female geomancer

Chapter 228 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 228 Female Feng Shui Master (252)

At the same time, the young emperor Gao Wei in the Mingguang Hall suddenly put down the memorial and walked outside the hall.Not long ago, he had just received news that Yu Wenyong had gathered [-] troops in the Northern Zhou Dynasty and marched towards Lanling, and the border under the jurisdiction of King Lanling seemed to be ready to move, and began to continuously recruit troops.Gao Wei was quite troubled, until the palace servants came to report the situation of the man, the young emperor's hanging heart finally relaxed a little.

Gao Wei asked: "How is Ya Fei?"

The little eunuch who delivered the meal replied respectfully: "My Majesty, Your Majesty will not eat any more meals from the slaves for the past two days..."

Gao Wei couldn't help feeling tense, and asked, "Why?"

The little eunuch bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty said that the cooking of the little one is unpalatable, and she also said..." The little eunuch spoke intermittently, not daring to say the rest.After Gao Wei absolved him of his innocence, the little eunuch cried out: "The empress also said that if the little one brings her vegetarian dishes, she will roast the little one..."

After the little eunuch finished speaking, Gao Wei burst out laughing.This He Xiaoya is really surprising, under such harsh conditions, she can be so optimistic.Gao Wei immediately went down the steps and walked towards the Huxin Hall. The little eunuch followed closely behind the emperor so that the emperor could give him instructions at any time.

When Gao Wei came to the lake, he saw smoke rising from the lake center hall, but it wasn't very big. The breeze was blowing, and it seemed to bring the smell of grilled fish. Gao Wei couldn't help but angrily said: "Did you send meat dishes to the empress?"

The little eunuch quickly knelt down and argued, "I don't dare, it's my mother who caught the fish herself..."

Gao Wei frowned and asked, "Who gave her the flint?"

The little eunuch replied: "It is the Master of the State Teacher, today's meal is sent by the Master of the State Teacher..."

Gao Wei asked again, "What do you use to start a fire?"
The little eunuch answered truthfully: "It's the collection of books in the Lake Heart Palace, it's His Majesty's collection..."

(End of this chapter)

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