Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 190 Ten Thousand Law Conference 20

Chapter 190 Ten Thousand Law Conference 20
After two days of competition, there are still 70 people left, and the final 25 people will be produced on the last day.

Starting today, the chances that the disciples of the six major sects will collide will be greatly increased.Think about the 70 people, nearly half of them are disciples of the six major sects, and the two winners of three rounds can compete for the places in Yunmeng Wonderland.

If you are unlucky and you match the disciples of the six major sects in all three games, congratulations, you have won the lottery.

The youths on the competition stage had lost to the disciples of the six major sects for two consecutive rounds, and they hoped to save some face in the last round, but when they saw the name of the third round, they fainted directly.

Huangfu Ye looked displeased, he had just come down, and this person fell down, and he took the competition too much.

"True brother is really bad, I met disciples from the six major sects in three games."

"No, it's no luck to meet him three times in a row." The monk below sighed for him.

Huangfu Ye won the first match without a fight, and in the second match he was matched with a disciple of the Beast Refining Sect.This kind of competition, the competition is a bit unfair to the Beast Refining Sect. Danzong can take drugs and use a lot of talismans, but the most powerful thing in their Beast Refinement Sect is the art of taming beasts, but the competition does not allow monsters to be released.

Just kidding, if possible, everyone would ask the elders to catch a powerful monster.That competition is not a competition, it becomes a competition between monsters and monsters, ignoring the original meaning at all.

Huangfu Ye was very good at controlling fire, and knocked down the disciples of the Beast Refining Sect with just a few blows.In the third scene, seeing the name, Huangfu Ye rarely became nervous, and his palms were sweating.

"There's a good show to watch, the violent maiden of the Heavenly Sword Sect has appeared."

"Will Huangfu Ye be beaten into a pig's head this time?"

"I bet a low-grade spirit stone, it will."

Su Qing is very popular now, with violent fists, childish looks, tall and predictable figure, she has a nickname - Violent Virgin.

Get off the stage, move your muscles left and right, stare at him, thinking about how to beat him up, so as to calm down the anger in your heart.

I really felt irritable when I saw this kid, and wanted to beat him up when I saw his conceited and ignorant face.

It was because her eyes were so terrifying that Huangfu Ye could already foresee what would happen if he was knocked down by her.

A raging crimson flame shot out from his whole body. As soon as the flame came out, the temperature of the entire venue rose instantly, making it unbearably hot.

"This flame seems to be the red flame of the ground level. Huangfu Ye is not yet [-], and he can subdue the flame of the ground level. He is a genius among geniuses."

As soon as the crimson flames came out, Su Qing became even more angry.With one hand, the Qingling sword came out.

"Is this the first time you see a violent virgin using a sword?"

"Maybe she also knows that the flame temperature is too high, and it is not suitable to blast it with fists."


The seat in the middle of the two people under the stage was split in half, and the ferocious sword energy was right next to them, almost splitting them into two halves.The two trembled in fright, and the whole venue fell silent for a while.

Su Qing glanced over and laughed, "The next time I hear you call me a violent virgin, I will cut off your lower brother with a sword and turn you into eunuchs."

The smiling tone made everyone shudder.Feeling cold in the lower body, subconsciously clamped his legs.Terrible, this woman is terrible.

"If you want to call me a goddess, do you know!" Jian pointed down.


The people in the audience nodded desperately, and no one dared to refute in the slightest.

Su Qing's identity was revealed when she beat Mu Xiuhan violently. Regardless of her young age, she is a disciple of the Grand Master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and even the suzerain of the Heavenly Sword Sect is her nephew.

Can you provoke me?Of course not!Unless you want to be hunted down by that unborn power of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and become an enemy of the entire Heavenly Sword Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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