female geomancer

Chapter 221 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 221 Female Feng Shui Master (244)

Break apart the black object and examine it carefully. It is just a piece of black iron. From the appearance point of view, it does resemble Xiaoya's dial.Depressed, Xiaoya threw the magnet into the bottom of the lake again to salvage, but nothing was salvaged again.About half an hour later, Xiaoya threw the magnet on the boat in frustration, picked up the black iron piece, and said dissatisfiedly: "No way, after fishing for a long time, this iron piece..."

Han Changluan was sweating coldly, feeling uneasy.A few days ago, the object that the emperor threw from his hand was exactly this object. He thought it was the dial of Empress Yafei, but unexpectedly it was an ordinary object.However, what is more worrying is not that the dial was not found, but that the emperor deliberately let Han Changluan stay by his side before throwing the object, apparently to show Han Changluan a show.Careful now, Gao Wei has long been prepared.

That being the case, the matter of coming here today must be under the control of the emperor.Han Changluan was shocked. He took the iron block in Xiaoya's hand and threw it into the lake again. With a plop, the iron block immediately sank to the bottom of the water. Han Changluan picked up the oar and rowed towards the shore. He said in surprise as he rowed : "No, it's the emperor's trap..."

Xiaoya was startled, and suddenly wanted to understand the cause and effect.In the daytime, the emperor said that the national teacher went into the water to find the object for no reason, and he wanted to test himself, but now he forgot the emperor's thoughts because he was afraid that the dial would be damaged, and easily fell into the trap set by the emperor, which is simply unforgivable.

Xiaoya immediately urged: "Hurry up, go ashore, I hope the emperor hasn't found out..."

After a while, the two had already arrived at the shore, and when they got closer, they found that there was already a person sitting on the dark shore.With sharp eyes, flying eyebrows, and a frightening black costume, he was as silent as a ghost in the dark night. He held an object in his hand and looked at it carefully. When he saw the two people on the boat, he immediately The corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a cruel smile.

When the two of them were astonished, a ghostly voice came from the dark night at the right time: "The national teacher and Yafei are in a good mood. They are swimming in the lake late at night. Are you looking for this..."

(End of this chapter)

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