Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 66 The Secret Realm 6

Chapter 66 The Secret Realm 6
who am I?
Where am I?

Su Qing, who was a road idiot, sat paralyzed on the ground, grabbing the weeds on the ground in distress.

If she had known earlier, she should have asked Nangong Yu to come with her. Now she doesn't even know where she is, how to find the cave where the beast was bred.

"It hurts, big bastard, let go of my hair?"

A milky voice sounded in her ears, and she lowered her head belatedly. At some point, a big hole appeared on the ground, and she was holding a huge carrot in her hand.

She swears that this is definitely the largest radish she has ever seen, with a length of about 130 centimeters and a width of about [-] centimeters.

She grabbed the big leaf on top of its head, while its whole white radish body was lying on the ground. The most important thing was that it had a face.The clearly visible facial features are the faces of children of a few years old.

I saw it squinting, looking at her like a country bumpkin, and said in a childish voice: "What are you looking at, I haven't seen a carrot!"

It wouldn't come out if it didn't feel the friendly breath, but the woman actually pulled its hair.snort!It's angry!
On the snow-white radish, the small mouth opened and closed, and couldn't help laughing, "I've seen radishes before, but I've never seen such a big one."

She wanted to tease it, but its eyes became more and more slanted, "Ignorant human beings, I am going to change form."

With this haughty expression, she was a little dumbfounded.Why is Xiaoyin like this, and this radish looks down on her like this.Could it be that she has a face that is easily looked down upon by monsters.

Poke its face, it is not hard as expected, it is soft.

"Shouldn't radishes be hard?"

She muttered softly, but her hands didn't stop, poking back and forth.

"Big villain, let me go!"

It wriggled and protested.

Grabbing its big leaf, he brought the whole radish close to him, and looked at it with a smile, "Little Luo, you grew up here, so you should be very familiar with this secret place."

She smiled too brightly, but in its eyes, she was extremely ferocious, pretending to be calm, "What are you doing here? Let me tell you, I won't tell you anything. Let me go, or—" "

"How about otherwise?"

She raised her eyebrows, calmly, and poked it again with her slender hand.

It first looked at her very aggrieved, and then burst into tears unexpectedly: "Wow - big villain, wow -"

There were crystal teardrops on the snow-white radish skin, but the teardrops that flowed from it did not disappear on the grass, but turned into a solid crystal.

Su Qing picked one up and put it in the palm of her hand, and took a photo of it facing the sun. It was very shiny and beautiful, a bit like a diamond.

There are more than twenty of these crystals scattered all over the place.Seeing that she was very happy picking it up, Da Luobo pouted angrily, and stopped crying, but still sniffled.

She didn't know what the crystal was used for, but it was so bright and beautiful that it was enough.

Feeling refreshed, he didn't care about anything, and a vigorous force was poured into its body by the hand holding its big leaf.

The big radish began to transform at a speed visible to the naked eye, first its lower body, and finally a ball of blue light wrapped its entire body, and Su Qing let go of his hand.

After only a moment of transformation, a pink and tender female doll appeared on the spot.Wearing a red apron, soft hair scattered, white body, big eyes, small cherry mouth, very cute and sprouting.

(End of this chapter)

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