Chapter 411
It is another very long distance from the primeval forest to the Death Flame Mountain.It happened that Su Qing thought she was a road idiot, so she handed the spirit boat directly to the small bank envoy, and she sat cross-legged in the spirit boat, and began to further practice the space morality in the seven-orifice exquisite mirror.

Bo Rui, who had turned back into an adult, was sitting on the bow of the boat, while breathing out the spiritual power of gold, from time to time, his eyes would glance into the boat.

"You look like this, but you like her? It's really a different taste, so fierce, you can't be afraid that she will beat you up one day."

Sitting next to him, Xi Ting could see all his slight movements.Although the voice was a little cold, it still had a teasing tone.

He was really afraid of her, frightened by her ferocity.Whoever marries her in the future may face domestic violence.

Besides, the innate spirits are formed by the aura of heaven and earth in a special place. They have consciousness and emotions, but it doesn't mean that they can really unite and have children like monks.

Bo Rui on the side stopped absorbing spiritual energy, looked at the clouds high in the sky, and didn't look back at him at all, his attitude always made people feel so arrogant and disgusting.

It's just that the corner of the mouth curled up in a distant and indifferent arc, "What are you? Don't think that we are both spirits of the five elements. I know you very well. It's not your turn to intervene in my affairs."

Come on, it's really hard to provoke.Xi Ting said something in her heart, and left coldly.

As soon as he left, Bo Rui's expression began to change.From being worried at the beginning to being determined, what's wrong with him being a genius, he can also have someone he likes.

The spirit boat had been traveling for almost half a month, when swarms of raptors began to appear in the sky.A person sat on one of the big eagles, entangled in demonic energy all over his body.

"Jie Jie, sensing my aura, the juniors inside are still hurrying up to greet the ancestors, they really don't understand etiquette."

The hoarse male duck voice opened, and the demonic energy began to permeate around the spirit boat, which would make Lingxiu feel depressed and manic.

Su Qing withdrew from the practice and walked out with a cold face.Looking up, the spirit boat was surrounded by evil eagles, and the man sitting on one of them was covered in black air, and his face could be vaguely seen.

It was very disgusting, there were many big pimples on the face, and even pus flowed out.Mostly, he was practicing some vicious technique, and he turned into this appearance by himself.

"I don't know which one from the Demon Sect is blocking the front? What advice do you have?"

Su Qing's gaze kept on sizing him up, and she held her head high when she spoke, looking directly at him, without any intention of being polite.

The person who came was a demon cultivator in the middle of the tribulation. Although Su Qing had not been in Outland for a long time, he knew all the information about Outland well.I already have guesses in my heart.

He grinned sinisterly, baring his rotten yellow teeth, "That's right, I don't know about my Wandu Patriarch now. Junior, do you know that you are in a catastrophe and your life is about to die? Come and rescue you."

While talking, Patriarch Wan Du glanced slightly at Borui Xiting and Xiaoyin.This girl is really lucky. She is only in the early stage of Mahayana, but she has two innate monsters and an eight-winged thunder dragon by her side.

No wonder Emperor Wutian sent three demon cultivators at the early stage of crossing the tribulation, all of them were damaged. With such heaven-defying good luck, it would be great if he took it over.

There was a flash of fire in his eyes, although it was well concealed, Su Qing could see it clearly.

Pretending to be understanding and pretending to be confused, she wanted to see what this guy could say.

Surprised and terrified expression, "I don't know what the ancestor said? I have been practicing in peace, so how can there be a catastrophe?"

The corners of Xi Ting's mouth twitched, trying to keep to himself.Already calm enough to kill so many top demon cultivators in a short time.

For example, the demon cultivators in the late Mahayana period and the demon cultivators in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe are the main force of the demon cultivator camp. There are not many demon cultivators under each demon emperor, but the Wutian demon emperor is very strong, and there are about a dozen of them under his command. If you get rid of three of them, you will be crazy to change any site.

Patriarch Wan Du didn't expect her to be so thick-skinned at such a young age. She just experienced a massacre half a month ago, and she opened her eyes and told nonsense in a blink of an eye.Can he say that he is worthy of being a demon cultivator?

Cough twice, "Kill ten demon cultivators in the late stage of Mahayana and demon cultivators in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe, and refine their souls into undead ghosts. You are young, and you have already achieved such achievements, and the demon cultivators will be proud of you. But you don't know that the Wutian Demon Emperor has already issued a warrant for the entire outer domain, and you are in great danger now."

Wutian Yaodi's subordinates couldn't figure out whether Su Qing was a spiritual cultivator or a demonic cultivator. After all, he was a rare person who integrated spirit and demon, but Su Qing's methods made them more inclined towards demonic cultivator.

