Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 138 The Trial of the School 27

Chapter 138 The Trial of the School 27
By looking at the color of the spiritual power manifested from the monks, you can know which spells and spiritual roots they major in.

Among the colorful spiritual power, Su Qing's milky white color is really a breath of fresh air.

Spiritual roots are mainly divided into gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and there are also mutant spiritual roots of wind, thunder, ice, and so on.

Immortal energy infused into the whole body, cutting the hard ink pillar is like cutting tofu.

It gets harder in the end, the requirement is thinner than a hair, and the power must be controlled very precisely.It will crumble after a while, it is too light and not easy to wear off.

Before Su Qing finished it, Tian Ran had already walked over with his polished one.

Because it took a long time for her to trouble Jin Meng, and because the immortal energy was too powerful, in the end, she could only carefully polish it a little bit, for fear that if she started harder, it would be scrapped.

Everyone will divide the allocated ink column into several equal parts for backup in case of failure.

"Su Qing, do you need me to wait for you?"

As he said that, Tianran was already sitting beside her, watching her lower her head and polish carefully.

Although Tianran is about thirty years older than Su Qing, the two have always referred to each other as peers and called each other by their first names.

She raised her eyes to look at the ink pillar he had ground into, feeling a little frustrated in her heart, if it wasn't for Jin Meng's deliberate stumbling, she would definitely be the first again.

"No need, go get your eyes pierced first, I'll be fine soon."

He stayed here and watched, but it made her feel uncomfortable, and she didn't like the feeling of being stared at all the time.

He nodded, "Yes", and walked to the densely packed holes with the slender ink stick.He drew out the broad sword at his waist, and placed the ink pillar horizontally on the tip of the sword without falling.

Eyes aimed at the pinhole where Yuan Ying was located in the later stage, his eyes flickered, and he quickly drew out the sword.

Following the movement of his sword, the ink pillar quickly pushed into the pinhole.


A little juice came out of the pinhole, and the whole pinhole collapsed after a few seconds.

He withdrew his sword and walked back to Su Qing's side. At this time, she was almost done.

Without raising her head, she asked, "How is it? Did it work?"

"No, there was a little deviation, and it collapsed." Tianran's tone was full of pity, and he suddenly smiled at Su Qing's eyes that looked up, with enchanting eyebrows and eyes.

Su Qing pinched the finally polished ink pillar in the palm of his hand, then rubbed it on the palm, and a little bit of ink dust fell to the ground. The originally very thin ink pillar became even more slender, and if it wasn't for the ink color, it would almost be invisible to the naked eye.

She smiled and said, "Listening to what you say, I'd better make it thinner."

Tianran was a little silent at first, but after a while he said, "Su Qing has a very powerful master, why is he trying so hard to join the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

She dragged her chin with one hand, and then said helplessly: "My master is in the Heavenly Sword Sect. I came here this time to find him."

This is a very strange logical question. According to Su Qing's words, if her master is the great power of Tianjianzong, she doesn't need to participate in the trial of Tianjianzong. She should have the token of the disciple of Tianjianzong.

If her master was not a powerful person of the Heavenly Sword Sect but was in the Heavenly Sword Sect, who would it be?
Tianran was a little confused, he found that there were many contradictions in her.But he didn't care, because she didn't care about his past either.

She was very smart and had already guessed his identity, but she didn't ask anything.

Here, Su Qing didn't care about his entanglement, and happily ran to try the slender ink needle.After passing this level, even if she doesn't score a point in the next level, she can still enter the Heavenly Sword Sect.

However, to do it is to do the best.She is the great disciple of Shangshen, and she must be the most powerful one.

(End of this chapter)

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