New Wagang

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
At this time, Zhang Xutuo had also pushed the Chinese army to a position slightly behind the forward. Obviously, Zhang Xutuo was extremely dissatisfied with the speed of the forward advance, so he went to the front to see the situation in person. After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Meifeng also Wei Wei wrinkled again.

Seeing that Shan Xiongxin and Hua Gongyi risked their lives so desperately, why?

You must know that one of these two people is a general from the imperial court and the other is the eldest brother on the Green Forest Road. Fighting with one's life is like being drugged by the Lord of Wagang.

"Yuwen Ba." Zhang Xutuo spit out three words suddenly, which made Qin Qiong on the side slightly startled. When he suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Xutuo, he found Enshuai's obviously depressed face, Evidently, Enshuai was very thoughtful at this moment.

Qin Qiong was also unaware of Wagang's plan to set up an ambush in the dense forest near the Haisi Temple. Qin Qiong's views on the current situation were not different from Zhang Xutuo's. They all believed that Wagang had calculated the wrong route this time and Zhang Xutuo found the space. Swing attacked.

Qin Qiong is more anxious than anyone else about the life and death of the two battalions in Wagangbu, and Shan Xiongxin and Hua Gongyi, who were fighting desperately after the breakup. Qin Qiong also secretly sweated for it. After nearly an hour of pursuit, these two people did not know how many times they repelled the impact.

However, seeing that the number of Wagang troops left behind by the two gradually decreased, Qin Qiong knew that the two of them would eventually be defeated after such a charge and advance for a certain distance. After all, there were too many troops on this side, and so many generals were rotating. However, Shan Xiongxin and Hua Gongyi could only fight hard all the way.

Even if the person is not tired and the horse master is tired, how much can he change by changing horses?

"General Shan, you go first!" Hua Gongyi glanced around, the 1000 troops left behind are now less than [-], if this continues, the entire army may be wiped out in half an hour at most, and he can't take care of it now What's the matter, I can only urge Shan Xiong to channel:
"General Shan, you can hear my words!"

"Shut up for me!" Shan Xiongxin glared at Hua Gongyi after hearing the loud shout: "If you want to withdraw, you must withdraw first. I am the leader of the eight tigers. How can you step down in front of me?" order!"

Hua Gongyi was stunned at first by Shan Xiongxin, but then he showed a wry smile. Hua Gongyi understood that Shan Xiongxin was not really angry with him, but that no one wanted to leave anyone behind at this time.

However, after estimating the time, it is not the time to retreat before the time is up, or else our soldiers and horses have not been hidden in the dense forest and brought Zhang Xutuo's soldiers and horses to Daihai Temple without being discovered Strange, so, the last strength of these hundred or so people was used to buy time for the military division!
While Shan Xiongxin was shouting, the golden nail Zaoyang lance had killed three more people in a row. When he was about to pull out the golden gun head weighing seventy catties from the sergeant's body, Shan Xiongxin felt the pain in his arm for the first time. He couldn't help being numb, and as soon as he slowed down a little, his left calf was slashed. Fortunately, there was a protective boot on the leg and a pendant armor to cover it, but it still broke two inches from the skin and penetrated into the flesh, bleeding immediately.

"General Shan!" Hua Gongyi shouted again, pulled out his sword and threw it into the sergeant's back. At this moment, Shan Xiongxin also regained his composure, and the golden nail Zaoyang lance cut off the sergeant's head. flew out.

"What's the matter, how can General Hua be like a woman!" Shan Xiongxin seemed to be more energetic after being slashed, he only looked down at the injured tube on his calf, and suddenly let out a strange laugh, saying:
"Do you dare to fight against me for a while?"

Hua Gongyi said to Shan Xiongxin that he is a woman, and he is still struggling with it. He said that Hua Gongyi is a dignified, seven-foot man, tall and mighty, with a righteous face, but he only cares about you. However, Hua Gongyi is not a narrow-minded person, and he also knows that Shan Xiongxin's background and other aspects are completely different from those of Shan Xiongxin who has been on the green forest all year round.

But it is enough for Hua Gongyi to be able to hear a different meaning from Shan Xiongxin's words.

Suddenly he heard Shan Xiongxin's words that he wanted to fight back for a while, and he was shocked again, but at this time Shan Xiongxin had turned back to meet Zuo Ben and killed as he himself said, Hua Gongyi was shocked at the moment, and hurriedly shouted : "Boys, if you have the guts to go up with this general, go!"

Following Hua Gongyi's big man, the rest of the hundred or so sergeants seemed to be crazy at this time. None of them retreated.

Zuo Ben, who has been chasing at the forefront, never expected that the Wagang soldiers and horses, which were already at the end of their strength, would still be able to counter-attack, and the sergeants around him certainly did not expect such a situation. I was caught off guard, and my forward momentum couldn't help but stagnate, but the sergeants who were attacking behind had to have a reaction process, and suddenly collided with the sergeants in front. For a while, there were many people in the forward camp who were turned on their backs, a mess, And at this time, apart from Shan Xiong Xinhua's righteous soldiers and horses, the hundred or so Wagang soldiers and horses had also infiltrated, each of them was like a desperado killing one enough to kill two and earning money. Regardless of whether he didn't raise his eyelids or whether there was a spear in front of him stabbing at him or a knife slashing at him, he just kept rushing to kill him!

Previously, the speed of the pursuit was only stopped by Shan Xiong Xinhua's righteous counter-killing, but at this time the soldiers and horses in the vanguard had been killed and retreated one after another, even after Zuo Ben desperately went forward and killed two retreating soldiers, he felt a sense of loss. Powerless, when the sergeant had a wish in his heart and the other two generals had no one to restrain himself for a while, Zuo Ben knew that he was powerless to stop it all.

Just when Zuo Ben felt that something was wrong, it is hard to say whether the situation will be reversed if this continues, but it will be more difficult to organize a fearless attack again. Zuo Ben felt for the first time that the two armies were fighting. One side can take the initiative on the battlefield if it has an absolute advantage in military strength.

I just don’t understand Shan Xiongxin and Hua Gongyi in front of me. What kind of medicine did you take? You didn’t get tired after fighting for so long. I’m so tired like a dog after fighting for a while. You two Fighting from the beginning to now has not stopped, it is made of iron!

"Don't be arrogant, wait until I come to capture you!" With a sharp shout, a big knife approached quietly, and the blade cut straight into Shan Xiongxin's neck, as if he was about to cut off the head of Shan Xiongxin's neck with this knife Ordinary, and the cold blade has not yet been felt on the skin, Shan Xiongxin already felt a chill on his skin, his body froze, and his whole body trembled, and in such a moment, the big knife was infinitely close to Shan Xiongxin's neck , maybe Shan Xiongxin will die without taking a breath.

(End of this chapter)

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