. Within the scope of the law, please take care of him. There really is one Three ups and two downs, his family is probably really doomed." Gu Hongcheng said sadly.

Wen Ziping stood there like a wooden figure, watching her disappear at the entrance of Jindi Hotel.He searched quickly in his mind. To be honest, since seeing her last night until now, he really hasn't looked at her seriously, and what is left in his mind is the imprint of that moment just now.This imprint seems to be very clear, but when I think about it carefully, it is so vague and so far away.

The slightly cold rain came pattering down, and Wen Ziping huddled under the eaves of Jindi Hotel with his hands folded, staring at the gate closely.

From time to time, there were people who looked like young ladies coming in and out of the gate, and he ran over to look at it from time to time, and then returned to the original place in a daze.

No one ordered Xie Xiaowan tonight. She also wanted to learn those sisters' enchanting and coquettish body language and ambiguous voice, but she couldn't do it anyway.She simply found a secluded and dark corner and sat down, staring out the window in a daze.She never expected to meet brother Ziping here, in this kind of place.

Due to the special relationship between Xie's family and Wen's family, she and Wen Ziping became childhood playmates of course, and they were almost inseparable from kindergarten to elementary school.Deep in her memory, Wen Ziping is not only her brother, but also the only hero in her heart.When Wen Ziping was in the third grade of elementary school, the teacher left Wen Ziping behind because she didn't finish her homework. She waited for a while and saw that Wen Ziping hadn't come out yet, so she went home by herself.I met three senior classmates in a small alley, they stopped her and asked her to hand over her pocket money.She cried out in fright.A boy took out a fruit knife and shook her face, forbidding her to cry, and if she cried again, she would bleed her.The three boys searched her schoolbag and body and found five yuan.The boy shook the fruit knife and told her to pay one yuan a day for protection, otherwise he would scratch her face.She squatted on the ground in fright, looking at the fruit knife in horror.At this moment, Wen Ziping rushed over with his schoolbag held high, and beat the three boys indiscriminately.The three boys panicked for a while, and after realizing that Wen Ziping was about the same age as Xie Xiaowan, they surrounded Wen Ziping.The boy with the knife slashed Wen Ziping's arm, and blood flowed out all at once.Without fear, Wen Ziping picked up a brick from the ground and rushed towards the boy holding the fruit knife.The boy ran away in fright, and the other two also ran away.

Wen Ziping raised the brick in his hand, and yelled at their backs: "If you dare to bully Xiaowan again, I will smash your heads!"

Thinking of this, Xie Xiaowan's heart felt warm, warm.

At this time, someone called Xie Xiaowan, and when she heard it was the manager, she stood up and walked out.

In the early morning, Wen Ziping was still squatting under the eaves not far from the hotel, shivering.The guests left wave after wave, but Xie Xiaowan still did not come out.Wen Ziping stood up and wandered, walked to the door of the hotel, looked inside, the bar manager was reprimanding Xie Xiaowan.

The night is as cool as water, and the mountain breeze blows through the curtains. Although it is very light and soft, it is as cold as winter.Wen Shouwei wrapped himself in a quilt involuntarily, still feeling like his feet were in the ice cellar.The quilt was brand new. Even though the guesthouse attendant had turned on the electric blanket for more than an hour, it was still a little damp, so he had to turn on the electric blanket switch again.

There was a rustling sound from outside, which turned into a swishing sound after a while. The wind vigorously lifted the curtains, and there was a non-stop sound. Then, there was a whining sound in the distance, and then, the strong wind It suddenly poured into the room, the curtains rattled, and Wen Shouwei clearly felt the fine and dense raindrops on his face.He quickly got up and turned on the light, ran to close the window, jumped back to the bed, got into the bed, shivering...

It was a while before he felt better and closed his eyes.I was still drowsy just now, but I couldn't fall asleep after being tormented like this. From time to time, the scene of the conversation with the old policeman who guarded the gate appeared in my mind, and then, Xie Tianming's haggard appearance flashed in my mind again...

In 2002, that is, the second year after Xie Tianming's accident, the organization transferred him back to Xiaogu County to serve as the secretary of the county party committee.Soon, the procuratorate accused Xie Tianming of accepting more than 360 million yuan in bribes, embezzling more than 150 million yuan in public funds, and embezzling more than 510 million yuan in public funds. The court sentenced him to 15 years in prison and confiscated all his property.

Xiaogu County is an agricultural county. In addition, there are many mountains and less cultivated land. The annual fiscal revenue is less than 1000 million, so it has always been a national-level poverty-stricken county.In such a poor county, Xie Tianming's funds involved in the case exceeded the county's fiscal revenue for a year, making him the veritable No. 80 greedy person in Xiaogu County's history.The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection found during the investigation that Xie Tianming's sales of officials can be said to have reached the extreme. He adjusted more than 19 positions around the Spring Festival of the year when the accident occurred. As many as 11 people were involved in the case of buying officials with loans. The maximum loan was 92 yuan, and the total amount of loans for buying officials was as large as [-] yuan.

After the incident, the whole province was shaken, the Provincial Party Committee was furious, and the people of Xiaogu County applauded.After Wen Shouwei took office, someone told him that the people in the county set off firecrackers to celebrate this. The sound of firecrackers went off intermittently for three days, just like Chinese New Year.

However, even in this political climate, some people still sympathized with Xie Tianming, saying that he still did some things for Xiaogu County during his tenure, but it was just bad luck. The car of the Provincial Party Secretary at that time was blocked, and the Provincial Party Secretary lost his temper, and the boat capsized.If the secretary of the provincial party committee didn't come to Xiaogu County, or came to Xiaogu County two months later, nothing would happen to Xie Tianming, and maybe he would be promoted in the future.

He also said that the current secretary of the county party committee, which one is not the emperor?Can you be the secretary of the county party committee without investing two or three million yuan?Now that you have invested money, will you not get it back when you are in office?Officials in China are different from those in foreign countries. Officials in foreign countries are all capitalists and rich people. They don’t care about your little money, but how many Chinese officials are originally wealthy?Most of them are not in the civilian class, so they buy officials first and then make money, a vicious circle.

Others said that Xie Tianming was completely a victim of political struggle.Why are the officials so afraid of the Commission for Discipline Inspection?It's not that corruption has become the norm in society. If you haven't violated the law or discipline, what are you afraid of?If you are an official, it would be strange not to be corrupt.Everyone wants to be an official, and they all want to be a high-ranking official, so they fight each other and kill you. If I like it, I will find some friends to report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, anonymously or with real names.Isn't Secretary Wen Shouwei Xie Tianming's political enemy now?There are a lot of tricks here.


These discussions, some even groundless rumors, although scattered and individual, have been popular for several months, and of course they have also reached the ears of Wen Shouwei. Many officials in Gu County were promoted by Xie Tianming, and they cannot be blocked. The only way is to do it yourself, adhere to the party spirit, adhere to principles, be honest and honest, serve as an official, benefit one party, do not engage in political performance projects, and truly serve the people In doing things, all work is carried out around people's livelihood. At a certain time, rumors will be self-defeating and negative comments will disappear.Sure enough, after half a year, those negative comments disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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