New Wagang

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

On this day, Wang Qing and Duan Da went down the mountain with 500 people each to help Xu Shiji transfer food and grass back to the mountain. These 1000 people plus the 1000 recruited by Xu Shiji and 20 stone grains, I believe that within half a month It can be completely transported back to the mountain.

When the time comes, Bing Yuanzhen will come back with Ling Jing and Zhang Dabao, and Zhai Rang will also bring back the food prepared by Jia Xiong. What will the cottage look like then?
Originally there were 3000 troops, Ling Jing brought back [-], Xu Shiji recruited another [-], which is [-], and now almost all the troops on the mountain have been trained. Time will be enough!

At that time, five thousand elite soldiers will be formed, and it will really be enough to fight Wagang! !

There is no need to think about the food for the time being, but the horses are still pitifully small, and the cottage with 3000 people and horses alone is not enough for [-] horses. It seems that the most urgent thing is to find a way to replenish the horses. Gang does not need cavalry combat.

The corner of Yuwenba's mouth turned up suddenly, if you want a horse, you can go to You Junda, a horse dealer who was born in the green forest, I believe he will be able to get the horse for himself, as for the money, nothing else From Shan Xiongxin's point of view, even if you don't give me a cheap price, you won't kill yourself.

I have to send a letter to Jia Xiong, asking him to go to Wunanzhuang, Shandong immediately, and have a good deal with You Junda. In the future, the convenience will not be exchanged for food, but for horses!

In fact, Yuwenba knew that You Junda was a horse trader who crossed Hebei to the East Turks, and even went straight west to the West Turks to do business. This point can also be reminded to Jia Xiong, let him follow You Junda has more weight in the negotiation process. If You Junda goes too far, I will do it myself!

But I believe that You Junda should not be an existence that only recognizes money but not people, otherwise it is impossible to become a master.

But with horses, you need armor!

Yu Wenba really felt that his head was a bit big, he was really not in charge of the family and didn't know the complicated things, but the horses could still be bought, so how did he get this armor?

Is there any other way than stripping off the official army?
But before fighting Wagang, where is there still time and space to let myself peel off the officers and soldiers?
Weicheng is close, Xu Shiji is also familiar with Weicheng, but if Weicheng is attacked, Xiaodang Mountain will be completely exposed, and it is impossible to attack Wagang. Even if the post is laid down, it will not be able to hold it at that time.

There are blacksmiths on the mountain, but by the time thousands of pieces of armor are produced, it will be the year of the monkey?

But without armor, even if Wagang was defeated, the loss would be very heavy.

I don't know if Jia Xiong has such a method, but he has a lot of connections, no matter who he is, he has to tell him about this matter first, no matter what, he has to know it well.

After arranging these things, Yuwenba began to prepare for his first regularized army.

When it comes to military positions in the Sui Dynasty, Yuwenba really has a headache.

The Sui Dynasty followed and developed the military system of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. The most important feature is that the generals and soldiers are incorporated into the household registration. They work in agriculture in peacetime and serve as soldiers in wartime. This is a wise way to keep pace with the times according to the situation at that time. The Supreme Commander The yamen is the mansion of General Hushi.

But in the period of Yang Guang, things became complicated.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty wanted to be simpler. When he needed soldiers, he would recruit them directly from the people. What was even more outrageous was that the recruited soldiers had to be responsible for the military supplies locally. This is really painful, but for Considering the environment that Emperor Sui Yang was in at that time, it may also be called a helpless move.

The recruiting system is one of the things that Mr. Yang has done well. Just like the imperial examination system he started, the hereditary restrictions on serving as a soldier are removed. Anyone can be a soldier as long as they are 21 years old. You can see that the age of soldiers in later generations is not Ah, he can really be said to be a big kid. You can see that Mr. Yang is still very kind in this regard.

This is also the reason why Zhang Xutuo didn't want Luo Shixin who came to join the army at all. At that time, Luo Shixin was only 14 years old. Although he was physically strong, his face was still a baby.

Later, in order to further consolidate the centralization system, Emperor Yangdi took military power into his hands, and changed Hushi General's Mansion into Yingyang Mansion. The supreme commander was General Yingyang Lang, and the sergeants were also called guards.

The whole country is divided into left and right guards, left and right Wuwei mansions, Wuhou mansions, Jianmen mansions, and leading army mansions, which are called twelve guard mansions in total; these twelve guard mansions command the soldiers of the whole country. People, under the jurisdiction of the Hussar Mansion [General Hussars] and Cheqi Mansion [Generals Commander]; then there are the governors, governors, long history, Sima, recording affairs, meritorious service, warehouses, soldiers, cavalry, and joining the army. , Facao and so on a long list.

