Super Seminary's Galaxy Wings

Chapter 91 Eighty-Nine New Maps

Chapter 91 Eighty-Nine New Maps

The forest in spring is full of vitality, and all kinds of small animals are happily running, foraging, playing, and mating under the shade of the trees.

In the beautiful Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, there are not only terraced fields reclaimed by hardworking people, but also untouched virgin forests. This is a gift from nature and one of the few living places left by humans for wild animals.

In all the stories with forests, the tiger is the unrepentant king of the forest, and this place is no exception, and the donkey is the well-deserved king here.

He is a strong, adult, male South China tiger, stretching more than ten feet long and reaching a height of seven feet. His stalls are located in this area for hundreds of miles, since he defeated this mountain in a struggle for power. After taking office as Overlord Black and White Bear.

No beings living here dare to disobey him anymore. He eats meat whenever he wants, sleeps when he wants to sleep, and no life dares to tease his beard.

But today is different.

Being in the tropics, there is no cool time. It can only get hotter day by day. Almost no small animals will come out at noon. Donkey is no exception. He usually likes to go to the stream on the mountainside to take a shower and then go to the nearest Find a smooth rock to sleep on.

But since those two big hairless monkeys appeared, everything changed. His favorite molar stone was taken away, his cave was also occupied, and the worst thing was that the monkey robbed his Not to mention the territory, but he still has his hands on his shiny fur all day long. He can't resist yet, because if he is not careful, he will be slapped.

He hates it!He thought to himself why is he so greedy, there are so many fat girls' prey waiting for him to be pampered, why did he come to taste what these two big monkeys are like?
He still remembered that it was a cloudy day, on a foggy morning, a big female monkey with big white wings fell from the sky and landed in front of his house, looking as if he had fallen to his death.

He, donkey, has roamed the mountains and forests for more than ten years, and has managed the entire donkey mountain in an orderly manner. He believes that this is probably a gift from heaven to him, so he went back to the cave with this big monkey in his mouth confidently.

He has never read a book, otherwise he would have chanted a sentence: This monkey is a gift from God, a donkey from God, officials can't take it, people can't take it.

But it's not too far away. This monkey looks hairless, but it has a very beautiful thing on its skin, just like what he met when he was mating with the pretty Axiang from the next mountain last year at the foot of the mountain. Like the crocodile, it has a hard shell.

But who is he?He is the king of Donkey Mountain!How could such a small matter be so hard to get him?

So he avoided the hard shell and bit the two legs that were not hidden in the shell.

To his surprise, this leg was slippery and soft when licked, but it was like a stone when bitten down, and it couldn't be bitten, and it took a whole morning to bite the skin without breaking it.

Just as he was disappointed, another big monkey suddenly fell to his door, but it was different from the one that fell to death, this one was alive and kicking.

Watching the monkey rush straight into his house, and run to the side of the monkey he brought back, without even looking at him.

This feeling of being ignored made him feel that his dignity had been violated.

And as the king of Alu Mountain, if you offend the dignity of the king, you must pay with blood, and this monkey's hair is shorter than the one that was brought back, and there is no shell on its body. The most important thing is that its back is facing him now. More than ten years of hunting experience told him that as long as he pounced on it, the monkey would be dead.

He thought so and did so.

He let out a loud roar, and the roar reverberated in the cave, deafening. This is his experience of more than ten years. Before hunting, he touches the prey and then roars. At this time, many of his prey will be paralyzed by fright, or even scared on the spot. There have been deaths, this is the experience of defeating the enemy, if he was not sure about facing a big monkey, he would have jumped on it long ago.

Sure enough, the big monkey stood motionless with its back turned to him, and it was really frightened out of its wits!
Donkey Fighting Monkey also tried his best. He will not relax himself because of the simplicity of the prey. This is also a talk from experience. He still remembers that when he was three years old, he wanted to play with the prey once, but was run away , that time he was hungry for three days.

After roaring, he jumped on the big monkey before he could react, and bit his slender and tender neck fiercely, depending on the thickness of the monkey's neck, he could easily Bite off, this is the confidence of his king of the forest.

Then he became what he is now. He didn't even know what happened at that time, because the monkey slapped him, and his eyes went dark and he passed out.

And when he woke up again, everything he had was not his anymore, not even himself, he could only lie on the ground in resignation, let two big monkeys take off their shells on his smooth fur For mating, he can't move yet, because if he moves, he will be beaten. If it weren't for that big male monkey who gave him an unidentifiable animal but made him feel that it was very good for him, he would have eaten it long ago. If he ran away, he didn't stay because he couldn't beat him.

"Zhi Xin, are you awake?"

Seeing the five-hundred-year-old girl in her arms open her eyes, Lin Xiao said in surprise.

"Lin Xiao?" Looking at the face of the person in front of him, Zhi Xin couldn't believe it, "We escaped? How did you do it?"

"No, actually we were exiled." Lin Xiao's face was a bit grim. He didn't know how high the upper limit of that robot's combat power was, but he was exiled, and Zhi Xin was also exiled, without the protection of high-level combat power He really didn't dare to imagine what would happen to those hundreds of people.


Zhi Xinhui was thinking about the scene before he lost consciousness, and suddenly felt that the touch of his body was not right. When he looked down, his face flushed with shame: "Ahh! Where are my clothes! Why are you naked too!"

"Ahem!" Lin Xiao turned his head away in embarrassment, but his arms were still firmly around her to prevent her from running away, "Well, you said before that if you want to recover from your injuries, you have to mate with me or something."

Zhi Xin suddenly realized, and then nodded solemnly: "Understood! Thank you!"

Lin Xiao was so choked that he couldn't speak: "Well, didn't you say that you are my wife? Should we say thank you between husband and wife?"

Zhi Xin's face became rosy again, and she whispered: "I was in a coma before, and I haven't experienced it yet."

"What?" Lin Xiao doubted his ears, what did he hear just now?

Zhi Xin blushed and repeated what she said just now, this time she heard it, and seeing Lin Xiao's smirk, she was so ashamed that she put her head deep into his arms and didn't want to come out, followed Lin Xiao to turn over Lying down on the donkey's belly, the cave exudes the breath of spring again.

(End of this chapter)

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