Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 18 Once upon a time there was a grass 19

Chapter 18 Once upon a time there was a grass 19

Yan Jinye chuckled softly, and Wannian Bingkuang smiled, just like the spring blossoms in the Ice Age.

Especially his extraordinary facial features, with such a smile, Su Qinghun who was lying on the ground was almost hooked away.

It was only later that he realized that he was laughing at her, and turned his head a little annoyed, not looking at that bewitching face.

He just smiled, and his expression returned to the ice face of thousands of years, but his voice was softer: "At the beginning of the creation of the world, the first batch of creations were basically plants, but the transformation time of plants is very long, and the cultivation is slow, so It was only later that the demons, people, immortals, and demons came from behind."

"You are very tall, as long as you don't fall, you can kill the sun, the moon and the stars as a blade of grass."

He drew a big cake for her. For this grass, he has never had the patience and indulgence, because she is very different. In terms of time and seniority, I am afraid that few people in the six worlds can be older than her. He is one.

Her eyes sparkled, cutting off the sun, moon and stars, so powerful!However, she turned over and sat up, she was not interested, she still missed the beautiful earth.

This fairy world is not fun at all, there are many rules, and she will sneer at her every now and then.

Jin Ye had already seen that she had no motivation to pursue cultivation.Otherwise, he wouldn't stay in the chaotic space for thousands of years, unable to transform into form.

Sighing lightly, he still has at most a hundred years before going to the lower realm to cross the tribulation, and she has offended several people in the short ten years since she came to the fairy world.

"follow me--"

His figure moved slowly step by step, and Su Qing immediately jumped up to follow.It seemed that he walked as if he was afraid of stepping on ants, and she couldn't catch up with him even if she ran with her feet scattered.

Walking out of the palace, I came to a lotus pond, where pink and tender lotus flowers were blooming, and there were dewdrops on the lotus leaves, filled with colorful water vapor.

But to Su Qing's surprise, there was a huge white lotus blooming in the center of a piece of pink lotus, with white light shining inside.

Yan Jinye raised his hand, and the ball of white light flew to the sky above his palm, and then turned into a pure white lotus seed.

"White lotus seeds!"

She shouted excitedly while drooling.

As long as she eats it, she can completely transform into a human form.

Seeing her very greedy appearance, the corner of his mouth just curled up slightly, and he put the lotus seeds in her palm, "Eat it, it's the Queen Mother's birthday in a few days, you come with me."

When she got the white lotus seeds, she swallowed them anxiously, for fear that he would regret it.When she ate Yumo's golden lotus seeds secretly, he was very distressed.

My whole body started to feel hot and hot, my mouth was dry, and I was dizzy. This feeling was like taking a 21st century drug.She opened her eyes slightly, only to see white light flowing around his body, his cold fingers resting on her forehead, bursts of icy breath poured into her whole body, the hot burning sensation gradually subsided, and her consciousness completely passed out.

Yan Jinye's ice cube face is a bit broken, her eyes are a little angry, who told her to eat white lotus seeds like this!Before he finished speaking, she swallowed it.

If he hadn't instilled her with his own immortal power and forcibly digested the potency of the white lotus seed, I am afraid that this grass would not be burned to death by the yin fire, but would also be crippled.

There are five lotus flowers in the world, and each one can only get one lotus seed for a thousand years. The efficacy of this lotus seed is more powerful than that of the queen mother's flat peach, so she just swallowed it!
(End of this chapter)

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