Chapter 455
She sighed softly, "He has already ascended to the upper realm, and the past is over, why are you massacring in the Demon Sect this time?"

She was referring to him, Tianran naturally knew who it was.

He raised his head and smiled contemptuously at the sky: "It is said that the way of heaven is reincarnation. Tell me, is there really such a thing? I will not let anyone who participated in that battle back then be spared!"

His eyes fell on her, "As for the person you mentioned, after this is settled, I will ascend to the upper realm to settle accounts with him."

From the beginning to the end, he was smiling, but it made Ling Lan look at him even more strangely.

In the end, he said lightly, "You are stunned. This is the way of the world. People are unpredictable, and the world is unpredictable. There is nothing you can do except to make yourself stronger."

"Do you know that the Upper Realm has sent two adults to arrest you, and if you didn't escape from the Demon Sect, you even came to the Blackthorn Forest."

In today's world, the way of magic is like this, and so is the way of spirit.Living well is more important than trying to dig into a dead end.

"Is this the way of the world? The better one is like this! I don't believe in this fate! Anyone who stops me will die!"

The blood red in his eyes became more vigorous, full of murderous aura, and the vines on his face seemed to be alive, very strange.

Even though he is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, he wants to overthrow this day and make everyone pay in blood!
"Since you are obsessed with your obsession, let's take action. I will take you back to the headquarters of the Demon Sect because of your duty."

He has gone crazy, Linglan knew that he could not persuade him.She didn't know what happened when he was sent to the world of comprehension, and what made the once innocent and kind child become like this.

I thought it would be dangerous to keep him in the demon sect in the outer domain. Considering his physique, the demon sect in the cultivation world should also be very sad.

From his shot until now, he has not used magic energy, but spiritual power.Could it be that this child cannot practice magic? !
"Heaven dye!"

The cold voice came faintly, and his body was startled.Ling Lan and the two elders were shocked and defended quickly.

An elder looked up and scolded: "Who is pretending to be a ghost, why don't you show up quickly!"

"found it."

Ling Lan stared at a point in mid-air, suddenly the space was not broken, a person, a ghost and a black bird popped out.

Su Qing actually came here for a while, hiding in the space crack and keeping observing.

"Who is coming!"

Su Qing who appeared out of nowhere made Linglan and the others feel the danger, another elder asked.

There is no fluctuation in her cultivation, but she can come to them quietly, so she cannot be an ordinary person.

"Su Qing."

She answered simply and clearly, and didn't want to hide it.

Slowly approaching Tianran, he looked at her without any change, as if looking at a stranger.

Ling Lan looked at her carefully, "You are Su Qing, the Demon Emperor Wutian paid a lot of money to arrest you everywhere. I heard that you are a demon cultivator? But a demon cultivator from the cultivation world? If you are, I can ask the suzerain I recommend you and seal you as an elder."

Su Qing's name is not unpopular among the top monks. He comes from the cultivation world, and in a short period of time, he has the strength to kill the early stage of the tribulation.The Wutian Demon Emperor offered so many rewards for chasing and killing them, but in the end they were still intact, but the other party suffered heavy losses.

In fact, that is already old history, Su Qing can kill more than just the early stage of crossing the catastrophe.

"Thank you for your kindness, I don't need it. There is only one purpose for coming here today, to take him away."

Su Qing stared at Tianran intently, the two were very close, one was indifferent and the other cold.

Tianran turned around, staggered her gaze, and said in a cold voice, "I don't know you, and I won't leave with you. This is not the place for you to stay. You can go back wherever you came from."

Su Qing was not annoyed, but chuckled lightly, "What? I haven't seen you for almost ten years, so I pretended not to know you."

Suddenly the voice dropped, "You promised me that you would come back alive to see me, don't tell me you forgot about it too."

He clenched his hands hidden in the wide sleeves, desperately restraining his emotions, and said forcefully: "I have never seen the girl, and I have never remembered it."

you go away!Who the hell sent you here!

This place will soon become a battlefield, and he is not afraid of death, because there is nothing but hatred in life.

Su Qing held back the sourness at the tip of her nose, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay, if you don't remember, don't remember. Do you want revenge, do you want to destroy everything, I will accompany you."

The last three words were like a heavy drum hitting his heart hard.

He turned around, chilled by the vine's seductive face, even his eyes seemed to be covered by sculptures, without emotion, "No need at all! Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have? I don't need anyone to do my business Tube!"

Su Qing became angry in an instant, thinking of the bold and delicate Tianran before, and looking at this Tianran whose mind had been completely swallowed up by hatred, his hands began to itch.

Staring at him, said word by word: "Do you want me to drag you back!"

Ling Lan looked at these two people, also very speechless.Did they take the Demon Sect seriously? One wanted to be destroyed and killed so many Demon Sect disciples; the other wanted to leave as soon as he wanted to leave, and he didn't ignore her as a protector at all.

"Cough cough!"

Pretending to cough a few times, the two did not respond at all.

Tianran looked at her with deep helplessness in his eyes, "Go, I chose this path myself, and it has nothing to do with anyone else."

That voice even contained a request, making Su Qing's body drained of strength in an instant.

When revenge became his belief, blood became the nourishment of hatred, making his breathing nearly suffocate.

Watching her mother blew herself up to death with her own eyes, she was tortured and humiliated because of her physique since she was a child.Those inhuman tortures were deeply burned into his internal organs, making him miserable.

The death of Tiangui is like a fuse, it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong, the world has become chaotic, and he decides right from wrong.

Not wanting her to get involved, not wanting her to be in danger because of him, this is his last peace of mind.

Su Qing's tears rolled in her eyes, she knew that everyone had unspeakable pain, she just wanted to bear it alone, to resist, and she didn't want to involve others.

Brother Nangong is like this, and so is Tianran.

Asking her to leave in a pleading tone made her feel powerless.

He raised his head, held back his tears, gritted his teeth and said, "It's really nice, you want me to watch you die with my own eyes! You think this is for my own good, and you are responsible for yourself. You are selfish!"

"If I just leave today, it will become my endless demon. So, even if I drag it out today, I will take you away. I can't just watch you die!"

Tianran has never seen her cry, but no matter how many hardships she has gone through, she will only keep going.While teasing and angering others, while taking action to teach them a lesson, it seems that they will not be afraid when the sky falls.

But today, she was forced to cry by herself.Tianran raised his head, the sky in the black thorn forest was dim even if it was illuminated by so many lighting devices.

If it weren't for those two from the Upper Realm who suddenly appeared, he would have won.The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Unexpectedly, Su Qing would also come to Mozong, caught off guard, and sighed deeply, "Let's go, let's leave."

(End of this chapter)

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