female geomancer

Chapter 329 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 329 Female Feng Shui Master (11)
"Emperor's hegemony is nothing... Chang Gong, cherish the one who loves you, father is gone..." After Gao Cheng said this, his eyes widened, and he died in endless regret. It was also at this moment At the beginning, Gao Changgong realized that the mother who accompanied him for many years was not his biological mother, but his mother's younger sister.

And Gao Cheng's words before his death affected Gao Changgong's life. Gao Changgong obeyed his father's last words, cherished those who loved him, cherished those who were always by his side, he could not live without the old lady, let alone let the old lady know that Therefore, Gao Changgong buried this matter deeply in his heart for more than ten years.

"I know that the old lady is not Xiaoguan's biological mother, but since childhood, Xiaoguan has only had her as a relative. For her, Xiaoguan can do anything..."

The extremely shocking words made Xiaoya froze on the spot.It turned out that Gao Changgong was not kept in the dark, he knew it well and kept it secret. In order to fulfill the old lady's expectations, he even did not hesitate to die. The connection between Gao Changgong and his mother really moved the gods and Buddhas.

"Gao Changgong..." She couldn't say a word, and finally only uttered the words Gao Changgong.These three words were enough to shock her, she never thought that Gao Changgong was such a forbearing person.That day the old lady showed her Chang Gong Mingzao, which had a different personality, and the number of fates was limited, only waiting for gold to circulate, and it was considered a middle-level horoscope.

But now Gao Changgong made her want to look at it differently, and she couldn't help wondering, was the horoscope wrong, or... a wrong calculation?

After a long time, Xiaoya asked aloud: "Chang Gong, your birthday is..."

Gao Changgong replied: "In the year of Hai, the moon is ugly."

Gui Hai, Xin You, Yi You, Ding Chou, Gan Zao.

Words such as "Yimu Qisha Quaker" suddenly appeared in Xiaoya's mind. Qiu Musheng, Xin Jinjian, and Ding Huotou must be of high rank, and they must be in power if they are killed. Why is King Lanling famous for his battles in history.The sun master Yiyou is full of killing spirit, and Dinghuo is transparent, which can stop Xinjin from killing too much.

In the sixth month of the year of Guisi, the earthly branch Hai Renshui rushed into the Binghuo, the root seal of Yimu was washed away, the body was attacked by seven kills, the Dinghuo penetrated the armor, the restraint and venting were combined, and the skin peeled off even if it was not dead. Although this fate is better than the fate of Dingwei However, this year is definitely a juncture, especially when the fire is flourishing in the past month, it is very easy for unlucky things to happen.

Yecheng is in a place of fire, and it seems that Gao Changgong is doomed.

"In today's world, the world is chaotic. Your fate is suitable for battle, but not here and now, Chang Gong. Let's go to the southwest first..."

Chang Gong couldn't help being puzzled, but Xiaoya must have her reasons for saying this, and he asked, "Chang Gong doesn't understand..."

"Southwest Shendi, Si Shen He Yin was born, at least we can save the day, let's go, or it will be too late..."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoya pressed the dial, ready to leave with Gao Changgong.At this moment, dozens of torches suddenly lit up around, and the heads of countless guards emerged from the water, which made Xiaoya startled and shouted: "No way, this can be found too..."

(End of this chapter)

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