female geomancer

Chapter 309 Xiaoya was forced to clothe Qigang to ask God to concern Fu Huzun

Chapter 309 Xiaoya is Forced to Bu Qigang to Ask God About Fu Huzun (334)

"The laws of nature lose their fairness when they have human nature. The reason why Sombra can't learn it is because Sombra is a legend of immortality. He really doesn't understand what is short-lived... Somra doesn't stop Miss Ya from looking for the lord, but you If you still want to get the Book of Life, Sombra will kill you without hesitation..."

There was a murderous look in the faint words, Xiaoya replied: "There are book protectors here, it is not my turn to make books, Xiaoya just doesn't want to see the prince die, he is as important as Xiaoming..."

Heiying suddenly asked solemnly: "If He Xiaoming is the next carrier of the Book of Destiny, what will happen to you?"

Hearing this, Xiaoya wished she could ruin her life and make a book immediately, and she dared to pay attention to Xiao Ming, she immediately said angrily: "I won't allow it, and I won't allow it even if you die. I swear to be your enemy, I will definitely tear up the book of my destiny, and I will never regret it for thousands of years..."

Hei Ying couldn't help but be moved by the decisive tone and He Xiaoya's determination. He had never seen such a woman before, she was strong and heartbreaking.Yes, it is sad.A woman of her age should be a boudoir waiting to be married, and should be the treasure of the family, but she is young and has already taken on the heavy responsibility of luck.Luck pushed her to the top, and she was destined to pay more and fall harder than others.In contrast, Soi Ying felt somewhat ashamed. What this woman did was more meaningful than protecting the book.

Soi Ying couldn't help admiring and said: "It's so bold..."

Xiaoya replied bluntly: "You think I am willing, I am a Buddha, how can I become a demon..."

Heiying said in a trance: "If you have a Buddha in your heart, you must also have a demon. One thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha. The key lies in the Dharma door. Everyone has a door. If you find it, it is your own. This door is only for you. Enter……"

Xiaoya smiled and said: "What you said is reasonable, but Xiaoya is a student of Taoism, how can you spread Buddhism..."

(End of this chapter)

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