Chapter 474
After entering the inner room, Sanniang and the others had been waiting for a long time, when Su Qing came in, they all stood up to greet her.

Su Qing waved his hands to signal them to sit down and talk, and then sat on the upper chair.Wutian who was following behind also dragged a chair up and sat just a little below Su Qing.

After the five members of Alcatraz sat down, they looked at Wutian with some doubts. Is this the contract monster newly acquired by the master?Why are you so courageous, you all sat there.

Because the monster aura on Wutian's body was too heavy, he didn't even want to hide anything, even a monk could tell that he was transformed by a monster.

The white doves and crows sat down like them before, so why don't the later ones understand any rules?

Su Qing flicked her sleeves, and six monks appeared out of thin air in the center of the hall, and her eyes fell on the people of Alcatraz Island.

"Let you get to know each other first, they are all my new partners."

Only by letting them see their strength will they be truly convinced, including the forces behind them.

Needless to say, the white pigeon and the crow, the five people in Alcatraz knew each other, but when they saw their cultivation, each of them choked up.

It turned out to be a mid-stage cultivation base of fusion!
They remembered that they were just transforming into gods four years ago. This speed is too outrageous, and they are almost catching up with them.

At first glance, Yuwen Yixuan is a personal cultivation, and it is also in the middle stage of integration. She is much younger than them and has a bright future.

But Bo Rui, Xi Ting, and Xiao Can did not hide themselves, they also saw that they were all innate spirits and possessed the cultivation base of transcending tribulation.

It made them drenched in cold sweat all of a sudden, Su Qing went out for a trip, how could he bring back so many innate spirits!
Shi Shi was also stunned. Although the stronger the signing beast of her master, the better, but if her own cultivation cannot be suppressed, accidents are easy to happen.


Seeing that everyone was ignoring him, Wutian snorted coldly at this moment, except for Su Qing who looked indifferent, everyone was trembling.

The power of the pinnacle of crossing the catastrophe!
Did you make a mistake!
Su Qing still held on to the majesty of the master, and said in a cold voice: "Wutian, put away your coercion."

Godless?Could it be the Wutian Demon Emperor? !

After all, among the monsters, there are very few peak transcending tribulation abilities, and there is only one named Wutian.

Apart from Crow and Xiaocan, Borui and the others were also very confused, because they saw Wutian was just a giant beast that day, but they never expected that he was Wutian Demon Emperor!

However, Wutian Yaodi and his master had an unpleasant quarrel because of the white fox, and the hunting order made it known to the outside world. Shi Shi was always worried about his master and them in the imperial capital.How could it suddenly become the master's contract beast?
Wutian sensed the gossiping curiosity of the crowd, turned his head away, and said silently, "The equal contract I signed, don't try to instruct me too much."

Many contractors rolled their eyes, making it look like everyone is not an equal contract.

Generally, human cultivators and monsters would choose master-servant contracts, because in this way human cultivators can be safe and secure, and there is no need to worry that they will turn against and betray.

No one will sign equal contracts like Su Qing.

With the whole room full of figures, she smiled and said, "Okay, let's all sit down first."

After they all sat down, Yuwen Yixuan felt a little dizzy.Among them, he was the one who was hit the hardest. Thinking about the first time I saw the crazy girl, she had no cultivation and was very weak.

Who would have expected that more than ten years later, she would become a mighty power in Outland, and she would have a bunch of venerable powers under her command, comparable in strength to the top wave in Outland.

Sure enough, Bo Rui was right, he is a waste.But is she really human?So the cultivation speed is really human?

Su Qing pondered for a while, then she said slowly: "I called you here today because I have something important to discuss. There is also a secret about me that I need to tell you."

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears and chose to listen quietly.In fact, as long as he is a smart person, he can see that Su Qinghuai has some secrets, otherwise, it would be so shocking that his heart can't stand it.Compared with her, everyone is a fool with dull aptitude.

"Actually, I come from the fairy world. I originally went to the lower realm to find people, but I was forced to go to the lower realm. There is still a real enemy of me in the immortal realm."

Having just gone through an exciting meeting, suddenly another such secret came up, and their little hearts "thumped".

No wonder she advanced so heaven-defyingly, she could understand, she could understand.

Everyone began to comfort themselves, but they didn't know that Su Qing's body was destroyed when he descended to the realm, and his soul was seriously damaged. Hiding in this body, he couldn't exert any power in the fairy world at all.

Who can say that it is because she is a person from the fairy world that she has come to this point?
The fairyland is so big and there are so many immortals, who dares to destroy the body and fall to the lower realm to rebuild, it is still the most barren realm of self-cultivation.

Yuwen Yixuan was dumbfounded again, did the crazy girl come from the fairy world? !
The world view he had been building collapsed, and it was still broken into pieces, unable to be put back together.

Bo Rui's expression darkened, and his heart became even more melancholy.

"Following me is very dangerous. The status and cultivation of that enemy is high in the fairy world. So if you ascend to the fairy world, don't say it's mine."

Su Qing said with a low smile, and even made fun of himself.But this is the truth, Qianrou, as an immortal, is not like her own god who doesn't care about worldly affairs, so there must be many forces attached to her.

She teased herself, the dignified atmosphere in the hall relaxed a lot, and Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and smiled "hee hee".

She suddenly changed the subject and looked serious, "I came back urgently this time because there might be a big change in Outland. It's a big change sweeping all forces, and no one will be spared."

I turned my attention to the five members of Alcatraz Island, "You Alcatraz Island have always only accepted commissions and never turned to which side, I am very clear about this. But under the great changes, there is no end?

I hope that you Alcatraz can maintain a permanent alliance with our human monks. Naturally, Jubao Pavilion and Tianxiayilou are also part of the human race. "

Su Qing deliberately made them unrestrained, just to let them see the strength she currently controls.There are quite a few venerables in Jubao Pavilion and the First Floor of the World. She plans to have a big overall improvement, and the same is true for Qi Liuyun.

The five members of Alcatraz became silent. So far, no force dared to attack Alcatraz because of their rampant actions. On the one hand, there are Sanxians in charge, and on the other hand, it is because they are an independent party and do not participate in the battle of any party.

Jin Jun raised his eyes and forgot to come over, "Recently, there was a big battle in the Demon Sect. Could it be related to you?"

His attitude is much more respectful than before.Su Qing's cultivation was not as good as theirs before, but now she can crush the Wutian Demon Emperor who is at the peak of the tribulation, even though she is in the early stage of the tribulation.

Su Qing nodded, she didn't want to hide anything, "Yes."

After all, Jin Jun was a direct disciple of a high-level demon cultivator in the big battle of the Demon Sect, so he still knew something inside.

The avatars of the two adults from the Demon Realm had fallen, and Su Qing said that she was from the Immortal Realm, so she became suspicious.

She knew what Jin Jun was worried about, and then said: "Since ancient times, it has been said that immortals and demons are incompatible, but I am a double cultivator of spirits and demons, and I don't have these worldly prejudices. The word Tao means that each cultivates its own method, and each cultivates its own heart.

Regarding the matter of the Demon Sect, because my relatives were hunted down, I only asked their hearts, not their ways.If one day, the human race turns their swords on my comrades, I will do the same. "

She has never had the concept of camp, she just wants to protect the people around her.It's just that if she must choose one, she can keep the human camp.But if they betray her, she will kill them!

There was a welcome smile on his face, but a cold light suddenly appeared.Everyone knew what she said was true.

(End of this chapter)

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