female geomancer

Chapter 311 Xiaoya was forced to clothe Qigang to ask God to concern Fu Huzun

Chapter 311 Xiaoya is Forced to Bu Qigang to Ask God About Fu Huzun (336)

Gao Wei was worried, even Concubine Shu could see the clues, there was no need to talk about King Lanling's intentions, but where could Gao Wei find He Xiaoya for him?

"Yeah, King Lanling really makes people worry..." Gao Wei replied weakly, there are not many guards in Yecheng, and King Lanling came so suddenly, he couldn't prepare enough soldiers for a while To deal with King Lanling, now we have to wait until the reinforcements arrive.

Feng Xiaoling naturally saw the emperor's worry, and she really wanted to share the emperor's worries.She stood up, walked to the emperor, hugged her gently, and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, be careful of the dragon's body..."

The tenderness of the person in his arms remained undiminished, and the warmth in Gao Wei's heart suddenly spread everywhere, full of unspeakable joy.In her stomach is her own dragon species, the crystallization of their love.Gao Wei couldn't even remember He Xiaoya at this moment, only Feng Xiaoling was in his mind - that woman without Yeyan cinnabar.

"Xiao Lian, I can't live without you..." A whisper made Feng Xiaoling's heart sweet, but she felt faintly uneasy.The reason why the emperor changed like this was not because he changed his mind, but because Feng Xiaoling gave him a talisman—the peach blossom talisman.

That day, the emperor imprisoned Xiaoya behind the nine-storied pagoda, and Gao Wei stood alone in the Mingguang Hall all night until dawn. Calling Xiaoya's name, the three words that penetrated into the bone marrow made Feng Xiaoling make up her mind to tie the emperor's heart.

She found the national teacher Han Changluan and asked him to help draw a peach blossom talisman. The national teacher did not object, and immediately drew the peach blossom talisman and handed it to Feng Xiaoling.

"If you drink this talisman, you must not let the emperor know about it, otherwise it will be invalid. Moreover, the lower officials cannot guarantee how long this talisman can control the emperor's mind. The empress just grasp it well..."

(End of this chapter)

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