New Wagang

Chapter 61: A 1-Year Covenant

Chapter 61

Sun Simiao frowned suddenly, couldn't help but look at Yuwenba up and down, and said:
"Could it be that the master of Yuwen village wants to use force to keep Sun?"

"Haha! The genius doctor was joking. Let me ask a fake soldier to see if there is one person that I, Yuwenba, left behind by force?" Yuwenba looked at Sun Simiao's slightly apologetic gaze, waved his hands, and continued:

"Does the genius doctor dare to bet with a certain one?"

"Even if you use some novel diagnosis and treatment methods to make me stay, I will go down the mountain after I learn those methods. Didn't the master of Yuwen Village once say that the word "benevolence" is the word for medicine? Could it be Yuwen Village's turn?" In the Lord's time, he cared so much about himself that he forgot about the world."

"How dare the world forget it." Yuwenba let out a deep breath and said:
"However, genius doctors don't know that the word 'benevolence' is also divided into big and small. If I, Yuwenba, pass on the medical knowledge I have learned to a hundred disciples, even if each disciple can use it to save 1000 people in their lifetime, how much will it be? Only one hundred thousand."

"But if your one hundred disciples pass on to another hundred, how much will it be?"

"The miracle doctor told me, how many years does it take to teach a disciple? Could it be possible to spread the way of medicine by pulling just one person? Besides, how many people in this world have the word 'benevolence' in their hearts like the miracle doctor and Dr. Ge ?”

"This..." Sun Simiao was really stunned.

In fact, since he started studying medicine, Sun Simiao has been thinking like this, one person will spread it to ten people, and ten people will spread it to a hundred people.

And after 31 years of life experience, Sun Simiao also knows that not everyone is the same in the world. There is such a word "benevolence" in his heart, which is more greedy. It is a good deed not to harm others or to harm some people less. Let alone wanting to find someone who is willing to give everything to save the common people.

Moreover, after so many years of traveling, I have met very few people who can really teach medical skills, and some even study medicine for some ulterior purpose, which made Sun Simiao even doubt the path he chose to take at first. Is the way right or wrong?

But in the depths of Sun Simiao's heart, there is still a heart of pity for the common people in the world, that's why he stayed for nearly half a year after meeting Dr. Ge, carefully teaching everything he knew, and then he was able to treat Dr. Yuwenba appreciates it so much!

But Yu Wenba's words completely shattered Sun Simiao's hope that had been buried deep in his heart, and brought this genius doctor back from the idealized yearning to the ruthless reality!

Yuwenba didn't make a sound anymore, just like he aired the leaders in Juyi Hall, he also aired Sun Simiao, let him experience it for himself, no matter what, what he experienced is definitely better than what people say from the side more useful.

"What is great benevolence? What is small benevolence?" Sun Simiao looked at Yuwenba with suspicion and anticipation in his eyes. Yuwenba secretly let out a sigh in his heart. If you have a "benevolent" heart, then I, Yuwenba, will not lose this bet!

"Save one life, Xiaorenye, save ten lives, Xiaorenye, save hundreds of lives, all belong to Xiaorenye." Yuwenba's words made Sun Simiao's brows gradually frown, as if two strands of rope were twisted together. He stared at Yuwenba.

"Saving the common people in the world and saving all people from suffering and fire can be called great benevolence."

"How to save the common people in the world? Doesn't the master of Yuwenzhai want to learn from Zhishilang?" Sun Simiao was startled suddenly, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead, suddenly smiled softly, and said:
"If you really pull up the flag to rebel, there will be dead bones everywhere. Dare I ask if this is the 'benevolent' heart of Yuwen Village Master?"

"Genius doctor, please come back to me. If the appendix in Miss Lei's abdomen has not been cut off, how dare Miss Lei still have her life?" Sun Simiao was taken aback by Yuwenba's words, and Yuwenba continued:
"The whole world is like a sick body. If we don't cut off the bad parts in the body, sooner or later the whole body will get sick and eventually die!"

Sun Simiao's face became more and more solemn. Although he was surprised by Yuwenba's statement, he understood that it was true. If the broken appendix was not cut off, Miss Lei would have passed away long ago, but... ·
"In order to save the whole body, there will inevitably be some price to be paid, just like the appendix, which is also one of the prices." Yu Wenba Chun Chunshan said again:

"But we can't just see the things we lost in front of us. We should see the healthy and safe body in the future. This is our ultimate goal. Brother Sun, are you willing to work with me to achieve this goal? Will Yuwenba and the brothers on this mountain go to realize it together?"

"Do..." Sun Simiao was about to utter the word when he opened his mouth, but suddenly he closed his mouth again, hurriedly covering his beating heart, and let out several deep breaths It was finally calmed down, and he stared at Yuwenba carefully again, Yuwenba remembered that this was the third time Sun Simiao looked at him in this room with such eyes as if he had met him for the first time.

"Even if I believe that you have such a benevolent and kind heart, how can you make me believe that you can do all this?"

"That's right, such things are not easy to talk about, so if Brother Sun can stay, you will see that every day we pass is a step closer to a body that is disease-free and disease-free. !" Yuwenba's words were very sensational, with a kind of crazy agitation, and Sun Simiao's heart was always excited when he heard it.

After all, we are all young people, who hasn't had a dream in their hearts?
Ever had some kind of obsession?
If such a day can really come, why is this not what I want?
"Come on!" Sun Simiao let out a deep breath again, tyrannizing Yuwen with an appearance of making a final decision:
"One year does not mean that you can cure this diseased body within one year, as long as you let me see that you have the hope of finally curing this body within one year, I will agree. You stay!"

"Okay!" Yuwenba finally let go of the stone in his heart. From now on, with the king of medicine in the village, he will have no worries. He immediately bowed to Sun Simiao:
"Let's not say thank you Brother Sun for the common people in the world, but only thank Brother Sun for all the brothers in the village."

"Brother Yuwen, please hurry up!" Sun Simiao no longer called Yuwen Village Master or Yuwen Divine Doctor, but he still didn't want to call him brother, but chose a compromise address. At this moment, Sun Simiao finally He let go of his brows that had been locked all the time. At this moment, he only murmured in his heart:
Let's watch it after a year, I hope you never deceived me.

(End of this chapter)

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