Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 70 The Secret Realm 10

Chapter 70 The Secret Realm 10
The five figures fled extremely quickly, Su Qing weighed the fruits in his hand, and threw them all out. "Instigate! Instigate!" A few times, there were various cries of pain, but the steps of fleeing did not hesitate, and disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.

She is too lazy to chase, otherwise it would have been solved long ago.In this unfamiliar environment, it's better not to make enemies casually.

The magic weapon slammed down towards the head, and the instinctive sense of danger made him close his eyes involuntarily, like a fish on a board being slaughtered, but there was nothing he could do.


Something hit the top of his head, and the pain forced him to open his eyes angrily.He thought it was the five casual cultivators who wanted to humiliate them, so he gritted his teeth and said:
"If you want to kill, you have to have a good time, you are waiting to be hunted down endlessly by the people of Tianjianzong!

After the words fell, he stared at the fragments of the magic weapon on the ground with a look of astonishment.There were no casual cultivators in front of him, and when he looked up, a strong red color invaded his eyeballs, unable to blend in with the rest of the colors.

is her!In the dark army outside the secret border, she is really too dazzling, and it is difficult for people not to notice.I didn't expect her to be so powerful at such a young age.

Su Qing was lying on the canopy of the tree and gnawed on the fruit. He stared at him and threw the core of the gnawed fruit over again.

"What are you in a daze for? If your brother doesn't save you, he will die."

A certain point on the top of the head was hit again, and both times hit the same place, and the delicate handsome face was so painful that it almost wrinkled into a mess.

When the voice came into his ears, he remembered Senior Brother Jin beside him, and quickly stuffed the elixir into his mouth, while channeling spiritual energy to heal his wounds.

Why is this kid so dumb, she thought, shaking her head.It looks like he doesn't usually go out of the sect, and he doesn't have any common sense.If she had bad intentions, the kid and his senior brother would have died countless times.

After eating, she shrugged her shoulders, there was no way, since she trusted her so much, she would do her best to protect them.

Jin Meng, who was seriously injured and fell into a coma, felt a wave of power gathering in his dantian. After recovering a little consciousness, he sat cross-legged and guided the power to repair the internal injury he had just suffered.

The time for a stick of incense passed in a flash, and the injuries on his body eased a lot. When he opened his eyes, he sharply cast his gaze on Su Qing.

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, because the person lying on the canopy was dozing off.The little head is like a chicken pecking rice, keep clicking, clicking.

Maybe it was his sight that disturbed her, she opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at him, "You are all right, then I can go."

As she spoke, she stood up staggeringly. The most important thing was the feeling that her eyes were still half-closed. That movement made people doubt that she would step on the air and fall down.

"Senior saved us, but we still don't know how to call him. Our Heavenly Sword Sect always repays our kindness."

Su Qing woke up in an instant, her baby face was so ugly that she rolled over.Walking up to him, staring at Jin Meng.

Dressed in white, his appearance is not to say how stunning, it is very attractive, and there is a just-right smile on the corner of his mouth.The temperament of the body and the gestures of the hands make people feel just right.

But how did she find it annoying? She pursed her lips, "I look big?"

Call me senior, I really can't speak.

Uh—Jin Meng was a little speechless, the monk couldn't guess his age just by looking at his appearance.With such a high cultivation base, she saved them again, so she should call out senior.

The shoulder was slapped fiercely, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze. It was a bit unbearable to be slapped like this.

Turning around, I saw her showing a bright smile, "I'm just joking with you, senior called me that, I think it's pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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