Chapter 426
Baige was very efficient. With Xi Ting's help, he quickly contacted the No. [-] Building in the World and truthfully transmitted all the recent information about Baili's family situation to Su Qing.

The night is like a black curtain drawn down, covered with dots of stars, and the cool breeze brings a bit of coolness, calming down the irritable heart slowly.

Su Qing sat on the rattan chair, holding a jade slip with a message in his hand.There is also a shelf made of sprawling vines next to it, and a night pearl is placed on the top, and the moonlight is also pouring down.The interplay of fluorescent light and moonlight made her figure look cold and deep.

Raising his head, his eyes as bright as stars stared at the starry sky, as if reflected in the clear and translucent water.

It's just that at this moment, the coldness in her eyes was too strong, and she tightly clutched the jade slip in her hand, and it shattered into slag in the next second.

Standing up, with a movement of divine sense, there was an identical "Su Qing" standing in front of her, with the same aura fluctuating on her body, but her eyes were slightly dull.

"She" sat on Su Qing's rattan chair, and Su Qing's figure gradually disappeared in the darkness.If someone probed with divine sense at this time, they would not be able to detect any other fluctuations.

After getting the news, Su Qing became even more anxious. She had to find Baililang immediately.It looks like a marriage on the outside, but it is actually a transaction between the two families.Luo Xiyan is not just an empty vase as rumored, on the contrary, she is the real speaker of the Luo family.

The Luo family has a long and mysterious history.It is not like the four major families have existed since ancient times, and they know the roots and the bottom, and have a long history.As for the Luo family, it seemed to appear out of nowhere. It had been unknown since it appeared a hundred years ago, and no one noticed its existence at all.

When people went to inspect the Luo family curiously because of Luo Xiyan, they would find that they had unknowingly developed into a first-class family.

Judging from the information on the information, those who had a good time with Luo Xiyan were either dead or on their way to death, dying quietly.If it weren't for the fact that the two Mahayana venerables were fighting this time, it would be even harder for anyone to notice.

Luo Xiyan asked for Baili Lang on her own initiative, and the bargaining chips offered to Baili's family were very high.As for what it was, she didn't know.It can be seen that the price is very difficult for the owner of Baili to refuse, and Baililang himself is in a very bad situation in Baili's family.For the Patriarch, there is really no reason to refuse Baililang who has no value in exchange for something of great value.

Even if you know that the other party has bad intentions, it is very likely that you will die.

The more she understood, the more disturbed she became.After leaving Baili's house, Su Qing directly bit the tip of his tongue, forcing out a drop of blood, and countless shadow clones with powerful spiritual thoughts appeared.

"Search the entire Anlin for me! As long as you find Baililang's aura, send me a message immediately."

The dense shadow clones disappeared in an instant and rushed to various places at a very fast speed.They don't know how to use morality, but in terms of speed and divine sense, they are no different from the main body.

Anlin is occupied by the master of Baili, and there are many top masters.In order not to startle the snake, she couldn't directly release her spiritual consciousness to cover the entire Anlin inch by inch, otherwise she would be discovered before Baililang was found.

These avatars cover a small area each time, and their powerful divine sense can search for places that dig three feet deep. Even if they are discovered occasionally, with so many avatars, let's see how many they can catch.

Su Qing's own figure also quickly disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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