Chapter 57

All the chess pieces on the whole chess board were scattered on the ground, and the round white jade chess pieces hit the stone board, making a crisp sound.

Yuwen Yixuan perfectly dodged those white jade chess pieces, and stood on one side of the corner with his fan covering his face, in case some chess pieces were specially smashed in the face by that wild girl.

After all the chess pieces rolled on the ground, there was no other sound, it was a little quiet and scary, and the air was a little frozen.

He put down the fan, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the door, there was already a person standing there at some point.

The aqua-blue robe came into view, and his gaze moved up to meet his gaze.

Cold, not bitingly cold, but ruthless like water.It can be gentle and accommodate you, or it can destroy you instantly.

"Nangongyu, I didn't overturn the chessboard, it was her."

Oppressed by the imposing manner on the other side, he pointed directly at Su Qing next to him.

His status is noble, but this guy is a lunatic, and if he is hated by him, he will encounter all kinds of pursuits every few steps in the cultivation world.

Not afraid, but also don't want to cause trouble.

Being pointed at by him, Su Qing's body instantly stiffened, standing there straight, motionless, and didn't even have the courage to move back.

Spreading her clenched hands, she let go of all her emotions and slowly walked in front of him, smiling brilliantly, as if there was no suffocating pressure in the air.

"Brother Nangong, did you make this yourself? It smells so good."

She stretched out her head and sniffed the cooked meat he was holding in both hands. It was really delicious. She wanted to pounce on it and chew it off.

The twinkling eyes reminded him of the hibiscus trees in other worlds far away. No matter when, there is always a blazing light scattered in the sky and the earth.

"Well, if Qing'er likes to eat, I can make it for you often, and there are different tricks every day."

He smiled very gently, and his sickly and bewitching face made people feel pity and a little bit of obsession.

Su Qing's eyes lit up first, and then thinking of the heroine, he swallowed, took the plate, did not dare to look him in the eyes, and ate with a vague voice: "I can only stay here for a few days, Then I have to find my master."

The white jade chess piece on the ground was picked up by Nangong Yu with his sleeves, and he sat opposite her, "No problem, I can accompany you to find your master. Walking around is also good for my health."

"Mud ~ Shuo ~ Yellow"

Yuwen Yixuan, who was grabbing food with Su Qing, had his mouth full. When he heard this, he almost subconsciously refuted, but unfortunately he couldn't pronounce the words clearly. Su Qing was eating happily, so he didn't even notice what he said what.

A cold light swept across, Yuwen Yixuan ate obediently and didn't plan to interrupt.He kindly reminded him, but he was still displeased.

If he himself wanted to die quickly, he was too lazy to intervene.

Su Qing frowned tightly, like a little old man.She is very tangled now, her words are already very cryptic, but Nan Gongyu pretends not to understand.

However, with his help in finding the master, perhaps he will be able to find it very quickly.

After eating and drinking, she stroked her full stomach, lying on the bench like a lazy cat.

Yuwen Yixuan, who was also full of food and drink, glanced at her, maybe he never thought of it, but just wanted to test her occasionally, but Nangong Yu directly cut her off.

The white jade bone fan flew up from his hand and turned into a screen covering them both. He said worriedly: "Nangongyu, I still have something to do. I will go to God City with Uncle Zhong tomorrow. I am here today to say goodbye, and I'm telling you that she's coming to see you."

Seeing that the person on the opposite side still looked the same, without any disturbance, she shook her head, "Is this wild girl's temperament very similar to Yaoyao's?"

Speaking of Yaoyao, Nangong Yu's aura changed in an instant. Yuwen Yixuan wanted to say a lot, but in the end he just said, "This man is gone, take care of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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