female geomancer

Chapter 335 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 335 Female Feng Shui Master (17)
According to the records in the book of destiny, He Xiaoya's destiny was created this year when the heavens and the earth were overwhelmed.Moreover, He Xiaoya trespassed in time and space and almost disrupted the order of time. Compared with the karma she caused, the punishment for this arrow is insignificant.

But Xiaoya didn't expect that she would be hit by the arrow, and it was Gao Wei's hand.There were bursts of tearing pain on her shoulders. She clenched her teeth and gritted her teeth. Her strong eyes never let up for a moment. A voice in her heart was supporting her, calling her—must live!

"Fate is determined by God, everything depends on man, I will not die..." Xiaoya gritted her teeth and looked at the dark sky. She knew that He Xiaoming was anxiously waiting for her at He Suanmen, and she knew that Shi Yixuan was hovering at the door I really hope that she will go back, she must not just die like this!Be sure to bite the bullet! !
"Giggle..." Xiaoya seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, but she showed a strange and incomprehensible smile. This smile was so tenacious that even the god of death was frightened and dared not go forward.

Gao Wei's heart felt like a knife was being cut. He had never seen Xiaoya like this. She was almost immersed in her own snow. The pink robe was even more shocking under the color of blood. She pressed her shoulders with her hands and desperately stopped the bleeding. Don't know where it landed.Gao Wei rushed to Xiaoya's side and took her from Gao Changgong's hand, his mind went blank.

Gao Wei shouted in a panic: "Come here!! Call all the imperial physicians!! If Ya Fei has an accident, you will all be buried with her..."

But his heart was already in severe pain like a split, and nothing in the world could match his heart.

Chapter 54 On the bliss platform, instead of bliss, there are joys and sorrows to wash away the prosperity

A gust of warm wind blows from the Bliss Terrace, and waves seem to be swaying on the surface of the water. However, in this silent lake, the sound of clenching teeth is getting softer, and the face of the blood-flowing person is gradually turning pale. I can't say a word now.

Heiying said: "If you can't hold on, don't hold on, go back now, there is still time..." After saying that, he stood up, went to Xiaoya's side and knelt down, and pulled her wrist to press the Qimen dial.

But Xiaoya stopped her, she said weakly: "Let Gao Changgong go, let Xiao Ming go, and I'll go..."

Speaking from the bottom of her heart, she came to Northern Qi to search for life-making books to cure Xiao Ming's eye disease, but now she seemed to be self-defeating. Only at this moment did she realize that it was her arrival that determined the ending.

This era is coming to an end, and it is fate that pushes her to a high point, and she has no choice but to move forward.However, it is man-made, what happened in the past can be assumed, what if in the future is a choice, if possible, Xiaoya would rather exchange her life for Xiaoming's peace for the rest of her life, even though the dogma she believes in is "living first".

In fact, Xiaoya never makes assumptions about the future, what she does at this moment is her choice, and she has no regrets.

Heiying smiled wryly. The women of the He family are like poplar trees in the Gobi. They are perseverant and ready to sacrifice at any time. They are really awe-inspiring. under……"

(End of this chapter)

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