Chapter 490
The two men in gray robes stepped forward with their heads held high, and the corners of Su Qing's mouth curled up. Very well, the bait was hooked.None of you can escape today.

She squeezed the magic formula slightly with her fingers, and her left eye with dark pupils became deeper and deeper. When she stared at her eye carefully, it was like an abyss, and something would faintly come out.

The leading man in gray robe is not stupid, he admitted that he underestimated Su Qing at first, but now he has to be careful.

Sending a voice transmission to the Sanxian and Dujie Da Neng who were standing there motionless: "You idiots! While Su Qing is being held back, hurry up and break open the city gate, and kill all the rogues behind her! "

Regardless of whether she is strong or not, as long as the border city is in hand, she can turn the world upside down by herself.

Su Qing stood there in the air, looking over with a smile in his eyes, inexplicably making the two gray-robed people feel timid.

Because this intuitive feeling was too strong, he simply decided to deal with her quickly.

"Eight Arrays!"

In the hands of a man in gray robes was a high-grade spiritual treasure like a hexagram of the Dao, covered with a milky white air mass, which was the refined immortal energy.

They can activate the spirit treasure, and then use the immortal energy inside.But once the immortal energy inside is exhausted, it needs to be replenished.

Su Qing couldn't be more aware of the power of immortal energy, just like she could kill Huashen even without cultivation.

What's more, the power of the immortal energy activated by the great power of crossing the catastrophe has increased even more, making those loose immortals afraid, and even Brother Nangong who has become a "Sura" is no match for him, and he has become like that.

Just like that day, Su Qing used a huge amount of immortal energy, devil energy, spiritual energy, and moral power to kill the phantom of the demon.

But she is different!

The smile on the corner of his mouth deepened again.

"Why are you laughing! I'll let you taste what it's like to be struck by immortal energy!"

The gray-robed man whose scalp was numb by Su Qing's eyes and smile couldn't bear it anymore, she really looked too weird.

As soon as the Eight Arrays were activated by him, Sanxian and Dujie Da Neng on the other side rushed to the city wall when they saw that the Penglai people had made a move.

On Su Qing's side, the seventy tribulation-crossing powers and the two Sanxians also rushed up to prevent them from breaking through the formation on the city wall.

The various colors of light in the sky dazzled people, and the collision of moral forces caused ripples of power to surge out, affecting the ground to tremble non-stop, and some forces hit the bottom.

The 500 troops had been prepared for a long time, [-] people formed a square formation, supporting a defense that was no less than a low-grade spirit treasure composed of shields.

But even so, some terrifying forces exploded around them, and some monks died before they could react.

There were cracks in the ground, shaking unbearably. If it weren't for the plain here and there were no giant mountains around, otherwise it would really be landslides and ground cracks.

At the same moment, milky white light shot out from the eight formations.


The prison made up of immortal energy trapped Su Qing, leaving her nowhere to escape. The immortal energy inside twisted like lightning, chopping downwards non-stop, once it hit the body, it would destroy the monk's body.

Su Qing raised the Qingling Sword, and something happened that stunned the two gray-robed men.

her sword!Absorbing their fairy energy!

Not only that, but her physical body is also absorbing it!All the immortal energy that hit her was absorbed by her!

The gray-robed man in the lead was also stunned when he saw this scene. As Penglai people, they could only use the spirit treasure to use the immortal energy, and they didn't dare to touch it physically.

How on earth did she do it! ?

Su Qing smiled sincerely this time, "Thank you so much for your immortal energy."

After absorbing all the celestial energy, Su Qing cut through the cage of the Eight Formation Diagram, and gave those monks who rushed over with a sword backhand.

The sword light fell from the sky, and where it landed, the monk's body exploded, leaving no bones left.

Before the screams could be heard, she disappeared from this world.

The people who were fighting one against two suddenly became much more relaxed.Looking up a little, I almost couldn't help but swear.

Are there any mistakes, they are desperately supporting with one against two, but in the end, with one sword strike, more than a dozen great powers of crossing the catastrophe are gone.

The white pigeon and the crow are now in the middle stage of Mahayana, and it is more than enough for them to deal with the two great powers of crossing the catastrophe with one against two.

When Baige solved one, she saw this scene and continued to fight silently.

The crow was fighting with the two Dujies while talking, and suddenly they disappeared, which shocked him.

Seeing her strength today, Bo Rui completely gave up.He can only be her contract beast, because he hopes that she will have a stronger one to protect her in the future.

Xiting and Xiaocan cooperated very well, and it was easy to solve them one by one.

Gu Kun always felt that what they said was a bit exaggerated before, but looking at it now, it is not exaggeration at all, but modest.

The two who were fighting with Yuwen Yixuan disappeared at once. He looked at Su Qing, the darkness in his eyes could not be concealed, that crazy girl who always bickered with him has become something that people can only look up to.

While he was in a daze, another person attacked, and he quickly started fighting.His gaze gradually became firm. He was very proud of having a friend like her, and he would become stronger and stronger.

Qi Liuyun and Shui Muhan's ice morality made Du Jie Da Neng who was fighting against them so cold that he wanted to shrink back.Seeing the scene of Su Qing throwing a sword casually, he can only lament that people are better than others, it is really maddening.

Once upon a time, the person who was weaker than them had reached this height.

Shi Shi was very glad that he recognized his master as the master, otherwise he never dreamed that he would become a great power to overcome tribulation so quickly and possess such strong morality.

The expression on Song Qingyun's face has always been that of no desire, no desire, no sadness or joy, a trace of color flashed across the bottom of his eyes, and then he recovered.

Du Jie, who was fighting with him, was really aggrieved. He was obviously just a Mahayana, but he couldn't attack his body.

Rong Li and the old man of the Yuren clan were one against two, and their situation was not so good, because there were the Seven Tribulations Sanxian among the two Sanxians facing each other, and they had been defending hard all the time.

Seeing this scene, I really want Su Qing to help them.

Su Qing broke a spirit treasure so easily and could absorb immortal energy, the two gray-robed men were not reconciled, let alone believed.

All along, only Penglai can use immortal energy. It is impossible for Penglai people to do this. How could she do it? It must be a coincidence.

Immediately, three spirit treasures were thrown out one after another. These three spirit treasures were intertwined with each other, and they could increase the power of each other.

In order to prevent the scene just now from reappearing, when they threw it, they would explode the three spirit treasures as soon as they trapped Su Qing.

As if seeing through their careful thoughts, this time the Qingling sword in Su Qing's hand flipped in the palm of his hand, activating the magic formula, his figure flickered, and the speed was so fast that he absorbed the immortal energy in the three spirit treasures.

In order to prevent Su Qing from succeeding, they blew themselves up early, but in the next moment, she kicked into the [-] army below.


The power enough to blow up Sanxian directly killed thousands of monks, blood donations were scattered, the corpses were also torn apart, and the smell of blood permeated the entire border plain.

The broken sword in her left hand vibrated, and a stream of blood was absorbed by it from below.

(End of this chapter)

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