Chapter 611 The Finale
Before Su Qing went to Tushita Palace to meet the Taishang Laojun in person, his boy entered the No.30 Third Heaven holding Qinglianzi.

"Is there anything Laojun asks for?" Su Qing asked.

It's not good to take other people's things for nothing, and green lotus seeds are too precious.

The golden boy just said very respectfully: "Your Majesty is very polite, I only hope that Your Majesty will break through the illusion as soon as possible, and end the cause and effect."

After the golden boy finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Holding the purple gold gourd in his hand, Su Qing was puzzled again, scratching his head, he couldn't understand what they were saying.

For more than [-] years since then, she has been devoting herself to cultivation, in order to be the master of the Six Realms as far as possible, so that her cultivation can crush the Six Realms.

After becoming an Immortal Venerable, her cultivation speed finally returned to normal and became extremely slow.Of course, this is from Su Qing's own point of view, it took 400 years to change from the early stage of the immortal to the middle stage of the immortal, and those who took thousands of years to become the venerable don't want to pay attention to her.

Su Qing felt that it was not enough to practice hard all the time, so he took five lotus seeds and went out to the ghost world, and spent 300 years in the ghost festival to help Huangfu Ye revive a man.

Oh, that man's name is Rin.

She always felt that there must be many interesting things between Huangfu Ye and Rin, but it was a pity that Gong Huangfu Ye, the owner of the story, did not tell her life or death.After Rin's resurrection, Su Qing was kicked out of the ghost world just as he asked.

This must be a sign of guilty conscience. At this time, Su Qing's mind is full of imaginary bloody plots.

Unable to stay in the ghost world, she ran to the devil world to play with the demon world, and no one would play with her after that.

She is very defensive, and anyone who dares to bully her side, she beats the other party until he can't even recognize his mother. The most frustrating thing is that she uses the Star Shadow Stone to record the whole process, and puts it in the whole six worlds to make people watch.

Those who have been beaten by her can't retreat, it's too embarrassing, it's still embarrassing and thrown to the Six Realms!

After 1000 years like this, her cultivation base has also become the peak of Xianzun.All the six worlds say that the venerable is the end, but Su Qing clearly feels that there is still a stage above the celestial venerable.

Su Qing, who had no one to play with her, thought about it and always felt that there was something missing.Then I suddenly realized and clapped my hands. According to the law of time travel, there is space for farming, fairy beasts are hung all over, fairy artifacts are sold wholesale, and there are also fairy art artifacts.

Shouldn't she be paired with a handsome male god who shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods? Why is she still single?

The heroine's aura should have the effect of attracting peach blossoms, and then she thought about the men she met all the way from the cultivation world to the outer domain, fairy world, demon world, demon world, and ghost world. It seemed that they really regarded her as a partner and comrade-in-arms.

Or is it better to be proactive?It's not that women chase men, so she chooses to chase them back!

"Don't come here, if you come here again, I will really jump!"

A certain man stood beside the endless abyss, threatening to come over to her.

"It's impossible for us, if you force me again, I'll kill myself to show you!"

A certain male directly put the sword on his neck, with a sad expression on his face.

The list goes on and on.

Su Qing: "."

Nonsence!You thought you were acting in a Qiong Yao drama!

So Su Qing began to retreat in a huff, attacking the Venerable.She thought that she would be able to jump out of this interface when she reached the Venerable, but she didn't expect that she still couldn't.

Above the Venerable, she is called Emperor.

Su Qing became the only immortal emperor in the Six Realms, shocking the existence of the Six Realms.

But she also discovered an extremely frightening thing, that is, she could no longer leave the fairyland, even if it was just for her soul to leave the fairyland.

As long as she leaves, the fairy world will be destroyed in an instant, and the six worlds will fall into darkness again.

She observed her luck with the seven-orifice exquisite mirror, and the luck of the majestic dragon behind her became stronger and stronger, and the bright and blind halo became as dazzling as the sun.

What else could Su Qing do, she was not interested in the power of the Immortal Realm, and she couldn't leave the Immortal Realm, so she could only continue to practice.

She couldn't believe she couldn't leave here!

In a blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed, and under the awe of Immortal Emperor Su Qing, there has never been an interface war in the six realms. Every realm is thriving, and the venerables of each realm have fallen and newcomers. The overall number has increased to about ten.

Su Qing has also become the peak of the Immortal Emperor, but she still can't break through the final boundary, go one step further, that is, the legendary "God".

He was bored and slept on the soft clouds all day long, and he even took in an apprentice, so he was cold all day long.But Su Qing fell in love with her at the first sight, and brought the young Mu Xueyue back to the No.30 third heaven.

Today, she was still sleeping soundly on the cloud bed, and someone shook her arm.

"Don't make trouble."

She muttered something, turned over, and continued that sweet dream.

Handsome guys, so many handsome guys.


The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and the walls were so cold that they cracked.

Su Qing shivered, got up very quickly, and looked at his apprentice with a flattering face, showing the brightest smile.

Mu Xueyue stared at the suspicious slobber at the corner of her mouth, and the veins on her forehead were bulging.

"The artifact that disintegrates the soul has been refined."

He uttered a sentence coldly to make Su Qing hug her very excitedly, and even slapped her on the face.

"Good disciple, you are really amazing! You have learned the truth about me, and I really like you more and more as a teacher."

As she said that, she wanted to rush over to kiss her again, but was blocked by Mu Xueyue's disgust.

She couldn't figure out what kind of cramp the cheap master had. The artifacts were scarce, and she was taken aback by dismantling the five artifacts and combining them into one.The most amazing thing is that this artifact is very powerful, but it is not used to deal with others, but to hurt oneself.

Cheap master must be idle again, either deliberately find someone to fight, or deliberately provoke, and then beat others up.

After that, no matter how provocative she was, or even showing her flaws, no one dared to fight her.

Looking at the wretched-looking master rubbing her hands left and right, Mu Xueyue held her forehead, thinking of her who she admired in the past, and being frightened by her all day long, it is really unbearable to look back on!
Handing the artifact to her, she went out exhausted to manage the forces that belonged to Su Qing in the fairy world.

Su Qing caressed the artifact, and he could feel the danger of soul separation just by touching it.

Her expression also became dignified. In recent days, she has become more and more uneasy, and a sense of crisis has enveloped her deeply.

Since she is carrying a huge amount of luck, which is an obstacle and a shackle, she will slowly obliterate it.

If you don't become a god, you will be destroyed.

She stayed in the Immortal Realm for 1 years, it was really enough!

When her soul separated and entered the Three Thousand Realms, the exquisite mirror with seven orifices in her soul also followed, and there was a faint ice-blue light shining on the back of the mirror.

In the brilliance, I vaguely saw such a scene, in the chaotic world, a seven-color flower grew on the clover.After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, the flower condensed all her cultivation into herself, and the moment the seven-color flower fell, she turned into a young girl, precisely Qianrou.

She looked disdainfully at the withered clover that had been drained of all its strength, and flew away by itself.

When the clover was about to die, a blood-stained young man in white was hunted down by everyone and had to hide in the uncompleted primordial mammoth.

There are many unknown dangers in the primordial realm, the law of heaven is not yet complete, and one's own power cannot be fully exerted.

He fell beside the clover, the golden blood kept flowing, the clover that was about to die began to grow wildly and became very huge, the big green leaves covered his body, drops of dew fell into his mouth .

You have protected me for thousands of years, and I would like to pursue you for thousands of years until you come back—Su Qing

(End of this chapter)

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