New Wagang

Chapter 724

Chapter 724
I still remember that the old man once told himself that the snow leopard battalion attacked and burned the food and grass of the Tangbi army. From the old king's description and what he saw so far, it must be the snow leopard camp!

Well, you Yuwen Ba, on the surface there are not many soldiers and horses in Siming Mountain, but secretly the most elite Snow Leopard Battalion has been transferred here.

Forget it, no matter how elite your Snow Leopard Battalion is, there are only so many people, even if I use human heads to pile up, I will see that all of your soldiers and horses stay here!

"Burn!" Su Dingfang's soldiers and horses had already broken through the last pass in the middle camp, knocked open the gate of the grain and grass circle, and immediately sprayed the kerosene he carried with him. Fire comes.

This flame seemed to have a clone, and then I saw one after another in the darkness, and dozens of flames illuminated the middle camp in an instant.

As the torches were thrown onto the grain and grass frame, the middle camp immediately became a sea of ​​flames, and at this time, Wei Wentong had already charged in front of him, and the two sides fell into a melee!
After the hand-to-hand combat, Wei Wentong finally felt the extraordinaryness of this team of soldiers and horses!

No matter which person I charged towards, I couldn't do it in one blow. You must know that even many famous generals would be amazed by your Qinglong sword, but it is hard to expect that such soldiers will cooperate with each other to charge and kill themselves. Can go through one move and two moves.

And often when he was about to slay the opponent, another sergeant would come out from the slanting stab to rescue him, and after rushing back and forth like this, he was injured a lot, but none of them got a head !

At this moment, Wei Wentong was once again incredulous about the team of soldiers and horses in front of him!

What kind of means did King Xin use?
How did he train such a team of soldiers?
Why are they so unafraid of death, and they still care so much about their comrades in battle?
You must know that in the current world, even the strong soldiers in Dengzhou under the command of the old king are mostly self-serving in the chaotic battle. Everyone will sacrifice their lives to save them!
"Retreat!" Su Dingfang saw that the goal of attacking and burning the grain and grass of the Zhongying had been achieved, and he rushed out from the rear of the Zhongying with his men and horses, but just ran into Wei Kun who was riding his horse.

When Wei Kun was young and energetic, when he saw clearly that the leader of the man who burned his Fangliang grass in front of him turned out to be a person younger than himself, he immediately felt a sense of pride in his heart, and shouted: "Hey, then Will you dare to fight me!"

Before the words were finished, Wei Kun raised his sword and went straight to Su Dingfang. He had the intention of going to a showdown with this leader!
"What's the matter with the first battle!" Su Dingfang knew that he could never retreat at this time.

There are a large number of Wei Wentong's soldiers and horses ahead, and now there is only one way to break through the encirclement behind the middle battalion, even if they die, they have to forge a bloody road from here!

However, Su Dingfang underestimated that Wei Kun!

Wei Wentong has two sons and a daughter. Both sons don't like to practice martial arts, and they don't want to join the army. There is only one daughter who likes to dance knives and guns just like himself. There are many gaps in men, so in the end, they were not cultivated.

Later, Wei Wentong discovered that his nephew Wei Kun had been a military general since he was a child. Therefore, he deliberately cultivated him since he was a child, whether it was swords, guns, swords, halberds, martial arts, or the art of war.

And this Wei Kun has never let Wei Wentong down, no matter what he has learned, he is a little bit and thorough, which can be said to be extremely intelligent, and Wei Wentong loves him a lot.

At that time, there were many cousins ​​and cousins ​​who got married, so Wei Wentong married two children of his brother's family early on.

Now it is only because the woman is still young that the two are not yet married, so Wei Kun still calls Wei Wentong his uncle.

Wei Kun came on a galloping horse this time around, and with the power of the galloping horse, he seemed to be unstoppable, but Su Dingfang and the others abandoned their horses and sneaked into the camp.

Now that Wei Kun is coming with a galloping horse, Su Dingfang is as steady as Mount Tai with his gun in hand. The current situation of the two of them is very different from that when Yuwenba and others rescued Zhai Rang in Weicheng. situation.

"Kun'er is young and has a strong heart." Although Wei Wentong was a little honest about Wei Kun's move to single out Su Dingfang, he stopped his horse and waved his hand. Quickly surrounded the past on both sides.

"When will you wait until you break through?" Su Dingfang turned his head and shouted at the lieutenant general, then roared again and raised his gun to meet Wei Kun!
"Breakthrough!!" The lieutenant general finally stopped hesitating. He knew very well that the purpose of the coach's actions was to attract the attention of the opponent's chief general, so as to give himself and others the best chance.

Wei Wentong, who was chasing after him, had already surrounded him with soldiers and horses. If he didn't break through at this time, he might not be able to get away!
"A team of three is formed, break out to the left!" The lieutenant general then commanded the troops to move quickly to the left, and the sergeants who followed Wei Kun to intercept them immediately came to block them, and they were instantly killed. Under Wei Kun's command, these soldiers who were killed and scattered were unable to organize an effective blockade, so they were quickly opened up!
"What a sharp method!" Wei Wentong bared his teeth as he watched from a distance.

The team of hundreds of soldiers and horses in front of him can be said to have changed Wei Wentong's long-standing impression of breaking out of the battle formation a lot.

Here and there is a breakthrough, it is simply a direct charge, harvest!
However, if you want to get out of this commander's army, you are really thinking too naively.

At this time, Wei Wentong would not let these people in front of him go, besides, Wei Wentong would not dare.

At present, two of the four routes of food and grass have been robbed. If something happens to me on this route, I am afraid that the old man will not be able to explain it. At that time, maybe not only my head will be lost, but Kuner will also be affected by it!

The existence of Wei Wentong is very different from other generals!
Immediately, Wei Wentong quickly adjusted his troops and horses, and the command was determined. After the deputy general led the troops to break through several times in a row, they all ended in failure. At this time, Wei Wentong gradually narrowed the encirclement. Too many, hundreds of people were surrounded by water!
At this time, Wei Kun and Su Dingfang finally had their first confrontation!
Taking advantage of the galloping horse, Wei Kun swung his big knife and slashed towards Su Dingfang at an angle, with the intention of cutting Su Dingfang in two.

Facing such a berserk attack, Su Dingfang didn't dare to take it head-on. When he saw Wei Kun on the horseback swinging the sword, he had already judged its purpose. Now he took the lead to put the spear on the ground, and took advantage of the momentum to jump aside. Avoid the big knife that was cut.

(End of this chapter)

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