female geomancer

Chapter 265 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 265 Female Feng Shui Master (290)

"Sister..." When she called after 30 years, the old lady couldn't help crying again.She vaguely remembered that the day after her sister finished speaking, after her sister gave birth to Chang Gong, she was murdered by Gao Zhan.I remember that Gao Zhan once said to his sister that he would live up to her, but in the end he still killed her...

But Ren obeyed her oath, and at that moment, she began to plot a revenge plan step by step. Unfortunately, Gao Zhan died early, and her revenge plan could not be carried out. She had to put this plan on the descendants of the Gao family. , Let them taste the evil consequences left to them by their ancestors.

Therefore, she endured humiliation and raised Gao Changgong at all costs, in order to avenge her revenge one day.Now, the best time for revenge has come, and the old lady wept with joy and tears.The sound of sobbing back to the stomach was so small that it was already hard to tell whether it was joy or sorrow.

The lobby of Lanling Palace.

As soon as Gao Changgong stepped into the lobby, he saw Yu Wenyong sitting on a chair drinking by himself, General Heiying stood aside, and Gao Heng was imprisoned in front of him, trembling, seeing Uncle Wang coming in, Gao Heng shouted Get up: "Uncle Wang, save me..."

Gao Changgong had a premonition that General Black Shadow would bring back the little prince this time, so he was not surprised. He walked up to Gao Heng, knelt down and said, "Heng'er, you will stay in the palace for a few days..."

Gao Heng's eyes immediately turned red after hearing this, and he shouted, "I don't want it, let me go back..."

Gao Changgong forbeared in his heart, he smiled wryly, and said: "In a few days, Heng'er can enter the palace with Uncle Wang..."

Gao Heng was puzzled: "Really?"

Gao Changgong replied patiently: "Yes, entering Yecheng with tens of thousands of troops..."

Gao Heng broke his tears and laughed, and shouted, "Well, Uncle Wang won't break his promise..."

Gao Changgong stroked Gao Heng's head, he had already planned in his heart, he said, "Uncle Wang won't lie to you, well, Heng'er is tired, let's go down and rest first..."

After all, several servants stepped forward to take little Gao Heng down to rest.After Gao Heng left, Yu Wenyong stood up and said first, "This little prince looks very similar to Yang Jian's son Yang Guang, but it's a pity that Yang Guang died on the second day of his birth..."

(End of this chapter)

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