Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 129 The Trial of the School 18

Chapter 129 The Trial of the School 18
He started to use the exercises again, and the spiritual power slowly gathered into the golden core in the dantian along the meridians of the whole body, but a trace of spiritual power escaped, and all previous efforts were wasted.

Su Qing knocked on the melon seeds, and said lightly: "It is said that your meridian route is wrong, you should go to Yunmen first, and then go to Tianfu."

Jin Meng opened his eyes and looked at Su Qing with some doubts. In fact, he was always puzzled.How did she know the route of his exercise method? Could it be that she also knows the method of Tianjianzong.

"Look at me, I don't have any flowers on my face. You try to do as I said, you have been stuck there for so long, and you don't know how to change it."

She rolled her eyes. It was impossible for her to tell him that as long as her eyes were filled with immortal energy, as long as he exercised his mind, she would be able to see what was wrong.

Don't ask her how she saw it, a blue line crosses those meridians, and there are words written on them, as long as her eyes are not blind, it's hard not to see them.

In other words, the center of her eyebrows has become more and more hot recently, as if something is about to grow.

It is a very dangerous move to change the operation route of the exercises. If the change is not good, it is very likely that you will go crazy, and your cultivation base will not advance but will retreat. This is the reason why Su Qing didn't listen to what he said at the beginning.

Jin Meng looked at Su Qing who seemed to be saying that you love it or not, maybe he can try it.

Being so afraid and timid, not daring to try, is not the Taoist mind that a cultivator should have.

Calm down, mobilize the spiritual power again, and slowly flow around the meridians of the whole body.Then at the critical moment, he began to guide the direction of spiritual power.


The Lingtai is instantly clear, the golden elixir in the dantian spins rapidly, and the spiritual power is naturally formed.He successfully stepped into the peak of Jindan, which is equivalent to stepping into Yuanying with half a foot.

Adjusted the fluctuation of spiritual power, suppressed the overjoyed mood, opened his eyes, bowed to Su Qing and nodded in thanks: "Thank you, Miss Su, for your guidance."

As a cultivator, I am afraid that there is nothing more joyful than a breakthrough in cultivation. The whole person feels refreshed after sweeping away the initial depression.

Su Qing sat there, waved his hands indifferently, and asked, "This is the last day, how many people came out?"

Jin Meng frowned, stood up, and looked down at the vast land, "Counting Miss Su and your friends, there are only seven people who came out. It seems that there are too few people practicing physical cultivation this time."

Su Qing thought for a moment, then spit out the fruit core in his mouth, "I'll go down and see the situation, so you don't have to worry about anyone being in danger."

As he said that, he was about to jump off, but was grabbed by Jin Meng, "Miss Su, this is a trial, not a child's play. This mountain is restricted. If they are really in danger of dying, the crystals on their bodies will remind them our."

After he finished speaking, Su Qing sneered, "Xiao Jin, you are just too dull. I can tell you that there were three people in the secret territory who could use some spiritual power to kill me, but I solved them all."

"Don't blindly believe in one thing, some people's tricks, even your head can detect it."

When Immortal Zixiao came to this realm of comprehension, the balance of this world had been broken, and the phoenixes were all present in this world, and the truth they thought was quickly broken.

Another example is that she herself and Shangshen Dada can't use the same method in the cultivation world to apply to them.

Jin Meng's mind was a little shaken. Under the restriction, there are still people who can use spiritual power!

He couldn't imagine that it would be a disaster for a monk who could use spiritual power to be unfavorable to other testers.Not everyone can be like Miss Su, who has cultivated physically to the point where she can still be fierce under the restriction.

"I'll go down with you and have a look."

Jin Meng couldn't turn off the restriction without confirming the specific circumstances, so he decided to go down with her.

Su Qing blinked at him, smiled and said, "Okay, then we'll go down."

Seeing her smile, Jin Meng subconsciously refused.But before she could say anything, she had already grabbed his wrist with her backhand, and the two of them just jumped down.

The body suddenly became extremely heavy, and it became difficult to breathe, because the spiritual energy in the air was gone.

Su Qing held him with one hand, pulled out the Qingling Sword with the other and stuck it on the stone wall of the mountain peak, stepped on the blade with his toes, completely ignoring its sharpness, and fell very fast.

After falling to the ground, Su Qing let go of his hand.Jin Meng knelt down on one knee, gasping for breath.

She patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Xiao Jin, your physique is not good enough, you can't bear it with just this strength."

Jin Meng abruptly stopped the urge to complain, not everyone has such terrible physical strength like you.

In particular, he was more restrained from high altitude, and her speed was too fast, as if he was being hit by mountains.

Standing up, there was a gentle smile on his pale face, and he tried his best to put down a calm voice: "What Miss Su said is that I will cultivate my physical body well in the future, and I hope Miss Su will give me some pointers."

"Hahaha, Xiao Jin, you always speak with a scholarly tone." Su Qing ran over and pinched his face, "And the smile on this face is always appropriate and good, a smile that is not on the surface."

"In the future, when Miss Su joins the Heavenly Sword Sect, she will know that the disciples of the five great peaks have their own characteristics. I am Qu Fufeng, and the peak master will often walk around with various sects to discuss some matters."

Jin Meng's previous temperament was not completely like this. He is the young master of the Jin family, and he may return to take charge of the Jin family in the future.So his father hoped that he could go to Qu Fufeng and be a kind of person who has both sides.

After all, the decline and decline of the aristocratic family is also very fast, but if you can do anything without offending others, you can also make others follow your ideas unconsciously.

No matter how the aristocratic family declines, there will never be a catastrophe.

Among the five peaks of the inner sect, the disciples of each peak have distinct personalities and have their own characteristics.Although there are occasional exceptions, the disciples who go to the same mountain are always somewhat similar.

Su Qing didn't think too much about it for the time being, she must be there because God is there, so she went there.

The two of them didn't walk for long before they reached the boundary of Xuepo.With the howling cold wind, Su Qing quickly took out a thick quilt from the Qiankun bag.

Jin Meng also walked over step by step at the beginning, he had experienced the coldness of the snowy slope, and he still resisted it in his heart.

Looking at Su Qing who was completely covered by the quilt, leaving only two eyes exposed, he wanted to ask her if she had another quilt.

But he couldn't say it, he just looked at her with a tangled face.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Su Qing asked, "Do you want a quilt too!?"

Just when his eyes lit up and he was about to nod, she shook her shoulders and looked at him innocently, "But just this one, you can't let a little girl suffer from the cold."


It seems that her physical body is much stronger than his.

(End of this chapter)

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