Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 484 The Prelude to the Chaos

Chapter 484 The Prelude to the Chaos
The white dove and the crow felt something was wrong when they were refining the fire. This fire was not the normal sky fire they thought at all.

After Baige incorporated the blue flame into his soul sea, he felt that he was under the warm sunshine at first, but as the refining time progressed.

The temperature of the sun was getting higher and higher, which made his spirit gradually overwhelmed.The little white pigeon in Soul Sea wanted to drink water because it was too nervous, and kept calling.

Immediately afterwards, his voice became hoarse, and layers of flames erupted all over his body. Those flames wrapped around the soul, as if they wanted to melt him into a ball, it was so painful.

As soon as the crow incorporated the pitch-black flame into the sea of ​​souls, he felt something was wrong, and the cold feeling made him shiver.

Then what he felt was five days of endless cold, that kind of cold pierced into the soul, like a knife cutting your soul constantly, wanting to tear it apart.

But after entering the refinement, there was no way to speak, and the soul that turned into a bird jumped and shouted in the sea of ​​souls, "Master, I was wrong! Help me, I am going to die, and the soul is gone."

Su Qing watched from the side, both of them had painful expressions on their faces, but their soul fluctuations were still stable.

After an hour, the white dove and the crow were refined and fused one after another, and the two birds fell down and lay on the futon.

They have become two useless birds.

Su Qing didn't intend to let them rest at all, and said: "Now you have one more task, learn to use Shenhuo as soon as possible. I will conduct spot checks every ten days, including your physical body cultivation, moral cultivation, and cultivation practice."

The crow lying on the ground kicked his feet and passed out.

Bai Ge reluctantly stood up, "Thank you, master, for giving me the divine fire. Bai Ge will definitely live up to my trust."

This is the divine fire, even if it is only the essence of the divine fire, it is something that many monks can only dream of.

The master really cares about him and the crow, and understands her painstaking efforts to train them.

Su Qing glanced at the fainted crow, her eyes hurt a little.I really want to beat him up and do everything possible to improve him, but he still dares to faint.

Think about it as your own beast, what else can you do.

Sighing, "Well, Xiaobai, you put me at ease. Xiaohei will trouble you to supervise carefully, and you are not allowed to cover him. If he fails the test, he will be punished together."

Hearing the master's helplessness, Bai Ge is also very helpless.

If it weren't for the appreciation of the master, the crow would not be a material for cultivating immortals.Playful, afraid of death, and stupid.But what can he do?Growing up together, if he doesn't protect him, who will protect him.

Checking him every ten days, plus the white pigeon watching him every day, reminding him whenever he lost his mind, at least some results have been achieved.

After being reminded for the umpteenth time, the crow rested his chin and complained, "I said Xiaobai, why have you become more talkative than me. You talk every day, and you don't dislike it. Don't you need to practice?"

Thinking about the days of this month, Bai Ge can be described as suffering in every possible way.He was almost out of words, a certain black bird just didn't realize it, and even complained about him.

The villain in his heart was full of insiders, thinking that he wanted to talk.His cultivation speed has been slowed down, but can he not listen to his master's orders?At that time, if he is punished, he will be pulled.

He is a miserable bird.

"Cultivate well, I don't need to open your mouth. It will be great when you can practice consciously. I'm afraid you will have to wait until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the sun comes out from the west"

After thinking about it, he silently felt sorry for himself again.

"Hey, doesn't the sun come out from the west?"

asked the crow pointing to the east.

The white pigeon roared, "You road idiot, you mean the east! It's the east!"

The crow picked out his ears, and said unconvinced: "East is east, why is the sound so loud, my ears were almost deafened."


He was about to vomit blood.

This black bird must have drifted away, and now it is getting more and more rampant.

Another month passed, and seven or eight factions from all over the outer domain turned to Penglai, and decided to find the sinner who harbored Nangong Yu and execute them.

In the same month, a Sanxian broke Su Qing's morality and knew that it was Su Qing, the little master of Jubao Pavilion and No. [-] Building in the World, who rescued Nangongyu.In the outer domain, there was a trend of leveling the evil and chaotic parties, and the sword pointed at the group of forces led by Su Qing, Qi Liuyun, Wutian Yaodi and Rong Li.

In the next month, this wind intensified as some monks fanned the flames, completely sweeping the entire Outland, and many forces began to move around.

Penglai was entrusted with the important task of supporting justice and reorganizing the Outer Domain, and called on the entire Outer Domain forces to come under him.

Those who don't obey will all join forces with evil spirits and chaotic parties, kill them!
Demon Cultivation Sea Territory, Merman Clan.

Qing Yan'er said to the middle-aged demon cultivator sitting on the throne: "Father, let's take refuge in Sister Su Qing. Now that Penglai's wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed, we will only become pawns for them to unify the foreign domain by taking refuge in them."

The middle-aged demon cultivator looked dignified, "You know that once you seek refuge with Su Qing, you are going against the entire Outland, and our mermaid race is likely to perish."

Penglai's arrogance made her very disgusted, and she continued to persuade: "Father, once you become Penglai's lackey, do you think the ten thousand-year dignity of the mermaid clan will still be possessed? Wutian Yaodi and Alcatraz dare to seek refuge with Su Qing , indicating that they must have a way to deal with Penglai."

He was a little moved, Alcatraz was hard to deal with, and he stood with Su Qing, and the Wutian Demon Emperor, who had chased and killed Su Qing before.

There are various indications that this Su Qing is definitely not simple.

He still sighed, "Oh, I think that my mermaid race has been out of the world for so many years, and this day will happen."

Qing Yan'er knew that her father had agreed, she was happy in her heart, and said solemnly: "Under the chaos, there is an egg. Yan'er met Sister Su Qing once, and she understands what kind of person she is. Please trust Yan'er." Son!"

On the highest floor of a tower of gods and demons, two people, one old and one young, sit and kneel.

The gray-haired old man was sitting upright, with a benevolent face, "Think about it, you really decided to give up the position of the tower master of gods and demons to cope with this troubled world."

There are many casual cultivators in the Tower of Gods and Demons, and there are also disciples from other camps who come to study.Even the Tower of Gods and Demons, which is famous for its neutrality, cannot stand alone in this chaotic battle.

Song Qingyun knelt there, bowed his head and held the token with both hands, "Thanks to Master's patient guidance for these years, she has been kind and righteous to my disciple. Now that she is facing a catastrophe, how can I just sit back and watch?"

He doesn't know what kind of thoughts the tower master of gods and demons is thinking, he only knows that Su Qing is in trouble, he must go now!
The old man took the token, "Forget it, you go ahead, it is indeed time for you to re-enter the world."

In the past few years in the Tower of Gods and Demons, Song Qingyun has never gone out, and has been devoting himself to cultivating together.

Although his cultivation seems to be not high, and he is only in the middle stage of fusion, he really can't lose Du Jie in a fight.

Song Qingyun knocked his head three more times, got up and left.

The old man stroked his white beard, he didn't expect this day to come so soon.That girl is really tossing around.

The sky is going to change, so let's change it, no matter what he did to the old man.

However, my good apprentice, I'm afraid you don't know what your real identity is.

(End of this chapter)

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