Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 108 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 26

Chapter 108 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 26
Everyone's eyes fell on her, and she covered her mouth and laughed tremblingly, "Officials, stop looking at my family like this. If anyone wants to have a dewy couple with my family, just keep staring like this."

As soon as these words came out, everyone below turned their heads.Just kidding, who wants to have a dewy couple with the owner of the Hehuan Palace, unless he is not afraid of being sucked into a mummy.

The Demon Sect is composed of four major factions, Hehuan Palace, Blood Demon Sect, Yin Corpse Sect, and Sky Demon Sect.Among them, the orthodox Heavenly Demon Sect is the main one, and what the young master of the Demon Sect practiced away from the sky is the Demon-knocking Sutra of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

As for the sky ghost she was talking about, the bidder sitting in the VIP pavilion next door was also a member of the Demon Sect, the head of the Yin Corpse Sect.

Both of these two are in the late stage of out-of-body cultivation, and they are of a powerful level that can make big waves in the cultivation world.Even if the process of the auction was disrupted in public on such an occasion, no one dared to shut them up.

Tian Gui just snorted coldly, did not answer her words, and continued to quote: "4 yuan for high-grade spirit stones."

Looking at this scene, Su Qing couldn't help sighing that he was indeed the leader of the sect, and he took out tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones as soon as he said they would.

At this moment, a gentle and slightly magnetic voice beside him slowly said: "6 yuan of high-grade spirit stones."

The people below are boiling again, and the big sect only increases the price by several thousand, who is this?He actually added [-] directly.

However, he is not afraid of being chased and killed if he slaps the two great powers in the face like this! ?
Su Qing turned her head abruptly, and met those hazy and rainy eyes full of doting, he touched the top of her head, with a smile on her mouth, "What else does Qing'er want to buy?"

Her eyes lit up immediately, yes, the person sitting next to her is a big local tyrant, if she doesn't kill her now, when will she wait!
However, she felt that the cold air coming from the left was getting stronger, and she glanced over cautiously, only to see that Bailimao's eyes were dim with tears, and she couldn't bear to look at it.

I really don't understand, seeing that Bailiyu is a famous young lady who was born with a golden key in her mouth, her status must be noble.

She doesn't have any pretensions or scheming, and she has an easy-going temper, and even better looks, and she still has such affection for him.Completely pick out the slightest flaw.Why did Nangong Yu use this method to force her to leave him.

Just now, the owner of Hehuan Palace laughed at the addition of two thousand ghosts, when someone came out and slapped her in the face, and her beautiful eyes stared fiercely at this side.But with an enchanting face, even staring at others is still beautiful.

Only high-level seventh-rank, [-] top-rank spiritual stones can buy high-level eighth-rank spiritual weapons.

Although she was angry, she did not lose her mind.The higher the cultivation level.The less you will be dictated by your emotions.There was no bid, but I was thinking of going out to teach that guy a lesson.

But she didn't expect that the subsequent auction would be his home field. Once he made a bid, almost no one would dare to compete with him, because his bid was too high!
The ones he bought were all for female cultivators. Originally, the owner of the Hehuan Palace also liked blood red. This time, there were several high-grade spiritual weapons that she liked, but after trying several times, she didn't get any of them!
She was so angry that she was about to vomit blood!She wondered if that person was targeting her on purpose, why did he take pictures of all the ones she liked.

But after thinking about it, he smiled coquettishly again, maybe that person was trying to get her attention.

Hehuan Palace not only only absorbs other people's cultivation, but also has top-notch double cultivation method, which can help people quickly break through the bottleneck.

When it comes to the out-of-body period, every small hurdle is extremely sad, and it is impossible to break through without a hundred years.

How many peak transformation gods want to break through to get out of the body and want to have a double cultivation with her.

But this kind of dual cultivation with unequal cultivation bases will consume too much energy and mental energy of her, and if she fails, her cultivation base will regress, so she has only helped a few people break through in the past few hundred years.

At this time, the owner of Hehuan Palace also regarded Nangong Yu as someone who wanted to please, and took pictures of so many things to please her.

(End of this chapter)

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