female geomancer

Chapter 346 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 346 Female Feng Shui Master (30)
Such an unforgettable woman like a fairy, even if there is only a vague memory left, recalling it is painful and happy.It's a pity that Yecheng's great country is in his hands, and after five years, the beauty is still far away.

After Yu Wenyong left, ten-year-old Gao Heng stood in front of his father wearing a small shirt. He knelt down and said to his father, "My father, Sister Ya has gone five years ago. She died." It's..."

One sentence awakened the dreamer, Gao Wei woke up from the dream, he looked up at Gao Heng, and said in a daze: "Heng'er? Is it you, is it really you..."

Gao Heng nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Father, Heng'er is now called Yang Guang. Now that the Gao family has been defeated, Heng'er should be elected as the leader. Don't worry, Father, Heng'er will take care of himself..." Ten years old Little boy, he is more thorough than Gao Wei. One sentence reveals the mystery of heaven and earth, all laws come from heaven and earth, and the difference between monarch and minister.

Gao Wei was surprised: "When did it happen? I don't know..."

Gao Heng replied: "When I learned that Sister Ya had gone, Heng'er knew that my father would be like this, so Heng'er and Yu Wenyong returned to the Zhou Kingdom. Five years later, my father still does not forget about Sister Ya, what about a woman? Why do you need to be persistent, father, everyone in the world knows that Sister Ya is dead, only you don't know, father..."

Gao Heng spoke clearly, and seeing Gao Wei suddenly realized, Gao Heng handed Gao Wei the Gao family royal jade pendant that he had been wearing all the time, and said, "Father, this is the last time Heng'er called Father, and after that , we have nothing to do with each other, Heng'er is gone..."

After Gao Heng finished speaking, he kowtowed three times to Gao Wei, then stood up straight, turned around and walked away without looking back.Gao Wei looked at Gao Heng, who had grown much taller, and couldn't help asking himself with some doubts: "Dead? Really dead?"

Five years of worrying made him unable to distinguish between reality and dreams. Every day when he opened his eyes, he missed her endlessly.Even when he saw Feng Xiaoling, all he could think about was her.Even when he was with Feng Xiaoling, the last name he called was always his Ya'er.

And every time, he felt that Ya'er was watching him by his side, avoiding him, smiling slyly behind his back... But now, someone told him that Ya'er was dead!
Gao Wei's heart suddenly cracked, and his faith seemed to collapse at this moment. He lay straight on the stone slab, looking at the cloudless sky, unable to say a word for a long time.It was not until a long time later that a tear dripped from the corner of his eye, fell onto the stone slab, and burned Gao Wei's heart to pieces with a sizzle.

At this moment, he finally realized that the thoughts he had insisted on for five years were just a dream. From five years ago, from the moment Xiaoya left, God never gave him another chance.Gao Wei burst into tears, he suddenly felt that life is illusory, even if he is an emperor or king, he still can't grasp what he wants, it is not as light as a butterfly.

The black shadow appeared in front of Gao Wei again, he sat down next to him, and asked, "Have you experienced the pain of losing the one you love now..."

Gao Wei didn't answer, and after a while, he opened his mouth: "Everything in the world is respected only by people, and people are divided into different classes, high and low, but I understand it as soon as I see it. In front of love, there is no distinction between high and low. There are only winners and losers, and I lost, completely lost..."

(End of this chapter)

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