Chapter 493
After being burned by the red lotus fire, the two gray-robed men became delirious, like fools.Because the soul is damaged, which in turn affects the confusion of consciousness.

After the Qing Dynasty, Su Qing ordered, "Shi Shi, stay and imprison them."

It is useful for her to keep them.

"Yes, little master."

When Shi Shi took them away, the phantom of the demon was still towering there, the pressure on those monks remained undiminished, and no one dared to act rashly.

His eyes glanced at those scattered immortals, and then turned to the army of monks below, "Do you choose to surrender or die?"

They have seen the fate of those Penglai Island monks, and she dared to treat Penglai Island like this, let alone them.

They all prostrated their bodies and said in unison: "I am willing to listen to my master!"

Most of the Sanxian and Dujie Da Neng were killed or injured, and their mentality had already collapsed. They thought that following Penglai Island was a further step, but in the end not only did they not gain any benefits, but their lives were almost lost.

They also bowed their heads and expressed their surrender to Su Qing.

Su Qing looked at the endless plain soaked in blood, and said in a flat, desolate voice, "I don't want to be the master of any foreign land. After this battle, I will return to the bridge from the bridge, and return to the road from the road. Wherever you came from, you can go back. Penglai, I will go to solve it myself, and I won't let you suffer.

But there is only one condition, tell the truth to the entire Outland!As for Nangong Yu, I can guarantee him that he will never become Shura again.

If you dare to bite back, you don't know good and bad, and you dare to hit the forces that are fighting against you today with your crooked thoughts.I, Su Qing, can wipe out your entire family and faction from the Outland even with just one breath! "

When she first sought the Tao, she had no ambition to dominate.As long as her relatives and friends around her are well, she really wants to live a peaceful and peaceful life.

The surviving monks breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Thank you, little master Su Qing, I will definitely remember it!"

Su Qing resisted Penglai's grievances, and even if people from Penglai came, they would not do their business.And they can be free without being someone's lackey.

For Sanxian and Dujie, they are still the heads of a faction or family, and they don't have to listen to other people's ideas.

Su Qing waved and confiscated everyone's belongings on the battlefield.All kinds of pills, talismans, spirit stones, and weapons.No matter if it is a spirit treasure or a Taoist weapon, even a spiritual weapon is not spared.

Everyone becomes pauper, with nothing but a suit of clothes on them.

Xiaocan is the best at this kind of thing, and almost made several people bare buttocks, almost want to cry.

An army of [-] people, especially those who are Sanxian and Dujie, can gather the savings of many sects.

Let Su Qing's shriveled pockets get rich again, take back the phantom of the demon, and wave his hand, "Go back, those things are your compensation for attacking the border city."

Without any flying weapons, those monks had no choice but to mobilize their spiritual power to leave, especially the low-level monks, how many days would it take to go back from the border city like this!Thinking about it makes me want to cry.

But they were also lucky. Nearly [-]% of the monks were killed, and only [-]% survived.

Su Qing was cheering and boiling.

A blood-red broken sword happily shuttled through the sea of ​​corpses below, absorbing more and more "blood evil" energy.

With fewer enemies and more enemies, they won, and they won very well.

On the second day, the news that the army led by Penglai Island was defeated and returned spread throughout the Outland, followed by the truth.

It turned out that Penglai Island didn't help them at all, but wanted to control them.Nangong Yu had also fallen into a coma long ago, without any threat at all.

Su Qing, originally a dark villain boss, suddenly became a hero who smashed the conspiracy.And the forces that were originally known as the evil and chaotic parties have successfully become well-known light forces in the outer domain, and many casual cultivators want to join them.

And her own strength made too many people in Outer Territory fearful. In that battle, almost eighty to ninety percent of the monks were killed by Su Qing.

Killing Sanxian in seconds, not afraid of immortal energy, Penglai four are no match, it can be said to be a great military exploit.

At the end of the war, Su Qing divided the spoils obtained that day according to his military achievements, and each faction received a lot of compensation.

In this battle, except for the loss of eighteen Du Jie, the rest of them were fine.

Compared with the opponent's [-] monks who died in battle, three Sanxians who fell, and nearly [-] who fell during the Tribulation, it really counts as a complete victory.

The prestige of the human race has risen to a peak in the outer domain, and the power has expanded, and many small sects have taken the initiative to seek refuge.Qi Liuyun and Shui Muhan are very busy, and the territory of the human race is getting wider and wider.

The eleven from Alcatraz also left, but they signed a contract of alliance with the human race.

The patriarch of the Merman Clan was even more delighted. No one thought of coming to help them. They got so many resources.Sure enough, Yan'er was reliable, and got to know such a capable and powerful person.

As for the other people in Jubao Pavilion and the first floor of the world, because the war had just ended, they had practiced too intensively this year, and they practiced with heavy weights every day, so they finally relaxed. Su Qing simply gave them a ten-day holiday, and all of them ran out.

Song Qingyun heard from the butler that the boss was in the backyard, but he didn't see anyone when he stepped in.

A stone hit the top of his head, and when he looked up, he saw a certain woman lying leisurely on the roof.

He also jumped up and lay down beside her, imitating her, his eyes looking at the sky.

The voice is always like Gujing Wubo, one tune, "Boss, do you want to go back to the fairyland?"

He thought he finally figured out the confusing things she had said to him. The upper realm she was talking about did not refer to the Outland, but to the Immortal Realm.

A rare girlish smile appeared on Su Qing's face, it was very pure, "Well, after finishing two things, I plan to ascend to the fairy world."

She will be able to see Shangshen soon, and she will work hard to practice in the No.30 third heaven, because in this way she can live a long life and be with him for a longer time.

She had already thought about it, and planted a lot of medicinal herbs in that fairy garden, and opened a flower garden next to it.Take care of them every day, and then practice. Occasionally, when God plays the piano, she will listen to them together.

The boundary tree will bring us shade and gentle wind.Everything will be so peaceful and beautiful.

This was the first time he saw her full of longing, and he suddenly remembered that she was much younger than him, still a girl.

I hope that the fairyland is not full of darkness and filth like the cultivation world and the outer domain.There are so many monks chasing the place all their lives, it must be beautiful and clear.

"However, I'm a little worried about you."

Su Qing turned his head suddenly, with a serious expression on his face.

Song Qingyun didn't know why, so his current cultivation was considered to be very high among his peers.Although he can't be compared with the boss, he can ascend through a hundred years of hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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