It's not dangerous, you've come here too.

Su Qing looked worried, very frightened, and said in a panic: "Then what should I do? I'm still so young, I don't want to die."

Her reaction was logically satisfactory to him, but it always felt weird.

Then he said according to his own draft: "Don't panic. The ancestor is also very prestigious in the outer domain. If you worship me as your teacher, I will bring you into the Ten Thousand Devils Cave. Even the Wutian Demon Emperor would not dare to go in." Catch you."

Yo, thanks to you as a teacher, will I honor you with everything next?Really think she is a fool, Wanmo Nest is the most notorious place in the entire Outland, although it belongs to the Demon Sect, but Wanmo Nest is the gathering of the most vicious demon cultivators, the methods are extremely cruel, and a big devil is imprisoned. The big devil that everyone in the outside world is afraid of.

That's why he said that the Wutian Demon Emperor didn't dare to go in, but went in and didn't understand the mysteries inside, and it would be a loss to be killed by the big devil.

Su Qing shook his head, holding the formula in his hand, the tree vine grew and spread instantly, and he sat on it.Alas, it really is comfortable to sit on.

She had a contented face, where was the panic and fear just now, which caused the displeasure in Patriarch Wandu's heart to expand.

He can be regarded as a leader in the middle stage of the tribulation in Outland, and his combat power is comparable to that of the later stage of the tribulation.

Su Qing sat there, glanced at him lightly, then lowered her head and played with her fingers, "It's impossible to learn from a teacher. I already have a master, and I won't be able to learn from a teacher again in this lifetime."

With the change in expression, Patriarch Wandu couldn't see that Su Qing was deliberately teasing him before.

Slightly squinting his eyes, a cold light came out, it was wonderful, dare to play him like a monkey!
Slowly spit out a voice that seemed to be filled with sand, full of coldness, "Junior, you are rejecting my suggestion. You should think twice, don't toast or eat fine wine."

The evil eagles around the spirit boat seemed to feel the master's mood, they kept screaming, and stared at them fiercely.There is no doubt that as long as Patriarch Wandu has a thought, they will attack frantically, tearing and pecking at them with their sharp claws and beaks.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Su Qing's mouth, and the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Think twice? I'm so sorry. I've thought about it just now. It's absolutely impossible to betray the teacher. Patriarch, you still go back and forth wherever you come from, my You don't have to worry about things."

"Junior, if you don't know how to speak politely, you will suffer!"

The demon energy around him became more and more intense, and those evil eagles became more and more irritable, flapping their wings non-stop.

Su Qing got up, covered with a layer of demonic energy, with black hair flying around, nails entangled with hair, casually said: "You are so strange, I don't want to ask you to be my teacher, what's the matter, I still want to force it. Besides, I want to be My master, I don’t even piss to take care of myself, but I dare to say it!”

Her master is peerless, no one can replace her!

The last sentence touched my heart, Bo Rui, Xi Tingnai and Xiao Yin were all ready to fight.

Patriarch Wan Du's face turned into that virtuous, and he also hated others to poke his painful feet.Su Qing not only poked, but also spoke mercilessly.

"Jie Jie, I haven't done anything for many years. You juniors think that you can kill me by killing a few demon cultivators in the early stage of crossing the catastrophe. You are so naive. I will teach you a lesson with blood, how to respect the old man! "

Patriarch Wandu almost raised his hand, the black demonic energy was mixed with poisonous gas, the poisonous gas was very dark and evil, once it was invaded into the body, it would kill him immediately.

Su Qing drew his sword, and thousands of silver lights came down with the sword intent, and with an unstoppable momentum, they cascaded down like a rushing river hanging upside down.

What is mixed in this sword energy is!Patriarch Wandu opened his mouth wide, his poison gas was directly pierced by the silver light, which forced him to take a few steps back, not daring to step forward.

When he came back to his senses, there was no sign of the spirit boat, even his big eagles were gone.

After Su Qing used a bit of immortal energy to drop the sword, he directly broke through the space and threw the entire spirit boat into it, not forgetting to walk along with his evil eagles.

She's not stupid, if she fights with him fifty-fifty, she might lose both and waste her time.Just run away and want to trouble her, let's talk about it when we find her.

Xi Ting looked at the pile of corpses of big eagles, and really didn't know what to say.

Xiaoyin had already cleaned up the big carving very neatly, and then started braising and grilling. Su Qing sat beside him and almost blew out.

Bo Rui and Xi Ting, two ghosts who don't eat, looked at her with disgust, and then ate the spiritual fruit.


