Chapter 45
It is forbidden to use spiritual weapons to fly in the monster forest. There is a very powerful barrier in the sky, and the result of flying is to be killed by lightning. Any space talisman will be invalid here.

Because Su Qing didn't have a cultivation base, she was severely hindered. The sisters of the Mei family overestimated their foot strength a bit. It was completely dark before they came to the center of the monster forest.

The Monster Forest at night was eerily quiet, with only the occasional sound of flying beasts passing by.

Mei Yan found a cave, and the three of them hid in it.

Why not just open up a cave, because that kind of action is too loud, afraid of disturbing the night activities in the monster forest.

Cover the entrance of the hole, and then set up a formation, and an enchantment that isolates their breath.

"Sister Yanyan, is the night in the Monster Beast Forest really so scary?"

Seeing Mei Yan and Mei Huan's careful measures, Su Qing was still very curious.After all, this is also the first time the original owner entered the monster forest, and he was tricked into it by that scumbag. He only heard that it was very dangerous.

Mei Huan inlaid a huge luminous pearl into the stone wall, and Su Qing stared at the luminous pearl.

What a big night pearl!Definitely worth the money!

After Mei Yan finished her defensive work, she casually threw out a few red stones. Mei Huan stretched out her fingertips tacitly, a little flame shot out from it, and landed directly on the red stones, a pile of fire was burning there.

After everything was ready, they sat down next to each other.

Mei Huan leaned very close to Su Qing, and handed her some skewered meat.

She herself answered Su Qing's words while roasting, "Is this the first time Susu has entered the Monster Beast Forest!? So it's normal not to know. The Monster Beast Forest basically doesn't haunt high-level monsters during the day, let alone King-level monsters, they are all sleeping."

"But at night, it's time for them to come out to hunt. Therefore, the monster forest at night is much more dangerous than during the day. My sister and I are not strong enough to kill high-level monsters."

Su Qing listened quietly while flipping the barbecue in his hand.

Soon the barbecue in the hands of the three of them turned golden brown and gave off bursts of fragrance.

Her hala came out directly, because she hadn't eaten meat since she became a grass.

One bite, the mouth is full of meat, the meat is fat but not greasy, and after eating, a force enters her body, full of strength.

"It's delicious."

She gnawed frantically, her mouth full of meat residue, and soon, the meat skewers in her hands were gone.

Then with a greedy face, he stared at the grilled meat skewers in Mei's hands with piercing eyes.

Mei Yan and Mei Huan looked at each other with a smile, and handed her the meat skewers, "Here, let's roast some more, we are monks, so we're not hungry right now."

Once a cultivator reaches the foundation building stage, he can fast without eating.The sisters of the Mei family are now in the middle stage of foundation establishment. For them, food is just to satisfy their appetite, and it makes no difference whether they eat it or not.

Su Qing, who was a little embarrassed at first, took it over after hearing what they said, and ate it.

Finally, he handed the meat skewers to Xiaoyin's mouth, "Xiaoyin, this is delicious, do you want it?"

The little silver snake is very thin and short, so it hangs on her wrist like a silver bracelet.

It opened its blood-red vertical pupils, looked at the barbecue with disgust, then closed its eyes and continued to sleep.

"Hmph, it's so delicious, don't forget it."

As he spoke, his mouth was already full, and his mouth was full of fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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