female geomancer

Chapter 348 Female Feng Shui Master

Chapter 348 Female Feng Shui Master (32)
After Xiaoya heard it, she wished she could slap him to death, she said angrily: "You are really thoughtful..."

Shi Yixuan replied: "Not necessarily. If you are thorough, you will not be taken away by Rina. Rina is Yu Wenyong's descendant. She has the same ambitions as Yu Wenyong, but they have different demands. Yu Wenyong wants the world, and Rina her To live forever..."

A word of shock, immortality, how far away.Thinking about how Han Changluan has lived for more than 1000 years, it is really shocking. Xiaoya glanced at Han Changluan and couldn't help trembling in her heart.

"It's possible to delay aging. Immortality is a legend..." Looking at Han Changluan again, Xiaoya couldn't help tightening her body and looking elsewhere.Knowing what she was thinking, Han Changluan couldn't help hugging her even tighter. He put his lips next to her ear and asked, "You want to say that Xiaguan is a monster, don't you..."

"No, if you are a monster, then Xiaoya is also a monster..."

"Tell me, it's okay, it's okay to be a monster if we can be with you..." Han Changluan kissed her on the cheek, and said pettishly, the intimate action obviously regarded Shi Yixuan as nothing.Shi Yixuan frowned, feeling a pain in his heart, the violent air between his brows suddenly rose, wishing to kill the two people on the bed, just as he took a step forward, his heart suddenly cleared up, his actions just now were influenced by Gao Wei's personality Subtly, let Shi Yixuan begin to blend into it.

Shi Yixuan couldn't help taking a step back, feeling very distressed. After a while, Shi Yixuan returned to normal and said: "Han Changluan, you thought you lived for more than 1000 years, but in fact you didn't. The entrance of time and space, wrong circumstances, you arrived in 2012..."

Han Changluan sat up immediately when he heard the words, and said angrily, "What did you say..."

Shi Yixuan said with a smile: "Look at your hair, it's a little white, if you really don't die, how can you be old..."

Han Changluan immediately pulled up his hair and looked at it carefully. Sure enough, there were many silver hairs in the black hair. Han Changluan couldn't help feeling flustered. He was only 30 years old, but he already had gray hair.And what Shi Yixuan said made sense, if he really didn't die, how could he be old?
Han Changluan turned around and looked at Xiaoya. He put his hands on Xiaoya's shoulders and asked, "Ya'er, look, am I getting old..."

Xiaoya looked at him, except for the extra white hair on his forehead, Han Changluan didn't change much, the only thing that changed was his eyes.Xiaoya stretched out her hand to grab his hair, and murmured: "There are some white hairs..." Before he finished speaking, Han Changluan was shocked and his body became stiff.

He doesn't believe that he is really old. How old is he?Can he... still have her?Han Changluan fell into chaos, and after a while, Han Changluan yelled: "You are talking nonsense..."

At this moment, Shi Yixuan had already quickly come to Xiaoya, took the clothes and wrapped them around her body, handed her his hand, and said, "Come with me, he will figure it out in a while. I can't go..."

(End of this chapter)

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