female geomancer

Chapter 274 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 274 Female Feng Shui Master (299)

At the same time, Xiaoya, who was imprisoned in the Nine Layers Pagoda, suddenly felt sad and dizzy, and she inexplicably called a name that even she couldn't think of.

"Han Changluan..."

In an instant, it was as sad as losing a dear friend suddenly, and even she couldn't explain why.

Xiaoya came to the stone window, stretched out her head and looked down, looking for the tall and gentle figure, seeing him standing under the tower quietly looking at her, she was a little moved, but she just took a closer look, Han Changluan's eyes no longer had the previous calmness, but a layer of violence.

Xiaoya held on to the stone pagoda with her hand. A few days ago, she had loosened the rope tied to her body. Although she couldn't slip out, she could move around freely in the pagoda. In the past few days, Xiaoya thought clearly in the pagoda. The day to leave Northern Qi is approaching, I can't stay in the tower anymore, listening to the guards patrolling under the tower, the emperor's personality has changed a lot recently, he has started to be serious about government affairs, paying attention to defense, and punishing Zhou's bandits who often harass the border of Qi. Suppressed, and the wine and sex have been restrained, there are three thousand beauties in the harem, and the king only loves Feng Xiaolian.

Thinking of this, Xiaoya felt a little comforted, but also a little sad. It was a good thing that Gao Wei could treat Feng Xiaoling seriously, but it was at the price of neglecting herself. Xiaoya is also a woman, so it is natural that this situation happened to her. Melancholy.Fortunately he is not Shi Yixuan, otherwise she would have to crawl back to him.

"Xiaoya, Chang Luan will ask you again, are you willing to go with Chang Luan..."

Xiao Ya thought for a moment, then said: "Let's go, I think too, without the dial, I can't even get out of the palace..."
Han Changluan said, "Someone knows where it is..."
Xiaoya immediately opened her eyes wide, and asked anxiously: "Who could it be, could it be..." Suddenly, a pretty face appeared in her mind, with vivid phoenix eyes and bright red lips.
"Feng Xiaoling."

(End of this chapter)

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