Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 89 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 6

Chapter 89 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 6
"Jin Meng, a person of unknown origin, how dare you let her go to the Heavenly Sword Sect with us!"

When the six of them joined the rest of the Heavenly Sword Sect disciples, Jin Meng explained the situation to the elder, but was directly rejected by Ling Yun.

When meeting him for the first time, Su Qing didn't like this senior brother of Tianjianzong very much, as if she had some deep hatred for him.

Holding his hands together, he said tauntingly: "Yo, you are so pure. You rescued someone, but in the end, not only did you not appreciate it, but you also treated the savior with this attitude. It is said that the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect are affectionate and righteous, but I don't think so. One or two scumbags is also normal."

"What did you say!"

Ling Yun raised his sharp eyebrows, and stared at Su Qing fiercely, almost turning into a sharp sword to stab her.

She raised her head high without looking at him, "Let's say whoever admits it."

A raging fire was burning in his heart, and the long sword in his hand had been pulled out, but just as the blade was exposed, he was forcibly retracted by a force.Raising his eyes, he looked at Elder Guo with some puzzlement.

Elder Guo said in a deep voice: "Miss Su saved you at the hands of casual cultivators, and even saved Jin Meng's life several times. She just asked us to bring her into the range of the Heavenly Sword Sect. , what will others think of our Heavenly Sword Sect in the future."

Ling Yun and Jin Meng are both the future of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and they hold two extremes in dealing with Su Qing.Elder Guo also dealt with it fairly, and more importantly, he is the peak of Yuanying, if she really has a different heart, she is not afraid of Su Qing's attack midway.

The elder spoke, explaining that everything was settled, Ling Yun could only bow his head and respectfully respond: "It's my disciple who doesn't think much about it."

Jin Meng, who was standing next to Elder Guo, also let out a sigh of relief. Senior brother and Miss Su are really at odds. Every time they meet, the atmosphere around them is irritable.

One day passed, all the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect rushed back one after another, and joined the disciples of the other five sects under the leadership of Elder Guo.

The six major sects got together again, Elder Zhou of the Danzong had a bitter look on his face, this time they suffered a heavy loss for the Danzong.Loose cultivators attacked everywhere, and the Danzong disciples who were not good at fighting suffered, and those who were alone were killed.If he goes back this time, he is afraid that he will be punished by the suzerain.

"Elder Zhou, why are there only so few disciples left in your Dan sect?"

The tone was incredible, and there was a very regretful expression on his face.

Old man Lu Chang of Zixiao Palace sprinkled salt on the knife edge, and he was so angry that his fat face shook and he gritted his teeth and replied: "You Zixiao Palace don't want our Pill Sect's Breaking Barrier Pill, right?"

The Breaking Barrier Pill, the eighth-grade pill, is an important auxiliary pill for the Nascent Soul Peak to hit the stage of transforming the gods.

All the way to practice, the more difficult it is to practice, especially for those with medium talents.It is extremely difficult to cross the critical point of each stage, so it needs the assistance of pills, which can increase the chance of breakthrough.

Elder Lu knew that he had said what he had said. The disciples who came this time were all elites. It is conceivable how bad the Alchemy Sect felt when it lost so many people.

"What Brother Zhou said, I really misunderstood. This casual practice has caused heavy losses to our six major sects. We must work together."

The words were softened, but he sneered in his heart, and he was arrogant here with alchemy.If it weren't for the non-cooperation of the other factions, your Dan sect would have disappeared long ago.

The six factions restrain each other. Although Danzong is weak in combat, he has a wealth of wealth and a lot of top-level formations and weapons.It can be said that if they can't beat you, they will kill you with money.

But if the two join forces, they can still be crushed by force.

(End of this chapter)

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