Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 176 Ten Thousand Law Conference 6

Chapter 176 Ten Thousand Law Conference 6
"Junior Brother Huangfu, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I just—" Lin Shu quickly explained, after all, this is the home court of Xuanwu Sect, it is not good to have a misunderstanding with them.

"Don't explain, it's really long-winded!" Huangfu Ye abruptly interrupted him before he finished speaking.

He sat there arrogantly, with his arms wide open, and his head raised extremely arrogantly.He took up half of the seats for five people in the already not very ample space.

The other four members of Xuanwu Sect didn't say anything, they just sat silently aside, as if there was a transparent barrier separating them into two parts.

The internal disharmony, Su Qing had seen it early on, and the others naturally saw it too.Thinking about their Tianjianzong is even more outrageous, she and Tianran are together, Qianrou and Lingyun are in the same group, Gong Liuli doesn't know what attitude he has.Maybe he didn't intend to take a stand at all.

As soon as he glanced at him, he turned his head sharply. The two looked at each other, their eyes were also flat, and they both turned their heads again.

On the other side of Tianyahaige, Lin Shu was speechless by Huangfu Ye, and she also looked annoyed, but then she returned to calm again.

Did someone say something to her through voice transmission?Involuntarily, his eyes turned to the one among the five of them.The appearance is cold, and the facial features can only be regarded as delicate, but it can't stop the feeling of being out of the mud but not stained.

Just sitting there is full of aura.She is the talented girl of Tianya Haige, Ye Zhiwei.

Her gaze was noticed by others, and she looked over.Su Qing immediately burst into a bright smile, as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face with your hand.

Ye Zhiwei still had a cold expression, then turned her head.

Um...it seems to be ignored.

"Ling Yun, there is no one in your Heavenly Sword Sect. Why did you send two little girls? They are both at the early stage of Golden Core." Heavy.

It is impossible for the six major sects to be harmonious, just like Zixiao Palace and Danzong are at odds, and Tianjianzong and Beast Refining Sect are not very friendly.

It seems to be because hundreds of years ago, there was a trial of inner disciples, and they accidentally killed more than one or two of the king-level monsters that the Beast Refining Sect had worked so hard to tame.In this way, the beam was knotted.

"Don't compare Qian Rou to the one who is dark and sinister. Whether there is no one, you will see the result in the match." Ling Yun defended Qian Rou very much, and immediately stood up and said.

what?She is dark and sinister?She can't even say a name, so if she uses that instead, she'll just hehe.

Crossing Erlang's legs, he was playing with the space ring in his hand, "Hey, I said Ling Yun's little disciple, do you have a problem with your master and uncle? Your master doesn't dare to talk nonsense in front of me. Once you come out, you plan to Disrespecting the teacher."

"You!" Ling Yun was trembling with anger, but he had no words to refute her, because her seniority was too great.

Thinking about Taishizu, I can't understand, let's not want such a good seed like Qianrou, but want this insidious and poisonous one.

"Little disciple! Hahaha——Ling Yun, you really are getting better and better!" Mu Xiuhan laughed loudly, seeing his old opponent so devastated, he couldn't be happier.

"Why are you smiling? What's wrong with the early stage of Jindan? It's best not to meet me when you step off the stage. Be careful with your teeth."

After Su Qing had finished teasing Ling Yun, she turned to Lu Jue, speaking sinisterly.

The sprouting baby face looked like a dark loli at this moment, staring at him unkindly.

Mu Xiuhan knew about the acceptance of the Grand Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect a year ago.At the beginning, he didn't expect that the apprentice he accepted would be so young, with a low level of cultivation.

After all, he is a top and powerful apprentice, so don't provoke him too much.

(End of this chapter)

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