New Wagang

Chapter 160 Exploring Jialiu Tower

Chapter 160 Exploring Jialiu Tower
The total number of Wang bars is [-] silver coins.

Qin Qiong paid [-] for his crimes of collecting robbers in the past, and the remaining [-] were apportioned among the arresters. The arrestees' share will be deducted from the money.

In this way, the arrests will be for nothing for several years.

"Go and see!" Fan Hu agreed as soon as he heard it, and the two looked at Qin Qiong together, Qin Qiong was a little thoughtful.

In the past, Jia Runfu was filial piety in the usual collection. It seems inappropriate to take him now, but if I don't go, my brother will not ask me.

Fan Hu is a bold and careful person, Xu guessed Qin Qiong's concerns, and immediately said: "Let's go and have a look first, if it's not sure, then again, if it's true, Chen Da Niujin has nothing to do with shopkeeper Jia."

Qin Qiong saw that it was only then that she stood up and left with the two of them.

In fact, Qin Qiong also has a plan. If he really takes the 7000 taels of silver that Er Kou himself paid for his crimes, he can get it back. At that time, he will make more money to thank the general manager for his kindness. River work.

This is not in vain to let brother Yuwen take care of his feelings.

The location of Jialiu Tower is rather unique. There is a small stream in front of the building, and two simple bamboo bridges are built to reach the main street. To enter Jialiu Tower, you have to cross the bamboo bridge first.

The three of them arrived across the main street in front of Jialiu Tower, and they were discussing in low voices at the entrance of the side street. Na Yuwenba, Shan Xiongxin, Wang Junkuo, You Junda, and Jia Runfu were having tea and gossiping on the broad terrace upstairs.

Qin's mother's birthday is tomorrow, which is also the reason why Shan Xiongxin is not in a hurry when he arrives in Licheng and chooses to live temporarily in Nayisang Village. One is to wait for the gathering of heroes from all walks of life, and the other is to worry that there will be too many people and something will go wrong.

But he didn't expect the shopkeeper of Jia Liulou to be so enthusiastic.

Jia Runfu was also very excited at this time.

my darling.

Who are the people who are sitting with me drinking tea right now?

There are five roads on the green forest road and three straight roads. Oh no, Shaohua Mountain has invested in Wagang. The first and second masters of Shaohua Mountain are respectively in charge of the two roads of South Road and West Road. They are equivalent to the masters of this Wagang. One person leads two ways alone!
Jia Runfu couldn't help but glance at Yu Wenba again while drinking tea.

Another glance at Shan Xiongxin, this is the leader of the green forest in nine provinces, never thought that there would be such a peak moment in his life!
Jia Runfu, who has been walking on the green forest road since he was a child, almost regarded Shan Xiongxin as an idol in his life, and devoted himself to entertaining the heroes, and never stopped drinking and eating.

Originally, he planned to invite some singing and dancing, but was stopped by Shan Xiongxin, who bluntly said that they are all from Menglang, don't make trouble, and Jia Runfu dismissed the idea.

Shan Xiongxin was also very happy with Jia Runfu, thinking that this kid has a good eye.


Yuwenba seemed to have remembered something, put down his teacup and looked at Shan Xiongxin, and then told about the incident of intercepting Hu Qinqiong to sell a horse at Erxian Village that day, but Shan Xiongxin laughed and waved his hands.

It turned out that when Uncle Wang wrote to Shan Xiongxin that Jin Jiatong Huan was recuperating in Wagang, he mentioned Qin Qiong's horse sale in Shangzhuang by the way.

If Shan Xiongxin was still a little annoyed at that time, he is not at all unhappy now.

Shan Xiongxin is a big man, cherishing talents is a kind of pity for people who are smaller than himself, and for a hero like Yuwenba, Shan Xiongxin is also very happy to be able to make friends with Yuwenba from the bottom of his heart.

Kuang Wang Bodang also mentioned in his heart that he did not know Qin Qiong at that time because of Yuwen Ba.

Only when Wang Sanlang heard the news of his going up the mountain, he wrote to me to excuse his brother Nawagang and my brother Yuwen.

Then Shan Xiongxin would not blame Yuwenba anymore.

However, Yuwenba did not reveal that Qin Qiong had already gone to Wagang, and he also specifically told Wang Bodang and others not to mention it to anyone, because Yuwenba knew very well that Qin Qiong did not just go to Wagang after Mother Qin's birthday. He will enter the army again.

It was also after this that he met Luo Shixin who was called Meng Ben in this life!

Afterwards, he will go to Wagang with Luo Shixin, so don't disturb him before that. As for his own arrival, besides celebrating Mother Qin's birthday and returning the Huang Puma to Qin Qiong, he just took the opportunity to see if he could stay. The next two people who entered Lingyan Pavilion at the beginning.

If this goal can be achieved, I, Yuwenba, will not come to Licheng, Jezhou Prefecture, Shandong in vain this time!
The three of Qin Qiong, Fan Hu and Tang Wanren negotiated and initially decided that Fan Hu and Tang Wanren would enter the building first, and if they find Chen Da Niujin and call Qin Qiong again, if the three of them don't enter together, they will be reserved.

There are many people inside, if they entered together and were caught, there would be no room for change.

Fan Hu Tang Wanren crossed the street towards the wooden bridge, and immediately someone saw him in front of the Jialiu Tower, one of them went inside to report the news, and the other came to welcome them.

As soon as they got off the bamboo bridge to meet the man, they quietly took out a piece of money and put it in Fan Hu's hand. In the past, Fan Hu would have accepted it, but today he dared not accept it, so he pushed the man aside and went straight. Go to the door.

The man hurriedly grabbed it again, and said, "Captain Fan, today is not the past, please be more accommodating with the two captors."

Tang Wanren was also in a hurry, and even believed that there was something abnormal inside. He walked forward a few steps and directly opened the door and raised his foot to step in, but suddenly saw dozens of heroes in the building all staring at him. I didn't expect someone to break into the door. After seeing the arresting clothes, everyone's eyes widened, as if you could tear you apart if you dared to take a step forward.


Tang Wanren swallowed his saliva, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he raised one foot and put it up or down, but fortunately Fan Hu pulled him out of the door.

At this time, Jia Runfu who was upstairs also got the report, and was about to go downstairs to take care of it. Hearing that the two had retreated, he went to the edge of the broad platform and looked out. Instead, he found Qin Qiong hiding across the street.

Jia Runfu didn't know that Qin Qiong also came with Fan Hu and Tang Wanren, and he was calling Qin Qiong's name on the Kuotai, this shouting made Shan Xiongxin feel happy, and hurriedly moved to the side to look around.

You Junda and Wang Junkuo also followed closely, all wanting to take a look at this Shandong Qin Shubao, after all, they came here this time to pay homage to his mother's birthday.

Yuwenba had no choice but to join in.

Qin Qiong was startled when she heard a shout, and when she looked up and saw so many heroes, she felt ashamed and flustered.

There have long been rumors on the road that Shan Xiongxin invited heroes from all over the world to come to Jeju Prefecture to pay homage to his mother's birthday. Now it seems that it is true, but he actually followed the arresters to get the heroes here.

Although I only came here for Chen Da Niujin, it seems that Chen Da Niujin is probably here too.

At this time, Fan Hu and Tang Wanren also walked out of the bamboo bridge and came into the sight of everyone. Jia Runfu saw how upset the two were, but he also greeted them from above.

(End of this chapter)

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