Later, some titles such as generals and governors were removed. The left and right guards were changed to the left and right Lingwei mansions, the left and right Wuhou mansions were changed to the left and right Houwei mansions, the left and right leading army mansions became the left and right Tunwei mansions, and the left and right Xiaoqi. The Weifu was promoted to the Sixteenth Weifu...
To be honest, except for the officials who live in the temple, the people in the world can understand very little of these things that the Yang family and his son are doing. Relationships exist to distinguish between big and small. If there is no standard of balance, it will be a title in the eyes of the common people:
My lord!
Therefore, Yuwenba needs to be simple. The simpler the existence, the easier it is for everyone to accept. In such a chaotic era, the people of the world don't know who they should trust or not, and they don't know how to choose.

In fact, one of the fundamental reasons why they don't know how to choose is that they don't understand!
What if you could make it easy for them to understand you?Then subconsciously, compared with other forces, it is easier for them to accept a person they know. This is like making friends. Do you want to be friends with someone you know or a stranger?

So Yuwenba decided that the military ranks of the generals he leads on the mountain must be as simple as possible!
First set up a camp. A battalion has three thousand commanders, one thousand commanders command ten centurions, one centurion controls ten tens commanders, ten commanders and centurion commanders. I believe that everyone will accept and understand it very quickly!
There is a general above the battalion...but it is a bit too hasty to say this now, and judging from the current military strength, even the battalion has to shrink some water to divide it.

The first battalion temporarily has 1000 people, and Zhai Rang, Bing Yuanzhen and himself are each in charge of a battalion. Zhai Rang has to be watched by Ling Jing. It's really a little worrying, after all, attacking Wagang is no better than attacking a cottage.

Bing Yuanzhen Yu Wenba is not worried at all, he is cautious and courageous at the same time, he can be said to be a natural general, when Zhang Xutuo came to attack Wagang, he had a strong army, who are his men?

Qin Qiong, Luo Shixin, Fan Hu, Tang Wanren and other generals, Zhai Rang proposed to abandon Wagang and run away when he heard the news. After defeating Zhang Xutuo and even killing him, Qin Qiong, Luo Shixin and Fan Hu also surrendered to Wagang after this battle!
Many books say that after the 46 friends of Jialiulou got married, they pulled up the uprising flag and went up to Wagang to rebel against the Sui Dynasty. In fact, it was not true. Shan Xiongxin still went back to Erxian Village to be the chief executive of the green forest in nine provinces, Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng Still going back to Shaohua Mountain, as for Luo Cheng, who came from Beiping Mansion to celebrate Qin Shubao's old lady's birthday, a large group of followers came from wherever they came from and went back there.

Qu Tutong, who later joined the 24 heroes of Li Erlingyan Pavilion, joined the army after being sworn brothers, and was also a general of the Sui Dynasty who participated in suppressing peasant uprisings several times. His younger brother Qu Tugai was also raped by Liu Heitai in Luo Yi After his death, he escorted the Luo family's young cai to Wagang to join him.

It was Qin Qiong, Fan Hu, Tang Wanren and Tang Wanyi brothers who also joined Zhang Xutuo's command after they became sworn brothers, and it was through this that they met Luo Shixin, and it was under Zhang Xutuo's command that Qin Qiong really became famous.

To be honest, there is really no special significance for the 46 friends Jia Liulou to become sworn brothers. It is purely because everyone came to Shandong from all over the world to celebrate Qin Qiong’s mother’s birthday. Did they part ways after getting married?

Why should I go?

Yu Wenba breathed a sigh of relief, Bing Yuan really didn't have to worry about himself, that Zhang Dabao could manage a battalion by himself, but he had to be assisted by one person, and the three heroes of Tielan Mountain should be able to return to the mountain within a month or so Well, when the time comes, Ding Tianqing will be appointed as the assistant battalion officer to assist Zhang Dabao, and there should be no problem.

The remaining 1000 people will be used as a reserve army, still under the command of Wang Qing. After Li Chenglong returns to the mountain, he can also serve as a deputy general for Bing Yuanzhen. But there is a position on Huang Tianhu Mountain that has been vacant for him for a long time. It is the scout battalion. The connection between him and Jia Xiongshan up and down the mountain will definitely complement each other!

The number of this scout battalion does not need to be a thousand. At this stage, fifty is enough. After all, more sergeants are needed to go to the actual battle, and they will be expanded after they are in Wagang. At that time, let Huang Tianhu Just choose people from the reserve army by yourself.

Duan Da was in charge of preparing food, supplies, and other backup. As for Xu Shiji, he was naturally a military adviser, who could command and dispatch the troops of each battalion.

What is the most expensive in this era?

For no reason, Yuwenba thought of Uncle Ge's words again, what he lacks most now is talents!
(End of this chapter)

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