Chapter 157
Su Qing came to his side, saw the depression in his eyes, and said: "Your brows are almost wrinkled into Sichuan characters, why, you and Jin Meng haven't reconciled yet?"

Xue Ruyu, who was wearing a white robe, made him even more handsome. It would be even better if he didn't have furrowed brows.

He nodded and sighed, "Xiaomeng avoids me, no matter how many times I go to look for her, she always hides."

She shrugged, no wonder Jin Meng treated him like this.Pat him on the shoulder, "Keep working hard, sincerity is as good as gold and stone, and one day she will listen to your explanation."

His brows were furrowed even more, and he walked forward to lead the way, "Master Uncle, I'd better take you to Senior Brother Jin Meng first."

When Xue Ruyu entered Qu Fu Peak, she was accepted as a personal disciple by the peak master with her extremely high talent and excellent swordsmanship.

This time, he was listening to Senior Brother Jin Meng's order to wait for Su Qing at the bottom of Qufu Peak and lead her up the mountain.

Su Qing followed behind Xue Ruyu and walked up all the way.Along the way, all the disciples who saw them saluted one by one.

Soon we arrived at a secluded and quiet place, where there were several thatched huts among the flowers and plants.

Seeing these scenes, Su Qing felt different from Jin Meng's usual image.

Jin Meng belongs to the right and the left, and he is impeccable in his work and speech. Don't look at him with a perfect smile and a spring-like appearance, but his personality is still cool in the end.

Such a peaceful and beautiful artistic conception really doesn't suit him.Sure enough, when she stepped in, she saw a figure squatting on the ground watering the flowers and plants, with a warm smile on his profile.

She walked over slowly and stood beside him.He looked at the blooming flowers and plants, his eyes were about to overflow with satisfaction.

Seeing such a beautiful scene, Su Qing said coldly: "Little boy, where is your brother Jin Meng?"

He shivered in fright, then turned around and saw it was her, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked at her very vigilantly.

That look made Susu feel that she was a big bad wolf, and he was the little white rabbit,
He shrank back, "Senior, just wait, I'll go find my brother."

Then he turned and ran into the thatched cottage, as if pursued by a hungry wolf.

Su Qing touched her face, she looks so scary?
After a while, Jin Meng came out of the thatched cottage, and Zhang Danchen was hiding behind him.

Seeing him shrinking behind him, Jin Meng was also helpless.Because the younger brother hastily ran in just now, panting, he said: "Brother, that senior has come. She must have taken a fancy to me, otherwise why would she come to Qu Fufeng."

When he went out to take a look, he felt a headache and looked at his little junior brother.

How many times have I told him to learn more about the affairs of the sect and less to read those messy scripts in the mortal world.

He walked over, saluted Su Qing, and shouted respectfully: "Uncle Master."

Zhang Danchen, who was behind him, grew his mouth, and was picked up by his senior brother, "Quickly pay respects to my uncle, and don't read those human story books in the future, and put more focus on cultivation."

Zhang Danchen was a little immature, looking at his senior brother with an aggrieved face like a delicate girl.

Su Qing waved his hand, "There is no one here, so these customary etiquettes will be avoided."

Zhihe communicated and understood the purpose of her trip, and invited Su Qing into the room for a detailed discussion.

Zhang Danchen also wanted to follow in, but was stopped by him, "I will discuss things with my uncle, you go and clean up the script books in your room, I will confiscate them."

He looked at his senior brother with tears in his eyes, but Jin Meng had already known that he would do something like this, so he had already entered the house.

Bad brother!He turned and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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