New Wagang

Chapter 5 Rage!

Chapter 5 Rage!

After confirming the seats, Yuwenba looked at Xu Shiji and said:

"Now, please let our second master tell you about the situation of the cottage, so that everyone can have a clear idea of ​​our own cottage."

Yuwenba doesn't want to play tricks in the cloud, although it is such a habit in this era, no matter what the superiors always say to their subordinates, one point and two points are reserved, and they call it: ruling authority, The more mysterious and condescending you look, the more your subordinates will be in awe of you!
Shit!Fear is for sure, but as for respect, that's...hehe.

Yuwenba understands how much this 'bottom' affects a person's psychology. After knowing this bottom, people will instinctively have a sense of steadfastness, and quickly integrate everyone together. Subconsciously, everyone will be conscious or not. I have connected my heart with the cottage, although it is impossible to immediately realize that life is a copycat and death is a copycat ghost, but the effect will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!

Sure enough, as soon as Yuwenba's words fell, Zhai Rang looked up at Xu Shiji, and the twenty soldiers patrolling the city who had just come up to the mountain were also surprised. What is the situation in this cottage, is it worth waiting for others to continue playing with their thighs?

"There are a total of 130 brothers in my village, including six leaders." Xu Shiji glanced at the crowd as he spoke, which meant that there were only six of us, and said again:

"Ten people in the kitchen, 11 wounded, 27 people in the family, and 83 people who are currently able to fight. This is the personnel situation. Next, let's talk about the money and food of the cottage."

Money and food?

Everyone was shocked again.

It has been known since ancient times that money and food belong to the private property of the head of the family. To put it bluntly, whoever is the head of the village will own the money. Ask about money?
Xu Shiji also admired Yuwenba's proposal very much, and couldn't help but glance at Yuwenba again. From Yuwenba's meaning at the time, all the gadgets in the cottage were fake, and it had nothing to do with Yuwenba. He Yuwenba is only a temporary trustee.

From Xu Shiji's eyes, Yuwenba saw a passionate "friend" expression, and couldn't help swallowing secretly...

After Xu Shiji finished speaking, Yuwenba said a few more words, and then began to set up tables to eat meat and drink to celebrate the third and sixth masters and the brothers who had just come up to the mountain. Gradually approaching the end, some drunken men were snoring already lying on the chairs or lying on the ground.

This is the last time that you can drink and eat meat according to your temper, so today you all have had a good drink and a good meal, and from tomorrow onwards, all of you and I, Yuwenba, will have to walk a road ahead of everyone. There is no way to go, all of us can't relax and be lazy on this road, and all of us don't know how far we can go, so today, let's let us finally indulge once.

Yu Wenba raised his drunken eyes and glanced at everyone, closed his eyes, reclined on the seat and fell asleep.

Late at night.

Yuwenba woke up from his sleep with a shiver from the cold night, looked at the hundreds of men lying in a mess in the Juyi Hall, and couldn't help grinning lovingly, he should live like this once in life, big mouth Eating a big bowl of meat and drinking alcohol is so enjoyable even if you die drunk!
The so-called only care about dancing while drunk tonight, don't ask where the drunkenness will be tomorrow, that's what it means.

Yuwenba had just stood up when he heard a low crying sound coming into his ears, Yuwenba frowned slightly, followed the sound and found a few minions who were secretly sighing outside the door of Juyi Hall. The cry came from the mouth of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man.

"Village... Village Lord!" Several people didn't expect to startle Yuwenba, stood up and hurriedly knelt towards Yuwenba, Yuwenba stopped him and said:

"What's the matter? Could it be that he was drunk and went crazy? Hehe."

Yuwenba's eyes fell on the young man, who looked at Yuwenba nervously, until he saw that Yuwenba not only talked to him softly, but even laughed a few times at the end, then the nervousness on his face finally came to an end. It eased up a bit, the corners of the mouth twitched a few times, but in the end they still didn't utter a single word, and an older minion next to him sighed and continued the conversation:
"The day before yesterday, Shanwazi was thinking about his cousin's family suffering, so he asked someone to take the monthly money given by the village to his cousin. Unexpectedly, the person brought the money back yesterday and said that Shanwazi's cousin and his parents were all killed by the village. Lizheng was killed, his cousin was robbed to be a concubine, and the house was burned down in a flash. Yesterday, all the brothers had such a good time drinking and eating meat, Shanwazi suddenly thought of his cousin again, I couldn't hold it back for a moment so I cried aloud, I didn't expect to startle the village master, I hope you don't blame the village master."

"Is there any reason for this? Is there still a king's law!" Yu Wenba punched a small tree with the thickness of an arm beside him, but he didn't expect that the tree would fall in response, and everyone trembled in shock. Thinking that he and others had offended the village master, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed in a hurry.

At this time, many brothers were also awakened by Yuwenba's shout, and moved closer one after another.

"What are you kowtowing for!" Yuwenba helped up a few people, glanced at them and said:

"Did you tell Chief Wang and Chief Duan about this?"

"Things like this happen a lot, I'm used to it, I've said it before, but it's all..."

"Needless to say!" Yu Wenba stretched out his hand to interrupt the words of the senior sergeant, he was used to it, what kind of worldly troubles this is, he didn't care about it before, but from today on, nothing can happen again!Yuwenba breathed out the evil spirit in his chest deeply, and his eyes fell on Shanwazi before he asked again:

"Where is your cousin's house?"

"Beixiao Fanzhuang, Wagangzhai." Shanwazi didn't expect Yuwenba to talk to him so softly, he felt a burst of warmth, no fear in his heart, and finally uttered the words.

Yuwenba's heart moved, he immediately made a plan, looked at Shanwazi and said, "Do you want to avenge your cousin?"

"I can't wait to cut that place into pieces!" Shanwazi's eyes were about to burst into flames, and his teeth were gritted.

"Okay!" Yuwenba patted Shanwazi on the shoulder, turned around and walked to the Juyi Hall. At this time, some people in the Juyi Hall had already lit pine oil torches, and almost everyone had woken up. After asking several people one after another, the Juyi Hall was full of commotion.

Yuwenba called Shangshan Wazi to come to the front and told the story of his cousin again from the beginning, which immediately aroused everyone's indignation, Yuwenba added a few words that were extremely provocative and encouraging, and thought that maybe it hadn't completely dissipated Suddenly, everyone clamored loudly to go to Xiao Fan Zhuang to kill Shan Wazi's cousin there.

"Okay! Tonight we will attack Xiao Fan Zhuang and kill Brother Shanwazi!" Yu Wenba glanced at the excited crowd and said:
"Here, the village master will talk about one more thing. In the future, no matter which brother you are, as long as your family is in trouble, you can ask for help from the village. No matter how far away you are, the village master swears that you will be punished no matter how far away you are!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the soldiers boiled and they were extremely excited. In this cold night, their entire bodies were as hot as a fire!

"Village Master!!!" Shanwazi yelled, his moved eyes were filled with tears, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed...

(End of this chapter)

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