Chapter 472
"You go out first, I will accompany him alone."

Su Qing waved her hand, Bo Rui didn't want to leave, because she had just woken up, her body had not fully recovered, and her face was pale.

Xi Ting directly pulled him out, the master needed to be alone.This is a knot in her heart, and no one can help her through it, only herself.

She looked at him, and from their words, she knew that the last enchanting woman who appeared was Tianji.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she teased: "Brother Nangong, your words of intercession are really wonderful. You have a calm personality, and Tianji will actually fall in love with you as Wang Shui."

When Tianji asked her about Brother Nangong's whereabouts, she still felt that they were not suitable.One is as indifferent as water, seemingly warm but cold and hard.A seductive woman who looks like a gamer in the world but is passionate and persistent until death.

Water and fire, two extremes.Looking at it now, Tianji really made her admire from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't expect that she really chased all the way to Outland, and even found Big Brother Nangong, and finally lost her soul to save Big Brother Nangong.

Suddenly his eyes were cold, full of murderous intent, "Don't worry, I will definitely save you. And those two men in gray robes, I will also kill them for you."

Standing up, brushing the palm of Nangong Yu, just recovered some body and began to perform morality.

"Go back in time!"

The scene began to change, she saw the faces of the two men in gray robes, and their moves against Nangong Yu'er.

When the eight formations were thrown out, she was suddenly startled, immortal energy? !
No wonder she was able to break the Shura domain, and the emblem embroidered with eight petals of red lotus made her face even darker.If she remembered correctly, Crispy Muze's robe was embroidered with twelve poinsettias.

She thought she knew who this strange force suddenly appeared?People from Penglai Island!
She didn't expect them to join the WTO, and it seems that they still want to control Outland.

The Penglai Island in Outland is not the Penglai Wonderland in the fairy world, but can only be regarded as a servant of the Penglai Wonderland in the fairy world.They were just personal servants, but they all ascended to Penglai Fairyland in the fairyland and became disciples of the Immortal Venerable.

Because Penglai is regarded as a fairyland in the outer domain, there is a slight connection with Penglai in the fairyland, so they have many treasures, all of which contain fairy energy and are very powerful.

As for the eight-petalled red lotus that appeared, it can be seen that it is a one-time consumable. The real twelve-pink red lotus is in the fairyland Penglai Wonderland.The eight-petal red lotus they enshrined should only have a trace of the essence of the red lotus fire.

Then it is enshrined all year round, and only a trace can be taken out every once in a while to be refined into a one-time consumable.

It's not really a red lotus fire, its power has been greatly reduced.The real red lotus karma is not something they can control, and it will be backlashed to death before it is controlled.

She also heard the gray-robed man talk about Abi Hell. According to the knowledge spectrum of the Six Realms that God showed her, Abi Hell belongs to the underworld and does not belong to the underworld.

Could it be that the brutal massacre in Outer Territory, those Shuras came from Abi Hell.

She recalled the birth of Shura again, no matter human, demon, fairy or ghost, they all have desires, and some desires are getting darker and filthier.And Shura was born out of these desires, the more those desires, the stronger their power, and the more they want to kill.

It is a monster that is not a god, a ghost, or a human, and is between gods, ghosts, and humans.

Later, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great vow to never empty the hell and never become a Buddha, which was suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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