New Wagang

Chapter 286 Zhang Xutuo Wins Again

Chapter 286 Zhang Xutuo Wins Again

Pu Jinsong nodded emphatically upon hearing this.

My heart said that my brother was very thoughtful, why didn't I think of those unexpected situations on the road, and if it was a three-day trip, it would naturally be arranged in advance, Tao Langzhi didn't go on the road alone, so it must be arranged on the first day Arriving at Ningling County three nights ago, it will naturally be about You hour when passing through Qingshigang.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yaojin understood, and after making an agreement, everyone went to rest.

The night passed quickly.

After eating in the morning, Pu Jinsong stayed in the room, while Yuwenba Cheng Yaojin and Youniu went downstairs and sat at a table near the window in the lobby.

The reason why I don’t eat in the room, where there are so many people in the lobby, is to get some information. After all, in such a troubled world, things happen every day, and for Pu Jinsong, there is no need to worry about his own breakfast at all. They will think of a way, the four of them don't come downstairs together because they don't want to attract people's attention, and the three of them are in the open and the other in the dark.

There were quite a lot of people in the inn. The three of Yuwenba came down early, and halfway through the meal, the lobby was full of people from all over the world. It's really a place where fish and dragons are mixed up.

Also, in such a troubled world, the inn is naturally the most chaotic place.

The three of them ate nonchalantly, listening to all kinds of chatter in their ears, and the most eye-catching thing was to hear the situation of Zhang Xutuo. After Zhu A defeated Lu Mingyue, Zhang Xutuo feigned defeat and escaped Qin Qiong and Luo Shixin stayed behind and set up an ambush among the reeds on the roadside. After Lu Mingyue led his army to chase Zhang Xutuo, the two of them took 2000 troops to attack Lu Mingyue's army camp, burned 37 camps and killed nearly a thousand enemies. Mingyue had no choice but to return to the army to rescue food and grass, Zhang Xutuo took the opportunity to chase after the rear team as a forward, then Qin Qiong Luo Shixin turned around and came to double-team Lu Mingyue's army, and finally defeated Lu Mingyue, and Lu Mingyue also narrowly escaped. With hundreds of cavalry rushing out of the encirclement, their whereabouts are unknown.

At this time, the official in the inn went to Zhang Xutuo's barracks in person according to Emperor Yang's order, and asked the painter to bring his portrait back to the court. Emperor Yang wanted to show Zhang Xutuo's portrait to every minister in the court. , and want to reward Zhang Xutuo and Luo Shixin three people from all over the world.

However, Yuwenba was very clear about what happened later, and Zhang Xutuo became a celebrity in the eyes of the emperor because of this, but Qin Qiong was told by Yu Wenhua and his calculations that the emperor had betrayed the backer king, and for a while The emperor was in a dilemma.

Therefore, he specially asked the backer Wang to enter Chang'an for interrogation. After learning that Qin Qiong was indeed the Thirteenth Taibao and committed the crime of earning money out of Tongguan to save Cheng Yaojin and You Junda from robbing the king's bar, Emperor Yang was also a little entangled.

He has always loved the hero Emperor Yangdi very much, especially this time Zhang Xutuo praised Qin Qiong in the memorial to ask for merit, and bluntly said that if it was not for Qin Qiong's merit, he would not be able to win against Lu Mingyue at all, and there are all kinds of past events. Qin Qiong's achievements were all reported to the emperor by taking this opportunity.

Emperor Yangdi was overjoyed at that time, he didn't expect to have such a general in his court, but after Yu Wenhua and reported the situation, Emperor Yangdi became entangled.

Reward it, reuse it, once rebelled against the court, what if he rebelled again in the future?

If you don’t reward it, all the lieutenants and soldiers will watch it helplessly, and Zhang Xutuo asked for credit for Qin Qiong in the memorial. Of course he loves Qin Qiong. It’s fine if he doesn’t reward Qin Qiong himself. In his heart, Emperor Yang really couldn't bear it.

The most effective generals in the Sui Dynasty today are the King of the Mountain, Yang Yichen, and Zhang Xutuo. When I led the army to conquer Liao, the existence of these three people made my rear basically have no worries. , although there are people who pull the flag every year in the rebellion, but I haven't heard of anyone who can do these three people.

Of course, except for the nearest Wagang.

Therefore, Emperor Yang simply handed over the memorial of Zhang Xutuo's request for merit to the backer king after asking the backer king. For this reason, the backer king sent a secret letter to Zhang Xutuo and asked Qin Qiong to come to his Dengzhou army to report everything clearly. Under the circumstances, the backer king wanted to use this to keep Qin Qiong by his side and then be his own Thirteenth Taibao.

It was only later that this secret letter was withheld by the eunuchs around the backer king. Zhang Xutuo failed to hear the instructions from the backer king, but learned about it from the official who went to give his portrait. The backer king did it, so he wrote a new application letter and sent it to the backer king, but was also secretly detained by the Taibao around the backer king.

It wasn't until Zhang Xutuo was ordered by the emperor to attack Wagang that the Taibao sent the letter from the backer king to Zhang Xutuo's military camp. When Zhang Xutuo found out, he was so angry that he wanted Qin Qiong to go to the backer king. He and Wagang did not dare to transfer Qin Qiong away, and Zhang Xutuo also saw through the open and secret fights between the Taibao and the backer king, fearing that Qin Qiong would end badly if he went.

Just when things were at an impasse, Wagang unexpectedly defeated Zhang Xutuo, and Zhang Xutuo died in battle. However, before he died, Zhang Xutuo told Qin Qiong everything, and in the end he had a meaningful Having said that, the imperial court may no longer have a foothold for Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong knew it, and kowtowed in tears to thank the person who had shown him the kindness twice before Zhang Xutuo died. It was also after this battle that Qin Qiong finally went to Wagang with Luo Shixin.

Yuwenba possessed himself and whispered something in You Niu's ear, and You Niu immediately got up and went upstairs to the room. Cheng Yaojin knew what his brother was concerned about, and he had seen such things a long time ago. Like a half-immortal, resourceful and well-planned.

Cheng Yaojin didn't ask, anyway, his elder brother would give instructions when he was needed.

Besides, when Pu Jinsong heard the words from the cow, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother really said that he just asked me to verify it?"

You Niu hurriedly nodded and bowed to Pu Jinsong and said, "Pu Tou Leader, you must be ashamed that I have a cow, how dare my brother's order be a word wrong."

Only then did Pu Jinsong notice that his casual question had caused You Niu great panic, and suddenly felt that he had made a mistake, so he hurriedly bowed his hands to You Niu as an apology, and then You Niu said goodbye. Pu Jinsong let go The door went downstairs to report to Yuwenba.

Pu Jinsong picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, still pondering in his mind, since his brother speculated that the official family had the emperor's order to Zhang Xutuo to attack Wagang, why not just take it out and destroy it, as long as the official family If Zhang Xutuo failed to convey the will, he would not come to fight Wagang if he knew Zhang Xutuo.

(End of this chapter)

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