Chapter 33

As expected, Su Yize didn't let Ye Lan come over, Yang Yue sat at the door every day, only the imperial guards guarded her by her side.

It's almost late autumn, the fallen leaves are starting to wither and turn yellow, and Yang Yue's belly is getting bigger and bigger. Although she is not very obvious in her clothes, she can still tell that she is pregnant at a glance.

"The days of early autumn, the cold nights
回忆 慢慢 袭 来
True love is like falling leaves
Why do we have to separate..." Having nothing to do, Yang Yue began to sing, and only after singing a few lines did she realize that she couldn't remember the lyrics.

"Then how do you sing it?" Yang Yue raised her head and asked the young Imperial Guard who was standing straight to one side.

The young Praetorian was bewildered 'how did he know'.

"Hey~" Didn't get it, Yangyue could only support her head with her hands and look at the blue sky.

"Where do people go when they die?"

"If I die, will I be able to go back?..." Yang Yue's soliloquy frightened the guards on the side, thinking that she wanted to seek death, and immediately sent a person to report.

"Your Majesty, Yaoyue Lord wants to seek death." Kneeling in the imperial study room, the imperial guard sent out was still out of breath, but he came running like crazy.

"What?" Su Yize threw away the memorial in his hand, and quickly walked towards the small courtyard where Yang Yue lived. It's only been quiet for a few days?It started again.

"Yang~yue~" Su Yize kicked the door angrily, Yang Yue was startled, and the belt in her hand also slipped off.

"If you want to die, there is no way." Su Yize came to Yangyue in a few steps, picked up the white belt on the ground, and smashed the belt with a palm wind.

"Why are you crazy, why did you break my belt?" Yang Yue looked at the snow-white ground inexplicably.

"You warn you, it's best not to kill me." Su Yize pointed at Yang Yue's nose and cursed, Yang Yue wrinkled her face and made a grimace, when did she want to kill her?
Seeing Yangyue's wrinkled face, pressing her nose hard against her fingers, her firm and pretty nose being squished, Su Yize half lost her anger, and still thought she was cute like this.

He was thinking wildly, poked Yangyue's nose hard, and pushed her away a little bit with Yangyue's nose.

Yangyue felt the pain from being pushed, she stroked her nose and cursed, "Crazy, what are you doing here?"

"You're just insane, why are you looking for death?" Su Yize scolded in disbelief.

"Crazy, when did I want to die?" It's inexplicable.

"You are insane, the Imperial Guard just said that you want to commit suicide"

"Crazy, which ear of the imperial guard heard me say that I wanted to die?" Yang Yue shouted at the throat, and a guard standing outside the door rushed in and fell on the ground to report.

"Go back, go back to the master, I heard it with both ears"

Yang Yue rolled her big eyes, speechless.

"Crazy, did you hear that? He heard it with both ears." Su Yize pointed at his ears and smiled provocatively at Yang Yue.

"A group of psychopaths." Yang Yue curled her lips and didn't bother to pay attention to them, and walked towards the carved bed on her own. She felt that the belt made her stomach uncomfortable, so she took off the belt. A group of psychopaths can really distort the facts.

"What are you going for?"

"Sleep..." Yang Yue rolled onto the bed angrily, turned her back to Su Yize and stopped talking.

Su Yize came to the bed and looked around, then softened his voice, "Don't think about suicide in the future, and give birth to the child properly"

Yang Yue closed her eyes and ignored him.

Su Yize pursed her perfect thin lips, pulled the quilt to cover Yang Yue, and left the room softly, closing the door very softly.

(End of this chapter)

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