New Wagang

Chapter 576

Chapter 576
Dou Jiande glanced at Cao Dan, saw that Cao Dan was thinking about something with his head down, and turned to look at Qi Shanxing. Regarding the two, Dou Jiande was slightly biased towards Qi Shanxing, Cao Dan was more professional in military affairs , but Qi Shanxing was obviously much clearer in terms of the overall situation.

"I'm afraid that Yuwenba can already conclude that Li Yuan in Taiyuan will rebel?" Cao Dan finally choked out a sentence.

"The rebellion of the Tang Li family in Taiyuan has been rumored for several years, but it is still unclear." The three people in the big tent are guessing the current situation of Daxin Kingdom, and Li Mi in the Jianghuai area is also examining every step of Daxin Kingdom. develop.

If you want to say which family is more paranoid about the resentment in the hearts of Duo and Daxin Kingdom, there is no one other than Li Mi, just like Dou Jiande or Li Zitong. He had the idea of ​​living to the death, and he had no intention of killing Daxin Kingdom, because he knew that apart from being unable to kill himself, he didn't even want Daxin Kingdom to be killed.

Today the world is in chaos, but the imperial court still has most of the teams that maintain their formations and maintain their combat power. Everyone knows this. As long as the Daxin Kingdom does not fall, then if one day I and others are dealt with by the imperial court, it will be okay Go to Daxin Kingdom, after all, the King Xin of Daxin Kingdom is still a big-hearted existence, at least he won't wait until he can't help him.

Everyone has it. I just hope that the Daxin Kingdom will not develop too strong. In addition, I am somewhat worried that the Daxin National Congress will suddenly turn around and annex all the anti-kings, but this does not seem to happen at this time. thing.

Only Li Mi is happy that Daxin Kingdom will go wrong as soon as possible or be killed by the court, just like the time when Qiu Fu was defeated at Hulao Pass, it made Li Mi happy for a month!

Now Li Mi's power is also growing stronger with the support of Guan Chong, Fang Yanzao, Cui Shishu Xing Yiqi and others. He has almost recovered all the places occupied by Li Zitongdujiang at that time, and furthermore, he is going to unify the entire Jianghuai region. plan.

However, Li Mi did not dare to act recklessly on the Jiangbei side, which was the headquarters of the Jianghuai navy, under the rule of Huer, Li Mi did not dare to provoke him.

When Li Mi thinks that he is afraid to provoke the fertile land in Huaibei, he will think of the powerful navy that suddenly appeared in Daxin Kingdom. Whenever he thinks of the Daxin Kingdom navy, Li Mi can't help scolding Well, a dignified family of Sangong has been tortured by Yuwenba and turned into a resentful woman.

But for Li Mi's hatred for him, Yuwenba hardly knew about it, and he always thought that even if Li Mi hated him, it was nothing more than his fault for not letting him go to Wagang.

However, even if Yuwenba knew about Li Mi's distorted mentality at this time, he would definitely sneer at it. At this time, you, a family of three gentlemen, are no longer the perfect son of a family of three gentlemen in your previous life. up.

Lanzhou Prefecture.

After the Daxin Kingdom captured Fengxiang, the Northern Qin regime sent troops to capture Yuanzhou, Huizhou, and Lingzhou one after another, and sent heavy troops to defend Lingzhou. In addition to preventing the Turks from disturbing Lingzhou, it also focused on preventing Li Yuan from Turkic Detour from Lingzhou to Lanzhou Prefecture.

And Fengxiang's guard is Wang Junkuo, who has long known about Wang Junkuo Di Quxie. This person used to be a leader in the green forest road, and after he went to Wagang, he has been a general of a battle camp. In the battle to capture Weizhou City, it was this person who led the little white dragon, the current Meng Ben and others, and won the battle!

It is not easy for Xiaobailong to be willing to let Xiaobailong, Meng Ben, and the incarnate demon king obey orders. Regarding this, Di Quxie is also very relieved of his direction in Fengxiang, and sent people to Fengxiang to send a lot of property and beauties. Show your sincerity.

Wang Junkuo did not dare to speak lightly about this, and directly reported these things to Yuwenba, and Yuwenba let Wang Junkuo handle it by himself. Immediately, Wang Junkuo took the property and exchanged it for food and other items and returned it to the treasury, while the beauties gave it away accordingly. Those who were originally local tycoons and rich families in the four state capitals were killed.

When those rich men received the gifts from Wang Junkuo, they were all terrified, not knowing what they were going to do, and in the end they gave them all together in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for the whole family.All of a sudden, the treasury was enriched a lot again.

Perhaps when other forces seized the state capital, these big bosses could still be local snakes and big bosses, but they came from the army of the Daxin Kingdom, and everyone knew that the King of Xin was always willing to take care of the poor people, so, one by one In the city, he behaved with his tail tucked between his legs. In normal times, he hardly opened the door to see visitors except to let his servants go out to buy food and daily necessities.

I was afraid that if one day Daxin Kingdom came to the door, it would be over.

Regarding the current situation, Yuwenba is finally planning to make a move. I really appreciate the money you sent me, but the so-called economic activity needs to be sustained.

These big bosses and local snakes have almost all kinds of transactions in and out of the upper, middle and lower levels in their hands, and sometimes they really can't go to the end all at once.

Maybe you don't have the intention to compete with me, but if you keep silent, the economy of the entire state capital will be paralyzed. I, Daxin Kingdom, can overthrow it and reshuffle the cards, but that would be too troublesome, so, Yuwenba decided that as long as they are not evil people, they can let go of the past, as long as everyone cooperates well in the future.

Ever since, Yuwenba's invitations to the four state capitals of Weizhou, Xingzhou, Jianzhou, and Fengxiang were officially sent out, and the place was in Fengxiang's General's Mansion.

"Brother wants to give peace of mind to the common people and merchants in the four prefectures." Wang Junkuo also agreed with Yuwenba's idea.

Yu Wenba nodded, and said: "Wars are actually money. If you don't care after the war, then what's the use of the land won by the war? And if a place is stable, businessmen are extremely important, and the common people farm land. It will not be able to affect the current affairs for a while, but if the businessman stands by and does nothing, it will be a real problem."

Yuwenba doesn't know whether Wang Junkuo understands or understands some things, but he also mentioned them a little bit. After all, these four places will be taken care of by Wang Junkuo. Even if he doesn't understand, at least he has such an idea in his heart. It's also good.

After the invitations were sent out, an undercurrent erupted in the four state capitals. These people flirted with each other, discussed and asked, and they didn't know what Yuwenba wanted to do. They felt the fear of the powerful Daxin Kingdom. This time seems to be a grand banquet.

However, no one dared to say no to the invitation card sent by the Lord of Daxin Kingdom himself. Early in the morning of the day of the banquet, people gathered in front of the General’s Mansion, and there were more than two hundred people in the dark. Under the head, no one made a casual sound, and the scene showed a little solemnity.

(End of this chapter)

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