female geomancer

Chapter 234 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 234 Female Feng Shui Master (258)

He is undoubtedly a warrior of the Xianbei tribe, but why did he appear in the palace?With his attire, if he is a qualified assassin, he should not bring anything that reveals his identity. However, this warrior assassin seemed to be in a hurry, so he accidentally fell into the lake and was eaten by fishes to death .Unless someone blames Yu Wenyong, this incident will be created, but this move is not very boring. The ministers of the court and China are all very peaceful. Creating this incident is tantamount to throwing a stone at one's own foot, causing trouble for oneself and making trouble. not happy.

In addition, there is another possibility that Yu Wenyong has already sneaked into Ye City, and his army will soon arrive in Yedu, lurking somewhere outside the city.

However, this possibility is very small. Yu Wenyong can ambush three thousand soldiers in Mang Mountain, but cannot ambush three hundred soldiers in the City of the Son of Heaven. With the national strength of the Northern Qi Dynasty, it is more than enough to strictly defend the capital.Yu Wenyong will not bring a few people to challenge the great power of Northern Qi.

The above two situations are neither possible nor possible, Xiaoya can only keep silent and see how the emperor handles it.Gao Wei naturally showed a bit of anger, and blamed the guards for not protecting him enough for allowing the assassin to break into the palace, so he ordered people to salvage the body and search his body in detail.

The assassin who was flying over the roof not long ago has now turned into a pile of rotten meat.The eyes opened ferociously, a bunch of eyeballs burst out, half of the nose was missing, and a little piranha suddenly jumped out of the big mouth that could not be closed because of howling desperately before dying, scaring the guards into a cold sweat.

Xiaoya walked over, picked up the dagger and looked at it carefully, the forged wolf head on the handle of the dagger seemed familiar, she vaguely remembered where she had seen it before.Yu Wenyong's scoundrel smiling face suddenly appeared in his mind. He was standing in front of the white horse in military uniform, and the long and short swords around his waist were very distinct, especially the short dagger that was as short as a dagger was very similar to this dagger!

(End of this chapter)

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