Chapter 6

With no one to harass her, and someone to serve her with delicious food and drinks, Yang Yue's life is quite leisurely, and when she is free, she naturally plans to plan her escape route.

This morning, he ran to the gate and left a code word, and his hidden guards should have seen it.The prince's mansion is very guarded, Yang Yue didn't bring the hidden guards in for safety's sake, Ye Lan was captured and now it's not clear where he is being held, the dark guards have to check first.

"Crown Concubine, the Crown Prince invites you to have lunch together in the Palace of Drinks" A eunuch came to deliver a message for Su Yize.

Yang Yue responded, "Yes, I see."

Yang Yue, who didn't dress up specially and didn't use a mask to show others, took off her gorgeous cheongsam and changed to a plain shirt. Her temperament became completely different. It can be said that Yaoyue and Yangyue are two extremes among women. , a pure beauty, Yang Yue sometimes suspects that she is a little schizophrenic.

When they came to the Drinking Pavilion, Su Yize had already sat upright, and the dishes had already been served, so Yang Yue could do with Su Yize.

"Sit down." It was neither hot nor cold, after Yang Yue sat down, Su Yize didn't say anything, and just ate by herself.

The married life of the royal family was strangely indifferent, this was what Yang Yue thought at the time.

Not long after eating, Su Yize was probably full. He put down his chopsticks, and the maid behind him immediately handed over a handkerchief. Su Yize wiped his mouth before asking, "Do you want to see Ye Lan?"

Yang Yue paused with her hand holding the chopsticks, she wasn't surprised, she was just full of doubts, Su Yize would be so nice and let her go to see her adulterer?
"He hasn't had a drop of water or a grain of rice in three days..." Su Yize seemed to be saying plainly, but his words seemed to be filled with unstoppable concern, which made people more confused. Which man is better? To care about the man who committed adultery with his wife on their wedding night.

"Where is he?" Yang Yue frowned and looked at the sadness in Su Yize's eyes, even if it was a little bit, her psychology was still indescribably complicated, this look was too similar to how Ye Lan looked at herself!
There was no more conversation, Su Yize got up and walked out, followed by Yang Yue.

Passing through large and small courtyards, and passing through a small garden, Fuliu Pavilion is located at the end of the Prince's Mansion, with more than a dozen guards guarding the door.

Entering the pavilion, there is a faint smell of lacquer. The carvings on the doors and windows are meticulous, and the colors of birds, fish and insects on the eaves are so gorgeous that they seem real rather than paintings. stone.

"Didn't you tell me to take me to see Ye Lan? Why are you here?" Yang Yue couldn't help asking, this courtyard is more luxurious than the one where the crown princess lives. Could it be that this is a prison cell, and the crown prince is too extravagant to be perverted? Come on!
Su Yize didn't answer, and walked straight into the middle room.

The door opened, Yangyue paused when she stepped into the room, wasn't it Ye Lan who was lying on the unbelievably big bed on the left?Two chains fastened to the head of the bed entangled his hands and raised his head above his head. His feet were also tied by the two chains at the end of the bed respectively. His body was covered with a thin quilt, and half of his two white and slender legs were exposed outside. It looked like he was completely naked.

Quickly running to the bed, Yang Yue saw clearly that there were many large and small tooth marks and red marks on Ye Lan's body, her mouth was also bitten open, and there was still some blood on the corner of her mouth. Wrinkled, it seems that he slept very restlessly.

Yang Yue's eyes widened, these are obviously the traces of the aftermath of love, I can't believe it, Su Yize is a pervert, and this method is used to punish the adulterer.

Turning her face away, Yang Yue's gloomy smile raged on her lips.

"You are so good, I really admire you, I admire you so much." The latter words were gritted, and after finishing speaking, she gave Su Yize a thumbs up ironically.

Su Yize still didn't respond, and ordered his servants to bring a bowl of porridge.

"Feed him something," he said and walked out of the room, and added another sentence at the door, "Don't try to take him away, I will strengthen the guards."

Looking at Ye Lan sleeping soundly on the bed, Yang Yue frowned. Su Yize didn't punish herself, but punished Ye Lan in this way. Could it be that he took a fancy to Ye Lan and used himself to set up a trap to attract Ye Lan? Taking the bait, he is imprisoning him by his side, turning him into a favorite.

Gently wiped away the blood residue from the corner of Ye Lan's mouth, the pain made Ye Lan wake up leisurely, her eyes wide open, she was terrified for a moment when she didn't see things clearly, after she saw Yangyue clearly, Ye Lan hurriedly turned her face inward , he didn't want Yang Yue to see such a sloppy self.

"Let's have something to eat." Yang Yue gently held Ye Lan's head and turned to her side, picked up the porridge brought by the maid just now, scooped up a spoon and blew it, and put it in her mouth twice to try it. Test the temperature and send it to Ye Lan's mouth if it is not hot.

Ye Lan lowered her eyes and drank the porridge quietly, neither of them spoke, the silence was so heartbreaking.

"Do you want to eat something?" After drinking a bowl, Yang Yue finally found something to say.

Ye Lan shook her head, she hadn't eaten for a few days, and now she felt her stomach burning uncomfortably.

The silence continued until the brilliant red in the sky gradually turned into darkness.

When Su Yize pushed open the door, Yang Yue and Ye Lan were looking at each other without saying a word, just looking at each other quietly like this, the atmosphere in the middle made him very uncomfortable.

"You can go." Leng Qing said to Yang Yue, and looked at Ye Lan with gentle eyes.

Yang Yue stood up and was about to leave, but her hand was pulled. Ye Lan bent over sideways with great difficulty, and tightly held Yang Yue with her bound hands, not letting her leave.

"I'll come again, dear." Yang Yue bent down and kissed Ye Lan's forehead. She will come again. When she comes here again, they will leave.

With a cold face, Su Yize threw Yang Yue away, with such force that Yang Yue fell to the ground.

"Bastard, don't hurt her!" Ye Lan shouted, looking at Yang Yue who was slowly getting up with distress.

"You are the one, don't look at her!" Su Yize angrily kissed Ye Lan's next curse, Ye Lan struggled desperately, Yang Yue turned her head away, not looking at the two people on the bed, and quickly left the room, behind her It was the chaotic "ding dong" sound made by Ye Lan pulling the chain.

I used to like to say that I want to marry Ye Lan, but if I say the same thing too much, it will become a curse, and then it will become a reality. On the way back, Yang Yue slapped her mouth hard, thinking, this will Can't break the curse?

(End of this chapter)

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