It took another half a year to ride the spirit boat before arriving at the small town at the foot of the Death Flame Mountain.In the past six months, all kinds of hunters have emerged one after another, including human cultivators, demon cultivators, demon cultivators, and ghost cultivators.It seems that because of the high price offered by the Wutian Demon Emperor, it has attracted the greed of many monks who have crossed the tribulation.Among other things, in the news released by Wutian, the monks in the early stage of Mahayana had two innate monsters beside them, and a young eight-winged thunder dragon with noble blood. Whoever killed her would be hers.

These things are enough to make many monks who cross the robbery very jealous, and even set up a hunting group to look for her traces everywhere.

Because Su Qing is proficient in the way of space now, she was defeated by Wutian last time, so she began to study the morality of space hard.Then the result was that no monk could catch up with her.

As soon as he found her trace, he broke through the space and escaped.Knowing her route all the way, it is useless to ambush her in advance, unless she can be stopped in the later stage of the tribulation, otherwise it is really impossible to stop her.

But in the later stage of the tribulation, he is already facing the imminent ascension, so he really needs to calm down and practice.Basically, they are retreating to hone their Dao heart, drive away demons, and prevent the failure of crossing the catastrophe.

Furthermore, in the early stage of Mahayana, in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, go everywhere to hunt and kill, unless you are not afraid of the ridicule of the entire foreign domain.Those chasing and killing groups are enough to lose the face of the monks who have crossed the robbery. So many monks have been chasing and killing them for half a year.

The chasing group expressed their grievances. Judging from the few times they fought against each other, although it was true that the girl was in the early stage of Mahayana, her overall strength was basically comparable to that in the middle stage of the tribulation.

It may be hard for someone to believe it, but it's true!
Su Qing ate countless spiritual pets of other monks along the way, and those who rode spiritual pets basically did not escape her clutches.

As the name suggests, the Flaming Death Mountain has a frighteningly high temperature inside, and without the third stage of the physical body, it is impossible to even enter it, and the physical body will be burnt instantly.

And there are many fires in it, and it is said that there are god-level fires, which are rarer and more precious than heaven-level fires.There are a total of ten divine fires in the Six Realms, each of which is extremely powerful, and the premise is that there is a life to subdue it.

Entering its range of thousands of miles, you can feel the scalding heat waves rushing towards your face, and even your breathing becomes hot and dry.The closer it was, the higher the temperature, Su Qing began to put on gauze clothes.It's thin and cool, it keeps the heat out, and its defense is amazing. It's really a good thing.

In the past six months, when passing by some beautiful scenery, she would record them with a crystal ball and send them to Yan'er.

The small town at the foot of the Flaming Death Mountain is surrounded by a thick layer of spiritual power, which shows how many spiritual stones are consumed to provide it.

When the guard saw them approaching, he stretched out his hand, "Everyone who enters the town has ten top-quality spirit stones."

so expensive?Su Qing thought about the outer spiritual power cover, and finally knew where the spirit stone came from, after paying the spirit stone.

As soon as we entered the town, it was very cool inside, which was quite different from the outside.It is also very lively inside, with many monks coming and going.

"Let's go eat first."

Su Qing was so excited that he went shopping, his eyes glowing, looking for something to eat.

Bo Rui and Xi Ting have black lines all over their heads, is her belly a bottomless pit?There are so many things to eat along the way, but I still have to eat when I enter the town!
Little Silver, who knew his master's appetite, wasn't surprised at all, how many?He thinks it's okay.

The things inside are ridiculously expensive, and all the shops are opened by the builders of the town. The only inn is empty and there are only a few people.

Su Qing went in anyway, Xiaoer was listlessly leaning against the wooden pillar, the thick dark circles under his eyes were really panda eyes.

I found a table by the window and sat down, "Xiao Er, wake up, what special dishes do you have here?"

He let out a breath, feeling drowsy, "Chicken stewed with mushrooms, bone soup, braised taro."

Falling asleep again while talking, Su Qing looked at the menu on the wooden board by herself, the price is really black!
But try it first, maybe it's delicious.

"Take everything you just said, and order more delicious food."

As soon as the food was served, he immediately cheered up, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he ran to the back kitchen, and the shopkeeper on the counter was lying on the whole body, without lifting up at all.

"Master, do you think I can subdue the heavenly fire seed this time?"

At a table not far away, a pretty girl spoke excitedly, as if she was about to conquer and possess the fire.

"You are an innate fire spirit body, you can definitely do it." The middle-aged man beside him said with a chuckle.

The monks who can come to the Flaming Mountain of Death are all here to subdue the fire.Otherwise, who would want to come to such a shitty store with outrageously expensive prices.

(End of this chapter)

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