Chapter 19

"woke up?"

It was almost evening when Su Yize woke up again, Yang Yue had been waiting by her side, seeing him wake up, she hurriedly ordered the servants to bring porridge and medicine.

"Is this Yang Mansion?"

"En, let's have some porridge, and I'll have some delicious medicine later." Yang Yue stirred gently, scooped up a spoonful and blew it to Su Yize's mouth.

Su Yize looked at Yang Yue with a frown and didn't drink the porridge.

"Ah, I'm sorry, do it yourself." Yang Yue ate the spoonful of porridge she had blown past, and then ordered her servants to bring another bowl.

"Let's eat together, it tastes better when it's two people." Yang Yue knocked on the bowl with a spoon, and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing that Su Yize was holding the bowl and didn't move, Yang Yue seemed to be thinking of something big, and said with an exaggerated expression: "I kissed Ye Zi just now, it's a pity that you didn't eat my bowl."

Su Yize twitched the corners of his lips, he didn't know if he was laughing or his mouth was cramping, anyway, he picked up the porridge and drank it the next second.

"Thank you," Yang Yue said while drinking.

"Thanks for what?"

"You saved the leaves"

"I didn't want the word 'thank you' to save him"

"We can't give you what you want"

"As long as you are willing to give, you can afford it"

Su Yize drank the porridge calmly, but Yang Yue stopped, put the bowl on the table, and looked at Su Yize quietly.

She has always believed that there is no right or wrong in love. In the past, she didn't blame Su Yize for what he did to Yang Yue. Everyone loves in different ways. She is not a god, so she has no right to criticize anyone's love, but love is What you want and what you don't want, you can't force it if you don't want it. As the saying goes, the melon that is twisted is not sweet, it is definitely the truth among the truths.

"You are so dedicated, you will definitely be a new and good man in a certain era." In order not to explain things that the ancients could not understand, Yang Yue changed the 21st century to a certain era.

"Are you complimenting me, or are you mocking me?"

"Of course it's a compliment."

"Ye Lan is also very dedicated." Su Yize's obvious wry smile made Yang Yue wonder what it was like to see it. The sadness of a big man is indeed the most contagious.

"I think it's better for you to give up." Yang Yue began to do ideological work on Su Yize whenever he had the opportunity.

"Why didn't you give up"

"What should I give up?" Yang Yue was confused.

"You don't love him"

"What nonsense are you talking..."

"I've seen it all, you and Xia Liuli"

Yangyue's scalp tightened, and her vest felt cold, that's how she felt when she was caught having an affair.

"So what, I am Ye Lan's wife now"

"If Ye Lan knew about it, what would he think?" Su Yize smiled slightly, his eyes fluttered with calculations.


"Back to Su Country" Su Yize's words were not pleas but orders, "Go back to Su Country, bring Ye Lan back to Su Country."

"I don't need to listen to you." Yang Yue got up and left super upset.

"I love you"

"Ah?" Su Yize's sudden words made Yang Yue completely dumbfounded, she stood still and froze, what?What?What?Her ears should be fine, right?

"I love you, I love you..." Ye Lan.

After getting out of bed, Su Yize hugged Yangyue into her arms, the murmur in her ear made Yangyue completely dumbfounded, the kiss fell silently, Yangyue even forgot to resist, until the door of the room was kicked open, and she was kicked Pulling away from Su Yize's embrace, Yang Yue regained consciousness a little.


"What are you doing? Why are you still not satisfied with one or two?" Ye Lan yelled desperately, looking at Yangyue with reddish eyes, as if it would burst out of the brown crystal in the next second. tears.

"One or two?" Yang Yue opened her eyes wide.

"Yangyue, I'm tired... I'll let you go, and we will never owe each other from now on, child..." Ye Lan is as depressed as a fallen leaf, and the despair of withering makes people feel distressed.

"What are you talking about?" He actually said such words?Aborted children?
"You understand what I mean, I don't want to say it a second time." Ye Lan staggered, as if even a breeze could lift him up, and limped out of Yang Yue's sight.

"Su Yize, are you satisfied now?" Yang Yue looked at Su Yize weakly, she wanted to stare at him fiercely, but her heart was empty, even the energy to stare at him was completely emptied.

"Oh, very satisfied"

"Your love will only hurt Ye Lan, you can't be happy"

"Really? I still want to love him even if it hurts him to pieces." The words were long and scattered in the air.

In the end, only Yangyue stood alone in the empty room.

(End of this chapter)

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