Chapter 404
"You are so unwilling to stay, the master should have told you when to let you go."

Listening to his words, Xiao Yin suddenly thought of himself and laughed, that he also wanted to leave his master back then.

He laughed inexplicably, and Bo Rui felt panicked.But how did he know that Su Qing promised him that he could leave.Could it be?She even told him this kind of thing?That would be outrageous!
With a serious face, Xiaoyin said inscrutablely: "When the master took me in, she didn't even have a little cultivation. I was also unconvinced at the time and wanted to leave. She also promised me the time to leave."

"You have also seen that the master has grown up to where he is now in just a dozen years, and his talent is very evil. He treats our spiritual pets, although he likes to tease us sometimes, but he always treats us like partners and relatives. You should not continue to put on a bad face , follow the master well."

Generally speaking, following the master has a bright future, there are meat to eat, soup to drink, and they are not enslaved, why not follow?
After Xiaoyin finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder, and walked away solemnly with his hands behind his back.

That appearance, that posture, made Bo Rui think that Su Qing seemed to like this too?Sure enough, after a long time, they will assimilate.

However, he rubbed his chin, and it seemed that he was speaking very well.

On the second day, when I woke up from the practice, I opened the door and saw the little cutie lying on the ground, and I was refreshed instantly.

God!How is it outside the door!How could that guy Bo Rui put the cutie on the ground!
Crouching down, it was still sleeping and did not open its eyes.Curled up, with a pink face, conspicuous long eyelashes, a small beeping mouth bubbling, and little fleshy hands next to the ears.

Her eyes melt instantly, she is so cute!
Carefully holding it in the palm of his hand, hugging it in his arms, the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Xiaoyin saw this scene of dazzling light early in the morning, so she walked over curiously, staring at the little guy in her arms carefully.

Ok?How come the more you look at it, the more familiar it becomes.

The next moment he jumped up, "Isn't this Bo Rui!"

It was too frightening, and I couldn't control the volume at once.

Soon he was slapped heavily on the shoulder, almost causing internal injuries.

Su Qing glanced at him, the little cutie was woken up by you.

The small version of Bo Rui in the master's arms woke up. It opened its amber eyes and looked at Xiao Yin very curiously. Then it turned over, found a comfortable position, and nestled in Su Qing's arms.

His big eyes blinked, and he couldn't speak clearly: "Who is Ni?"

Xiaoyin's face was as constipated, and this guy in front of him must be Bo Rui, because the breath was the same.

"Master, what's going on? How did Bo Rui become like this."

Xiaoyin pointed at it nestled in the arms of the master, feeling a little annoyed.It can't be that they talked yesterday, so Bo Rui deliberately made it smaller to please the master.

"This is cute, not Bo Rui, it's cute."

As Su Qing said, he poked its soft little face with his fingers, and it was lying there, bubbling from its mouth.

Very cute!

Little Silver was very dissatisfied with the master's answer, it was obviously the same spirit monster.

And when he was young, his master never hugged him.

The gate of the courtyard was opened, and Qing Yan'er swam over with her tail swaying, followed by the old man.

He said loudly, "Sister Susu, are you going to the auction with Yan'er?"

Su Qing glanced at Xiaoyin, said with a smile, "I'm not feeling well today and I won't go, but Xiaoyin wants to go and see."

Qing Yan'er nodded, "Then I'll take Xiaoyin to have a look."

She quickly understood what Su Qing meant, so she didn't force it.

It was only after he finished speaking that he found the little guy in his arms, "Pfft!" and laughed.

"This is the one from yesterday?! I haven't seen him for a day, how did he become such a small one?"

She looked at the little Bo Rui, who tilted her head and looked at her with her eyes open.

Seeing how small he is, the key is so cute, he couldn't help stretching out his little hand, "Can I touch him?"


Girl, you've touched it.

The old man who was following her had dark eyes. It turned out that the young man yesterday was transformed by innate golden essence.

The little cutie who was touched turned over and crawled deep into Su Qing's arms, only her buttocks were exposed, twisting.

"Haha, it's really cute."

Qing Yan'er was so amused that she couldn't stop smiling.

Xiaoyin pursed his mouth, he was also very cute when he was young.Silver snake body, red snake pupils, I really don't appreciate it.

After Qing Yan'er and Xiaoyin left, Su Qing put the little cutie back into the space, but it refused to go in, nestled in her arms and could not come out.

So he had no choice but to let him stay outside. Before Xiaoyin sent the news, he took the spiritual fruit and fed it. Watching his small teeth nibbling the spiritual fruit, eating was also very healing.

Thinking of everything about coming to Coral City, she tapped her finger on the table.

She is not afraid of the trap set by the merman lord, after all, with her strength, it is very easy to get in and out without anyone noticing, unless the great powers above the middle stage of the tribulation have been using their spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

Think of something, throw the formation plate, and isolate the consciousness.Taking out the huge night pearl, the runes in his eyes are running, I really don't know what's inside?
When I saw this luminous pearl for the first time, I felt very strange, because her spirit felt inexplicably intimate.

Is there an egg in it?Pretending to be a beast?After all, that's how it's written in the novel.

Xiaoyin's bloodline is good, and he will be at the level of a fairy beast when he grows up well in the future.Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are just low-level monster bloodlines, and they are currently undergoing bloodline evolution, but they will undoubtedly have to pay more sweat and hard work if they want to grow.

The distance from the divine beast is still far away, um, just like the distance between her and Qianrou.

In the journey of cultivation, the most indispensable thing is possibility.Even the so-called destiny of the way of heaven can go against the sky.

Just like the lottery draw, with a little apprehension, he carefully split the basketball-sized night pearl with the Qingling Sword.

So distressed!
After opening it, Su Qing saw what was inside: "..."

It was a clover, but its left and right leaves were very wide, and the middle leaf was very narrow.

Hehe, this grass really looks like a weak version of her body.

After a calm face, he became excited in an instant.

This is her body!It must be!
She thought that she would live in this body for the rest of her life. Although it was a human being, it was not her original body.

She has been in the dark as a grass for many years, and she still has a lot of affection for the main body.

And after she transforms back into her original body, she will be very strong. What kind of casual cultivator who crosses the catastrophe, can fly with a leaf, it is very exciting to think about it.

The clover in the night pearl can feel the weak vitality, limp.Putting the spiritual consciousness into it, there is a feeling of going home.

Su Qing looked at the body and thought of a secret technique.The soul splitting secret technique splits one's own soul into two parts.Now that she has a body, it will be another conscious clone.

After all, it is impossible for her to really turn back into a grass now, without this body.

(End of this chapter)

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