New Wagang

Chapter 501 Luo Cheng asked for orders and was blamed

Chapter 501 Luo Cheng asked for orders and was blamed
"If there is a war, the Dengzhou Army Chain Hammer Battalion is really hard to defend. I think it was Nawagang back then."

"That's right, didn't Yang Lin bring the Chain Hammer Camp with him when he attacked Wagang, why was he defeated by Wagang and captured alive by him?" Luo Yi suddenly seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. After asking the question, Wen Yanbo couldn't give him an answer, because no one knew the specific situation. In fact, Wen Yanbo just wanted to bring up the matter of Wagang to let everyone discuss and study it.

"Who knows how Wagang dealt with Yang Lin's chain and hammer battalion?" Luo Yi glanced at the generals again, but still no one came out, and he couldn't help sighing. At this time, Zhang Gongjin stood up and said: "My lord Maybe you can ask the little prince, after he came back from Licheng, Shandong, he had correspondence with General Qin Qiong, and the disaster near Lizhen was also rescued by King Wagang Xin, and many generals took care of him , maybe the little prince may know the secret."

"Gong Jin's words are justified." Luo Yi turned his head and said to the soldiers: "Hurry up and call the little prince into the account to discuss the matter."

Originally, Luo Cheng was not qualified to participate in military negotiations, and even someone like Zhang Gongjin and Du Yi was not qualified. After all, he was just a small flag officer, and he usually ran errands and gave gifts. Can blend.

After all, this matter is of great importance this time, and Luo Yi was also in a hurry to go to the doctor. Thinking of the strength of the number of people, almost everyone was called together, but Luo Cheng still couldn't be called to discuss the matter, but he didn't think about Zhang Gongjin's suggestion. It fulfilled Luo Cheng's longing for so many years.

When Luo Cheng learned that his father called him into the tent to discuss matters, his heart was filled with ecstasy and excitement. He immediately rushed to the front of the big tent, and then adjusted his bright armor, looking like he might go to battle to kill the enemy at any time Only then did he stride into the big tent with his head held high.

After Luo Cheng met Luo Yi with the gift of a general, Luo Yi waved his hand and asked directly: "Do you know how Wagang dealt with the chain when the hundred thousand Dengzhou soldiers who relied on the mountain king brought the Chain Hammer Battalion to conquer Wagang? From Hammer Camp?"

After Luo Yi asked, his eyes were fixed on Luo Cheng, even the other generals in the big tent were also looking straight at Luo Cheng, with eyes full of anticipation, Luo Cheng's excited expression suddenly faded, and he kept muttering in his heart, thinking he was calling me In order to order the battle, he didn't think he was just asking about it.

However, thinking that this is considered a matter of his own gain, he felt relieved at the moment, and then responded: "I heard from my cousin that it was my cousin who was sworn brother Luo Shixin, Wang Bodang and Wagang Snow Leopard Camp who first sneaked into the backing mountain. Wang Daying attacked the Chain Hammer Camp first, and the Chain Hammer Camp was unable to go to battle in time, so Wagang seized the opportunity and defeated the [-] soldiers and horses of the Backer King in one go."

"I see!" Luo Yi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

In fact, Luo Yi also thought about this point, but he was worried. After all, the Chain Hammer Battalion is Yang Lin's magic weapon to restrain the cavalry, and he must be well protected in normal times. The reason why Luo Yi asked was to hear from Luo Cheng. Other methods, such as any techniques that can directly restrain the Chain Hammer Camp.

But he didn't expect it to be this way of death-defying soldiers. Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, it also strengthened Luo Yi's decision.

"Okay, you can go down." Luo Yi gave Luo Cheng an order indifferently, and turned his head to continue talking, but seeing Luo Cheng standing still, he couldn't help but turned around and was about to speak when Luo Cheng was the first to speak. : "Father, do you want to send troops to rush into the backer king's camp to kill the chain hammer camp?"

Luo Cheng's face was full of excitement, the eyes that looked at Luo Yi when he asked the question were almost shining, although Luo Yi and even all the generals in the big tent could clearly see what he said, and some generals couldn't help but purse their lips and steal laugh.

Du Yi and Zhang Gongjin also looked at each other, and said to themselves, why is this little prince so ignorant, don't even think about it, is it possible that your father will let you go to the chain hammer camp, and you will be foolish there alone.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, so don't ask any more questions!" Luo Yi slightly raised the volume, Luo Cheng was taken aback when he heard it, but just as he was about to speak again, Luo Yi stared and shouted: "In the military tent, what is the matter?" If you dare to disobey the order, step back!"

"Father Commander" Luo Cheng still wanted to argue, Du Yi stepped forward at the right time and pulled Luo Cheng out of the tent, Luo Yi looked at the backs of the two and snorted coldly.

Outside the big tent, Luo Cheng threw away Du Yi and wanted to enter the big tent again, but was stopped by Du Yi again, saying: "Little prince, why don't you think about it, the prince is just a son like you. Camping can be said to be a matter of going and never returning, how could the prince let you go!"

Luo Chengwen couldn't help being startled when he heard that, he suddenly turned his head to stare at Du Yi, and said: "Then the other generals will lose their lives if they go?"

"This..." Du Yi was really taken aback.

Du Yi really said that he was a little uncomfortable with Luo Cheng, who had always viewed and done things in his own way, and felt that since the last time the little prince was almost killed in Lizhen Zuo Tiancheng's temperament was slightly different after he came back from the murder.

Silence and few words are still the same, and there is no impulsiveness to do things like before. It seems that there is a little more precipitation, and he has become more pondering. It is no wonder that he can spit out such a sentence just now.

Du Yi was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized that Luo Cheng in front of him was no longer there. When he looked up, he saw that the big tent was shaking, as if someone had just touched it.

"Oops!" Du Yi was annoyed, and hurriedly chased after him and opened the curtain, and he saw Luo Cheng kneeling in front of the handsome table, and Luo Yi's face was full of anger, and he stared at Du Yi when he saw Du Yi's account, and Du Yi also hurriedly Hastily knelt on the ground.

Wen Yanbo looked up at the frozen father and son and couldn't help but frowned. He stepped out and was about to speak, but was blocked by Luo Cheng who was kneeling on the ground: "Sima don't need to persuade me, I just ask Commander-in-law, how many generals in the sixteen prefectures of Youzhou are stronger than Luo Cheng with spears, sabers and bows, since the Chain Hammer Battalion is bound to be won, then some generals cannot be sent to death in vain!"

"Bold, how can you look down on my Youzhou generals so much!" Luo Yi was furious, but he couldn't bear the real military tactics Luo Cheng, so he yelled angrily: "You have been in the army all year round, and you don't know that in addition to being brave, you have to have a plan No way? Don’t you mean you are invincible if you are unrivaled in the world with swords and guns? You have to have a strategy in everything.”

"The last general has been fighting with Turkic soldiers and horses all the year round, and he has been praised by his father for several strategies. Now why does his father say that the last general has no strategy!" Luo Cheng pouted dissatisfied.

My God.

All the generals in the big tent murmured in their hearts, didn't your father say you are useless, he was afraid that you would die, did he understand it alone?

The generals knew it in their hearts but dared not say it out loud, but some of them had a slightly unsightly look on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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