Chapter 428
She rummaged through the room, but there was nothing in this room that left a trace of Baililang's soul imprint.There is nothing but clothes, and even the clothes are very ordinary.

If the clothes worn by monks are engraved with talismans or made of silk threads containing spiritual energy, there will still be some residue.But the most common clothes, which are as common as mortals, are useless at all.

hateful!These scumbags from the Baili family!
The clue here was broken, and when it was about to pass, finally a shadow clone sent a message, and there was a place where Baililang's breath remained.


At the exit of the small road that can walk out of Anlin, there are dense bushes as far as the eye can see. The small road is not counted as a road, and it turns out that it is also a bush.It's just opened up, there are too many people walking back and forth, and it's a road that has been stepped on abruptly.

Su Qing used "Back in Time" again, and this time he placed formations around him to enhance the power of morality.

This path was shrouded in misty silver light, and the shadow clone dissipated in an instant, "she" couldn't stay where she was like Su Qing.The surrounding scenery began to change, the bushes were growing upside down, and the people walking back and forth were also upside down, passing back day by day.

Baililang's figure appeared again, and he was alone again, walking very slowly.

When he stepped onto the path and was about to leave An Lin, he turned his head and looked back.

And Su Qing's position is very similar to him looking back at her, the two of them are facing each other, but he is in the past and she is in the present.

She looked into his clear eyes, for An Lin, he had a lot of reluctance at first, and then those reluctances went away.Flick the sleeves, alone.

Su Qing wanted to speak more, wanted to ask him what happened?Because in the two past fragments, he was conscious and had no sense of control at all.

Baili Xi said that he was locked up, but he didn't, and left Anlin instead.

Time travel stopped, she lowered her head, and walked to the position where he stopped to look back at An Lin.

The mist in his hand had some obvious changes, and there was nothing at all when he swiped with his divine sense.She walked to the bushes, poked through the bushes inch by inch, and finally found a storage ring.

Pick it up, the brand on it has been removed, that is, anyone who picks it up can use it.

The spiritual consciousness penetrated in, and inside was a pile of glazed beads, various elixirs, spiritual weapons and Taoist weapons, and a photo stone, which automatically played the picture.

He looked very hesitant, with worry on his brows, "I am Baili Lang, no matter who picks up my things, if, I said if, if one day I hear a girl named Su Qing come to me, She is my younger sister. You tell her that I am doing well and studying with a great power.

If you say yes, everything inside the ring is yours.But if you can't do it, you will be cursed by the spirit-killing clan. "

As he said, he turned slightly sideways, and there was a blood-red strange twisted pattern on the back of his neck, and he would feel very dizzy just by staring at it.

Zhu Ling, Su Qing rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

She has read a lot of ancient historical materials of Outland, even a lot of gossip about unofficial history.

The Lingling clan, between half-spirit and half-human, looks very human-like, has a long lifespan and low cultivation, and their most frightening ability is cursing.

But isn't the spirit-killing clan gone long ago?How could Baililang belong to the Lingling clan?

Did he leave messages on purpose to prevent her from worrying in the future?What about Luo Xiyan?Why does it have to be Baililang.

Now that it is confirmed that Baililang is not in Anlin, tomorrow he will find out where this small road leads, whether it is in the direction of Hannan.If it is, she is going to go to Hannan to investigate.

With a snap of his fingers, all the shadow clones were taken back.The sky had gradually turned pale, and Su Qing returned to Baili's house under the last cover of night.

The cat leaned on her body, entered in a flash, the whole room was brightly lit, countless white lights illuminated instantly, the whole room was brighter than daytime, there was not even a shadowy dark place, so she had nowhere to hide.

As soon as the divine sense moved, he hid directly into the space.While manipulating the space, she came to Nanyuan's courtyard, pretending that her avatar was still there.

At the gate of Nanyuan, a group of people was stopped by Bo Rui and the others.

Bo Rui is leaning on the right side of the round arch, and to the left are Xi Ting, Xiao Can, White Pigeon and Crow.

That's right, two fat birds with half-grown feathers blocked the last gap, staring fiercely at the comer.

"What do you mean by that? Breaking into the guest's courtyard in the middle of the night, this is how your Baili family treats guests!? Then I have really seen it, it is really disgusting."

Bo Rui has always been merciless with his mouth, and directly embraced them with both hands, raised his head, and looked at them with disgust.

Bai Lixi stood beside him tremblingly, his legs were almost weak, and there was a middle-aged man beside him.Under the thick eyebrows are cold eyes, staring at him will make you feel cold all over your body, which is a kind of torment.

Platinum Rui is as if he has no feeling at all, and he is right.

Standing next to the Patriarch, Baili Xi, who obviously felt the coldness, could only take a step forward, and said bravely, "Hugh is rude, this is the Patriarch of our Baili Family. Where is your master? We came here to discuss something. .”

Bo Rui sneered, and said: "Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow, this night, a bad old man is looking for our beautiful master, I suspect that you are plotting something wrong. We can't let you in, you should go back as soon as possible."

It is true that it is not appropriate to find someone to discuss things at night, it is not in line with common sense, and it is not in line with the way of hospitality.

Bailixi felt the same way, but if the Patriarch wanted to come, he could only obey his orders.

"It's just an innate monster! What nonsense are you talking about when I'm looking for your master!"

The head of the Baili family, Bailizhou, stared straight at him.That gaze was as cold as a knife blade.

Anyone who hears these words will be angry. He said that he is the majestic leader of the clan, a power in the outer domain is like a shameless person in the market.

"If I say you can't enter, you can't enter. My master is resting. You are old, if you can't sleep in the middle of the night, don't disturb other people's clear dreams."

"You! What nonsense! That monk still needs to sleep!"

Bailizhou was so angry that he couldn't speak fully. After the foundation building, the general monks would fast and seldom sleep. They used it for cultivation at night.

What's more, Su Qing is a Mahayana monk, even if he doesn't practice, he will be fine without sleeping or resting for a few years.

"I don't like to hear your words. My master is too young, so I can grow up after sleeping, can't I?!"

Bo Rui's mouth really has the ability to piss people off, and Su Qing, who is watching from the side, is too relieved.

But depending on the situation, Bailizhou will not leave easily, she has to go back and exchange it with the clone.

It's okay to deceive Bailixi with that kind of blindfold, but it can't deceive Bailizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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