Chapter 435 Want to Live
Baocha Temple has a bad reputation among monks, but it is still holy in the eyes of ordinary people.There are quite a lot of people worshiping, especially here is the place where the Buddha once sat down. Once you enter, the air is filled with a strange fragrance. After smelling it, you will feel calm and clear, and you will be aware of everything around you I have some more insights.

Walking on that road, every time you pass a section of the road, you can see mortals kowtow step by step, fold their hands together, and pray very devoutly.

The corners of the eyes covered with fine lines are full of hope every time they look up at Baocha Temple. That kind of hope is that there is no other way in the desperate situation, and they can only rely on the occurrence of foreign miracles.

Most of the people who pray are praying for their family members. Birth, old age, sickness and death are always the root pain of mortals.

And after monks like Su Qing entered the central territory of Baocha Temple, their spiritual power was covered up, as if they had once again turned into mortals in the vastness.

With the loss of power, there will be temporary doubts.How far have you traveled all these years to cultivate the Tao?How far is it to reach the other shore to rest.

There is always a pair of hands behind you pushing you forward, and you can't stop taking a step.Slack means that countless people will surpass you and ridicule you, and your life will be in danger.

In Outland, the best guarantee is one's own cultivation, so that people dare not act rashly.

Su Qing raised his head, the rune turned over, and there was a huge "卍" character above the entire sky. It was the continuous supply of Buddha-nature power that made Xisa a pure place without ghosts and ghosts.

It has to be said that the Buddha who opened up and established Baocha Temple was full of selfless brilliance.

Her gaze looked at the Baocha Temple on the top of the mountain, and the golden light on the top of the tower could not cover up the corroded darkness of the temple.

It's a pity that such a holy and pure place was devoured and destroyed bit by bit.

As Su Qing walked step by step, the small temples he passed by were mostly ordinary people, who burned incense and worshiped Buddha, praying for miracles to happen.

Bailixi was also quite moved when he saw it, "Ordinary people suffer so much. If the Buddha could see it, this Outland would not be in such chaos."

What is the use of burning incense and worshiping Buddha so devoutly?Even the Buddha could not listen to so many people.

For mortals, monks are like gods.As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer.Whenever war broke out in each camp, the mortals in the camp would suffer.

Vicious demon cultivators and ghost cultivators will eat mortals, and some demon cultivators need blood sacrifices to practice magic arts.

Outland is vast, with many monks and more mortals.There is killing and blood flowing all the time.

Su Qing nodded slightly, "So it's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. A monk is going against the sky and pursuing self-transcendence."

The two walked up slowly, and sometimes reached out their hands when they saw mortals kowtowing and about to faint.

Many pilgrims gathered in front of the gate of Baocha Temple, and there were endless wailing sounds.

"The merciful Buddha, open your eyes and save my daughter. She is still so young, she shouldn't suffer like this!"

The old woman sitting on the ground was crying with a little girl about seven or eight years old in her arms. Her hair was messed up and her clothes were tattered. They hadn't been changed for a long time and exuded a bad smell.

Judging from the age of her bones, she was only in her twenties, and her eyes were dulled by the torture of life.The exposed hands were covered with thick calluses, some even opened their mouths, and the blood-red flesh was turned out, silently telling the hardships.The face was very thin, as if only a layer of dry skin was left, and under the messy hair was a forehead that had already been knocked and bleeding.She is so young, but she is like an old woman in her seventies and eighties.

And the little girl in her arms was also pitifully thin, her legs and hands were as thin as bamboo.His face was blue and gray, his eyes turned white, and he convulsed and foamed from time to time.

When the little girl fell ill, the woman's cries became even more heart-piercing.

And the people around had indifferent expressions, and no one was willing to reach out.

At this moment, the temple gate of Baocha Temple opened at noon, and two drowsy monks came out of it, breathing heavily.

Seeing that the temple door was opened, a large group of people rushed over like crazy, only to see black heads but high arms waving.

"Master, I have been waiting for three days, let me in!"

"Master, this is the thousand-year-old ginseng that my family bought with a lot of money to honor you. Let me go in first."

"I also have a thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum. I have waited for five days. If it is really too late, please let me in."

With the sound of constant yelling, the woman holding the little girl also rushed over, squeezing forward frantically in the bustling crowd.But everyone didn't give in to her at all. Seeing that she was a weak woman, a big man bumped her directly with his body.

And so many people keep pushing forward, once they fall, they will be trampled to death by the people behind.

A tree vine quickly stretched out, rolled up the bodies of the two women, and gently pulled them out of the bustling and crazy crowd.

"What are you doing! I'm going to ask the fairy medicine to save my daughter!"

She was pulled out from the front, staring at Su Qing with red eyes, her sharp voice seemed to want to pierce the eardrums and hit her heart directly.

"You old woman, I saved you, it's fine to be ungrateful, and return this attitude."

Bailixi was really angry, if it wasn't for Su Qing who made the move, she and her daughter would die, and they were so fierce.

"We don't want you to save me. Without the elixir, my daughter can't hold on anymore, and I can't live anymore!"

As the woman spoke, she collapsed and cried while hugging the little girl.

Originally, she also had a happy family. Although she was not rich, she did not lack food and drink.Everything changed just three years ago when an evil spirit appeared in the mountains and many people in the village died, including her husband.Later, a fairy exterminated the evil spirit, but her family was broken up, and her daughter was also bewitched by the evil spirit, and she often fell ill like this.

As the number of episodes became more and more frequent, when my daughter seldom had a clear consciousness, I told her every time, 'Mother, I feel uncomfortable, I am so uncomfortable. 'Her heart was twisted like a knife.

The doctors in the village looked down on her, and the doctors in the town said that they could only seek treatment from immortals.During these three years, she met a fairy, but he said that his cultivation was too shallow to get rid of it.I heard that there is a living Buddha in Baocha Temple, who can heal the dead and make everyone's wishes come true.

She suffered so much staring and spurning along the way, and she knelt and kowtowed every step of the way to Baocha Temple, only to realize that she only received three people a day.

I have been waiting for seven or eight days. When I am hungry, I eat grass roots and cook them with some bacon on my body.But she gradually discovered that some people who came later than her were able to enter because of the generous gifts.

The mental burden that has been placed on her all the year round makes her life worse than death, and she wants to die so many times.But her daughter is still too young, and she hasn't seen much of the world, even though it's dark.

She wanted her to live, to live well.

But why is it so difficult!It was so difficult that she wanted to give up her life again and again, questioning God!

(End of this chapter)

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