female geomancer

Chapter 214 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 214 Female Feng Shui Master (236)

Gao Wei's face darkened, and he said angrily, "What's your name?"

Xiaoya couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then she realized with a smile, "Ren Gang, let's go back..."

Gao Wei's face was filled with joy again, and he said: "How can this work, we haven't played in the water yet, Ya'er is obedient, the sun is shining today, so naturally we have to play around, come, don't be afraid, I'm here Woolen cloth……"

After all, he took Xiaoya in his arms and was about to step onto the boat by the lake.Xiaoya naturally didn't want to. She was famously afraid of water. Every time she went to play, she always tried to avoid water. It wasn't because the old man told her to avoid water, but because she was afraid of water by nature. She couldn't see rivers and lakes, even Even a small stream could arouse her fear.In the past, when climbing mountains and wading in search of dragons, I never dared to get too close to the current.

But now she was sitting on the boat, floating on the water.In the past, it was justifiable to be forced to take a big boat, but the small boat in front of me can only accommodate two or three people, and it is unstable on the water, so it must shake a lot.Thinking of this, Xiaoya expressed her strong opposition, and she refused to board the boat even if she died.

This move hit Gao Wei's heart, he insisted on dragging Xiaoya into the boat, and once Xiaoya boarded the boat, she clasped her hands on him, not daring to leave for a moment.Gao Wei picked up the oars and sailed towards the palace in the middle of the lake.When they got to the front of the palace, Xiaoya's face was paler than blood, and Gao Wei walked up the steps with her arms in his arms.

The palace in the middle of the lake was not built with stones, but with wooden piles erected in the water to form a huge platform, on which the palace rooms were built with wood.After Xiaoya walked up the steps, she felt dizzy and suddenly supported the huge pillar, gasping for breath.

Being in the middle of the lake, it seemed that the surroundings were shaking. This was the first time Xiaoya tried this feeling.The cold wind blowing from the lake blows on her body, her long hair is brushed back, she is pale and can't tell the difference between south, east and north, especially after the Qimen dial is taken away by Gao Wei, Xiaoya's performance is not as good as Once upon a time.

(End of this chapter)

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